

1. 名词/代词+ 现在分词


例 The man lay there, his hands trembling.

So many students being absent, the meeting had to be put off.

His homework having been done, Tom went to sleep.

注:“独立结构”中的being或 having been 有时可以省去,这样就成了无动词分句或过去分词分句。

2. 名词/代词+过去分词


例 The boy lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.

The job not finished, we couldn’t see the film.

Her shirt caught on a nail, she could not move.

后面两个句子也可以看成省略掉了having been,being。如果加上,这两个句子就又变成了现在分词分句。

3. 名词/代词+不定式


例He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food.

These are the first two books, the third one to come out next month.

We shall get together at 7:30, the procession(游行) to start moving at 8 sharp.

4. 名词/代词+名词


例 Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.

He fought the tiger,a stick his only weapon.

5. 名词/代词+形容词短语


例The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside for a while.

I heard that she got injured in the accident, my heart full of sorry.


6. 名词/代词+副词


例 The meeting over, we all went home.

Nobody in, he left a message on the board.

He sat at the table, head down.

7. 名词/代词+介词短语


例 The teacher came in, a book under his arm.

The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand.

Nobody at home, the thief took a lot of things away.

8. with引导的复合结构, 也可以认为是一种独立主格结构

例 A woman got on the bus with a baby around her arms.

The teacher came in with several students following behind.

With a lot of things to deal with, he will have a difficult time.

With the work done, he went out to eat.

He left the office with the lights on.

Mary rushed out of the house with the door open.

posted @ 2022-09-02 15:48  随遇而安==  阅读(76)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报