


第5章 技巧性基础:5.7 模板模板参数

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5.7 Template Template Parameters

5.7 模板模板参数


It can be useful to allow a template parameter itself to be a class template. Again, our stack class template can be used as an example.


To use a different internal container for stacks, the application programmer has to specify the element type twice. Thus, to specify the type of the internal container, you have to pass the type of the container and the type of its elements again:


Stack<int, std::vector<int>> vStack; // int型stack ,它使用了一个vector

Using template template parameters allows you to declare the Stack class template by specifying the type of the container without respecifying the type of its elements:


Stack<int, std::vector> vStack; // 使用vector的int栈

To do this, you must specify the second template parameter as a template template parameter. In principle, this looks as follows:


template<typename T,
         template<typename Elem> class Cont = std::deque>
class Stack {
    Cont<T> elems; // elements
    void push(T const&); // push element
    void pop(); // pop element
    T const& top() const; // return top element
    bool empty() const { // return whether the stack is empty
        return elems.empty();

The difference is that the second template parameter is declared as being a class template:


template<typename Elem> class Cont;

The default value has changed from std::deque<T> to std::deque. This parameter has to be a class template, which is instantiated for the type that is passed as the first template parameter:


Cont<T> elems;

This use of the first template parameter for the instantiation of the second template parameter is particular to this example. In general, you can instantiate a template template parameter with any type inside a class template.


As usual, instead of typename you could use the keyword class for template parameters. Before C++11, Cont could only be substituted by the name of a class template.


template<typename T, 
         template<class Elem> class Cont = std::deque>
class Stack { //OK

Since C++11, we can also substitute Cont with the name of an alias template, but it wasn’t until C++17 that a corresponding change was made to permit the use of the keyword typename instead of class to declare a template template parameter:


template<typename T,
         template<typename Elem> typename Cont = std::deque>
class Stack { //ERROR before C++17

Those two variants mean exactly the same thing: Using class instead of typename does not prevent us from specifying an alias template as the argument corresponding to the Cont parameter.


Because the template parameter of the template template parameter is not used, it is customary to omit its name (unless it provides useful documentation):


template<typename T, 
         template<typename> class Cont = std::deque>
class Stack {

Member functions must be modified accordingly. Thus, you have to specify the second template parameter as the template template parameter. The same applies to the implementation of the member function. The push() member function, for example, is implemented as follows:


template<typename T, template<typename> class Cont>
void Stack<T,Cont>::push (T const& elem)
    elems.push_back(elem); // append copy of passed elem

Note that while template template parameters are placeholders for class or alias templates, there is no corresponding placeholder for function or variable templates.



Template Template Argument Matching



If you try to use the new version of Stack, you may get an error message saying that the default value std::deque is not compatible with the template template parameter Cont. The problem is that prior to C++17 a template template argument had to be a template with parameters that exactly match the parameters of the template template parameter it substitutes, with some exceptions related to variadic template parameters (see Section 12.3.4 on page 197). Default template arguments of template template arguments were not considered, so that a match couldn’t be achieved by leaving out arguments that have default values (in C++17, default arguments are considered).


The pre-C++17 problem in this example is that the std::deque template of the standard library has more than one parameter: The second parameter (which describes an allocator) has a default value, but prior to C++17 this was not considered when matching std::deque to the Cont parameter.


There is a workaround, however. We can rewrite the class declaration so that the Cont parameter expects containers with two template parameters:


template<typename T,
         template<typename Elem, typename Alloc = std::allocator<Elem>> class Cont = std::deque>
class Stack {
    Cont<T> elems; // elements

Again, we could omit Alloc because it is not used.


The final version of our Stack template (including member templates for assignments of stacks of different element types) now looks as follows:


#include <deque>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>

template<typename T,
         template<typename Elem, typename = std::allocator<Elem>> class Cont = std::deque>
class Stack {
    Cont<T> elems; // elements
    void push(T const&); // push element
    void pop(); // pop element
    T const& top() const; // return top element

    bool empty() const { // return whether the stack is empty
        return elems.empty();

    // assign stack of elements of type T2
    template<typename T2, template<typename Elem2, typename = std::allocator<Elem2>>class Cont2>
    Stack<T, Cont>& operator= (Stack<T2, Cont2> const&);

    // to get access to private members of any Stack with elements of type T2:
    template<typename, template<typename, typename>class> friend class Stack;

template<typename T, template<typename, typename> class Cont>
void Stack<T, Cont>::push(T const& elem)
    elems.push_back(elem); // append copy of passed elem

template<typename T, template<typename, typename> class Cont>
void Stack<T, Cont>::pop()
    elems.pop_back(); // remove last element

template<typename T, template<typename, typename> class Cont>
T const& Stack<T, Cont>::top() const
    return elems.back(); // return copy of last element

template<typename T, template<typename, typename> class Cont>
template<typename T2, template<typename, typename> class Cont2>
Stack<T, Cont>& Stack<T, Cont>::operator= (Stack<T2, Cont2> const& op2)
    elems.clear(); // remove existing elements
    elems.insert(elems.begin(), // insert at the beginning
                 op2.elems.begin(), // all elements from op2

    return *this;

Note again that to get access to all the members of op2 we declare that all other stack instances are friends (omitting the names of the template parameters):


template<typename, template<typename, typename>class>
friend class Stack;

Still, not all standard container templates can be used for Cont parameter. For example, std::array will not work because it includes a nontype template parameter for the array length that has no match in our template template parameter declaration.


The following program uses all features of this final version:


#include "stack9.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
    Stack<int> iStack; // stack of ints
    Stack<float> fStack; // stack of floats

    // manipulate int stack
    std::cout << "iStack.top(): " << iStack.top() << '\n';

    // manipulate float stack:
    std::cout << "fStack.top(): " << fStack.top() << '\n';

    // assign stack of different type and manipulate again
    fStack = iStack;
    std::cout << "fStack.top(): " << fStack.top() << '\n';

    // stack for doubless using a vector as an internal container
    Stack<double, std::vector> vStack;
    std::cout << "vStack.top(): " << vStack.top() << '\n';

    vStack = fStack;
    std::cout << "vStack: ";

    while (!vStack.empty()) {
        std::cout << vStack.top() << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';

The program has the following output:


iStack.top(): 2
fStack.top(): 3.3
fStack.top(): 4.4
vStack.top(): 6.6
vStack: 4.4 2 1

For further discussion and examples of template template parameters, see Section 12.2.3 on page 187, Section 12.3.4 on page 197, and Section 19.2.2 on page 398.



5.8 Summary

5.8 小结


• To access a type name that depends on a template parameter, you have to qualify the name with a leading typename.


• To access members of bases classes that depend on template parameters, you have to qualify the access by this-> or their class name.


• Nested classes and member functions can also be templates. One application is the ability to implement generic operations with internal type conversions.

  嵌套类和成员函数也可以是模板。 一种应用是通过内部类型转换实现通用操作的能力。

• Template versions of constructors or assignment operators don’t replace predefined constructors or assignment operators.


• By using braced initialization or explicitly calling a default constructor, you can ensure that variables and members of templates are initialized with a default value even if they are instantiated with a built-in type.


• You can provide specific templates for raw arrays, which can also be applicable to string literals.


• When passing raw arrays or string literals, arguments decay (perform an array-topointer conversion) during argument deduction if and only if the parameter is not a reference.


• You can define variable templates (since C++14).


• You can also use class templates as template parameters, as template template parameters.


• Template template arguments must usually match their parameters exactly.
