


第1章 函数模板:1.1 初识函数模板

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Chapter 1: Function Templates

第1章 函数模板

This chapter introduces function templates. Function templates are functions that are parameterized so that they represent a family of functions.



1.1 A First Look at Function Templates

1.1 初识函数模板


Function templates provide a functional behavior that can be called for different types. In other words, a function template represents a family of functions. The representation looks a lot like an ordinary function, except that some elements of the function are left undetermined: These elements are parameterized. To illustrate, let’s look at a simple example.



1.1.1 Defining the Template

1.1.1 定义模板


The following is a function template that returns the maximum of two values:


template<typename T>
T max (T a, T b)
    // if b < a then yield a else yield b(如果b<a,返回a否则返回b)
    return b < a ? a : b;

This template definition specifies a family of functions that return the maximum of two values, which are passed as function parameters a and b. The type of these parameters is left open as template parameter T. As seen in this example, template parameters must be announced with syntax of the following form:


template< comma-separated-list-of-parameters >

In our example, the list of parameters is typename T. Note how the < and > tokens are used as brackets; we refer to these as angle brackets. The keyword typename introduces a type parameter. This is by far the most common kind of template parameter in C++ programs, but other parameters are possible, and we discuss them later (see Chapter 3).

在我们这个例子里,参数列表是typename T。可以看到:我们用小于号和大于号来组成参数列表外部的一对括号,并把它们称作尖括号。关键字typename引入了所谓的类型参数T,到目前为止,它是C++程序使用最广泛的模板参数。也可以用其他的一些模板参数,我们将在后面介绍(见第3章)


Here, the type parameter is T. You can use any identifier as a parameter name, but using T is the convention. The type parameter represents an arbitrary type that is determined by the caller when the caller calls the function. You can use any type(fundamental type, class, and so on) as long as it provides the operations that the template uses. In this case, type T has to support operator < because a and b are compared using this operator. Perhaps less obvious from the definition of max() is that values of type T must also be copyable in order to be returned.



For historical reasons, you can also use the keyword class instead of typename to define a type parameter. The keyword typename came relatively late in the evolution of the C++98 standard. Prior to that, the keyword class was the only way to introduce a type parameter, and this remains a valid way to do so.



Hence, the template max() could be defined equivalently as follows:


template<class T>
T max (T a, T b)
    return b < a ? a : b;

Semantically there is no difference in this context. So, even if you use class here, any type may be used for template arguments. However, because this use of class can be misleading (not only class types can be substituted for T), you should prefer the use of typename in this context. However, note that unlike class type declarations, the keyword struct cannot be used in place of typename when declaring type parameters.



1.1.2 Using the Template

1.1.2 使用模板


The following program shows how to use the max() function template:


#include "max1.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    int i = 42;
    std::cout << "max(7,i): " << ::max(7,i) << ’\n’;
    double f1 = 3.4; double f2 = -6.7;
    std::cout << "max(f1,f2): " << ::max(f1,f2) << ’\n’;
    std::string s1 = "mathematics";
    std::string s2 = "math";
    std::cout << "max(s1,s2): " << ::max(s1,s2) << ’\n’;

Inside the program, max() is called three times: once for two ints, once for two doubles, and once for two std::strings. Each time, the maximum is computed. As a result, the program has the following output:


    max(7,i): 42

    max(f1,f2): 3.4

    max(s1,s2): mathematics


Note that each call of the max() template is qualified with ::. This is to ensure that our max() template is found in the global namespace. There is also a std::max() template in the standard library, which under some circumstances may be called or may lead to ambiguity.



Templates aren’t compiled into single entities that can handle any type. Instead, different entities are generated from the template for every type for which the template is used. Thus, max() is compiled for each of these three types. For example, the first call of max()


int i = 42;
… max(7,i) …

uses the function template with int as template parameter T. Thus, it has the semantics of calling the following code:


int max (int a, int b)
    return b < a ? a : b;


The process of replacing template parameters by concrete types is called instantiation. It results in an instance of a template.



Note that the mere use of a function template can trigger such an instantiation process. There is no need for the programmer to request the instantiation separately.



Similarly, the other calls of max() instantiate the max template for double and std::string as if they were declared and implemented individually:


double max (double, double);
std::string max (std::string, std::string);

Note also that void is a valid template argument provided the resulting code is valid. For example:


template<typename T>
T foo(T*)


void* vp = nullptr;
foo(vp); // OK: deduces void(OK:推导为void)

1.1.3 Two-Phase Translation

1.1.3 二阶段翻译


An attempt to instantiate a template for a type that doesn’t support all the operations used within it will result in a compile-time error. For example:


std::complex<float> c1, c2;  // doesn’t provide operator <  (没提供operator<)
: :max(c1,c2); // ERROR at compile time(编译期错误)

Thus, templates are “compiled” in two phases:



1. Without instantiation at definition time, the template code itself is checked for correctness ignoring the template parameters. This includes:


    – Syntax errors are discovered, such as missing semicolons.


   – Using unknown names (type names, function names, …) that don’t depend on template parameters are discovered.


   – Static assertions that don’t depend on template parameters are checked.



2. At instantiation time, the template code is checked (again) to ensure that all code is valid. That is, now especially, all parts that depend on template parameters are double-checked.

For example:



For example:


template<typename T>
void foo(T t)
    undeclared(); // first-phase compile-time error if undeclared() unknown
    undeclared(t); // second-phase compile-time error if undeclared(T) unknown
    static_assert(sizeof(int) > 10, // always fails if sizeof(int)<=10
                     "int too small");
    static_assert(sizeof(T) > 10, //fails if instantiated for T with size <=10
                     "T too small");

The fact that names are checked twice is called two-phase lookup and discussed in detail in Section 14.3.1 on page 249.



Note that some compilers don’t perform the full checks of the first phase.6 So you might not see general problems until the template code is instantiated at least once.



Compiling and Linking



Two-phase translation leads to an important problem in the handling of templates in practice: When a function template is used in a way that triggers its instantiation, a compiler will (at some point) need to see that template’s definition. This breaks the usual compile and link distinction for ordinary functions, when the declaration of a function is sufficient to compile its use. Methods of handling this problem are discussed in Chapter 9. For the moment, let’s take the simplest approach: Implement each template inside a header file.

这给实际中模板处理带来了一个重要的问题: 当以引发模板实例化的方式使用模板时,编译器(在某个时刻)需要检查模板的定义。这不同于普通函数中的编译和链接的区别,因为对于普通函数而言,只要有该函数的声明(即不需要定义),就可以顺利通过编译。我们将在第9章中讨论这个问题的处理方法。目前,让我们采用最简单的方法: 在头文件中实现每个模板。