windows系统调用 进程终止
1 #include "windows.h" 2 #include "iostream" 3 #include "stdio.h" 4 using namespace std; 5 6 static LPCTSTR q_szMutexName="w2kdg.ProcTerm.mutex.Suicide"; 7 8 HANDLE StartClone(){ 9 TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; 10 GetModuleFileName(NULL,szFilename,MAX_PATH); 11 12 TCHAR szCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; 13 sprintf_s(szCmdLine,"\"%s\" \"child\"",szFilename);14 15 STARTUPINFO si; 16 17 ZeroMemory(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&si),sizeof(si)); 18 si.cb=sizeof(si); 19 PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; 20 21 BOOL bCreateOK=CreateProcess( 22 szFilename, 23 szCmdLine, 24 NULL, 25 NULL, 26 FALSE, 27 CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, 28 NULL, 29 NULL, 30 &si, 31 &pi 32 ); 33 34 if(bCreateOK){ 35 CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); 36 CloseHandle(pi.hThread); 37 return pi.hProcess; 38 } 39 40 else return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; 41 } 42 43 void Parent(){ 44 cout<<"Creating the child process and waited child process to quit."<<endl; 45 HANDLE hchild=StartClone(); 46 if(hchild!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 47 { 48 WaitForSingleObject(hchild,INFINITE); 49 cout<<"The child process had quited."<<endl; 50 51 } 52 53 else 54 cout<<"Create child process failed."<<endl; 55 } 56 57 58 void Child(){ 59 cout<<"Child id quiting"<<endl; 60 Sleep(5000); 61 62 } 63 64 int main(int argc,char * argv[]){ 65 if(argc>1&&strcmp(argv[1],"child")==0){ 66 Child(); 67 } 68 else{ 69 Parent(); 70 } 71 return 0; 72 73 }