








Both my parents are doctors. 我的父母都是医生。

Her job is teaching French. 她的工作是教法语。

A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期内造成大量损害。



Smoking is not a good habit. 吸烟是个坏习惯

To study in the United States is my greatest desire. 去米国学习是我最大的愿望

What I said is true. 我说的是真的



The singer and songwriter is dead. 这个歌手兼作曲家死了

The science and technology plays an important part in China. 科学与技术在我国扮演着举足轻重的地位

“War and Peace” is the best book I have ever read. 《战争与和平》是我读过最好的书。


注意:如果由and连接的两个或更多的主语之前有each, every, many a/an, no的时候用主语要用单数名词。Everyboyandgirlin the class works very hard.Eachminuteandsecondis valuable to us.



3、主语是单数, 后面跟有with, along with, together with,besides, as well as, but, except, no less than,rather than, more than, like, including, in addition to 的时候, 谓语动词用单数;主语是负数,谓语动词则用复数

Jack with his family wants to go to China. 杰克和他的家人想去中国。

He, as well as you, is very honest. 他和你非常诚实

No one but I is a student. 只有我一个是学生



4、由some, any, no, every构成的复合代词(sb,sth---)和each, either, neither, one, the other, another, little, a little, much, no one, nothing做主语的时候,谓语动词用单数。

Each of you is cleverer than me. 你们都比我聪明。

Neither student has passed the exam. 没有一个学生通过了考试。

Is anybody here? 有人吗?



5、both, few, a few, several, many以及others修饰主语或自身作主语的时候,谓语动词用复数.

Several friends were invited to the party. 几个朋友被邀请参加聚会

Both books are sold out. 书售馨了



6、all, none, any, some, more和most要是修饰单数名词,谓语动词用单数; 若是修饰复数名词,就用复数动词.

Most of the apple is bad. 这个苹果大部分是坏的。

Most of the apples are bad. 这些苹果大部分是坏的。

None of this money is yours. 没有一分钱是你的

None of the people here are teachers. 这里没有一个人是老师



7、一些名词只有复数形式,如clothes, scissors, trousers, shorts, scales 等, 作主语时谓语用复数形式

The trousers are mine. 这条裤子是我的。



8、a series of,a kind of等与名词构成名词短语作主语时看作单数,谓语动词用单数.

This kind of men is dangerous. 这种人很危险。


如果是多种,谓语动词要用复数。There are many kinds of apples. 有很多种苹果。



half of,the rest of,most of,all of及百分数或分数+of 等后接名词"作主语时,谓语动词形式根据of后的名词而定

Three fourths of the surface of the earth is covered with water.地球表面四分之三为水所覆盖。

Two thirds students in the class are boy. 班上三分之二的学生是男孩。








This news is important for us. 这条消息对我们很重要。

Paris is among the largest cities in the would. 巴黎是世界上最大的城市之一。

Less people are going to university than usual. 现在上大学的人比平时少。



1、形复意单的名词如news,以ics结尾的学科如physics,economics,书名,剧名,报纸名,国名的如The united states等名词作主语是,谓语动词用单数。

The united states is a capitalist country. 美国是资本主义国家

“ The Arabian Nights” is a very interesting book. 一千零一夜是一本非常有趣的书。

The news is about the death of a black man at the hands of police. 这个新闻是关于一个黑人在警察的手里送了命。



2、形单意复的词people(人民), police, cattle(牛群)等作主语,谓语动词用复数.

The police have caught the black man and killed him. 警察抓住了黑人并杀了他。

Our personnel are very highly trained. 我们的员工都训练有素。


3、“the+形容词“ 指一类人谓语动词用复数形式。指单一的人或抽象概念谓语动词用单数。

The young speak English,The old speak Chinese。年轻人说英语,老人说汉语

The new always beats the old. 新的总是胜过旧的



4、单复同形集体名词,如果表示的是整体就用单数动词, 如果表示的是其中的个体就用复数谓语动词。这样的词常见的有family, class, audience, public, team等等.

His family are all singers. 他的家人都是歌手

His family is very large. 他的家族很大



5、若主语的复数名词表示的是”一段时间”, “一笔钱”, “一段距离”, “一个数量”, “一个面积”的时候用单数谓语动词.

Two weeks is to enough for the work. 完成这个工作2周的时间够了

Five thousand dollars is too much. 五千美元很多了

Ten kilometers is too long for me to run. 10千米对我来说太长跑不了



Thirteen plus five equals to eighteen.13加5等于18。







由or,either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also 连接的两个以上主语时,动词和最近的主语一致。

You or he is wrong。你或者他错了。

Neither my brother nor his friends are over 18 years old. 我的弟弟和他的朋友都超过了18岁。

Not only he but also all his family are keen on concerts. 不仅仅是他,而且是他全家人都很热衷于音乐会.


posted @ 2022-09-02 16:10  随遇而安==  阅读(358)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报