
  • 站在“过去时间”角度回顾更远的另一个过去
  • 现在完成时参照时间“现在”可以隐含在语境中而不明确地说出来
  • 过去完成时是一个不能独立使用的时态,必须依附于上下文中出现的一般过去时
  • 过去完成时态可以与具体的过去时间状语连用:that morning
  • 表示“延续事件”
I had stayed in America for two years when he moved here
I had learned 1,000 words by the end of last year
We had studied English for six years when we entered college



He had served in the army for ten years;then he retired and married.His children were now at school


  • 表示“重复事件”

  • 例:
    Clint had written three letters by the time she arrived
  • 表示“单一事件”

She had made everything ready before I came
Her baby had fallen asleep when she went into the room


  • 过去完成时的其他意义和用法

    I had intended to watch just one program,but somehow I couldn't make myself switch off the TV.我本来打算只看一个电视节目,可不知怎的,电视打开后我就关不了了
    I had intended to see you, but I was busy.我本打算去看你的,但是我太忙了
    She had hoped that he would come to date her,but he didn't show up.她本来希望他能来约会她,但是他没露面

    2、用于最高级,完全类似现在完成时用法,“It was the + 序数词或最高级 + that”
    It was the third time that someone had interrupted me that night.那是那天晚上我第三次被打断

  • 过去完成时与一般过去时比较

He opened the door and entered,but found nobody.他打开门进去了,但一个人都没看见。
He served in the army for ten years;then retired and married.His children are now at school.他当过10年兵,然后退伍并结了婚。他的孩子现在都在上学。
He had served in the army for ten years;then he retired and married.His children were now at school.他当过10年兵,后来退伍并结了婚。他的孩子当时都在上学
When the singer had sung her song,she sat down.这名歌手唱完歌以后,就坐下了。
若说成:When the singer sang her song,she sat down.

posted @ 2022-08-31 09:28  随遇而安==  阅读(74)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报