
原标题:Turkey Wants to Be Known as ‘Türkiye’

By Jonathan Evans
06 June 2022
The United Nations confirmed earlier this month that it had accepted a request from Turkey to change the country's official name.


Now, its name is "Türkiye."


Stéphane Dujarric is a spokesman for the U.N. secretary general. He said that the change was in effect "from the moment" they received the request letter. The information came from the Turkish news organization Anadolu Agency.

Stéphane Dujarric 是联合国秘书长的发言人。他说,这一改变“从他们收到请求信的那一刻起”就生效了。该信息来自土耳其新闻机构阿纳多卢通讯社。

"Türkiye" is how the country's name is pronounced in Turkish. The move is seen as part of a push by Turkey to separate itself from the turkey bird and some undesirable meanings related with it.


In December, president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered the use of "Türkiye" to better represent Turkish culture and values. The order included a demand that "Made in Türkiye" be used instead of "Made in Turkey" on exported products. Turkish government agencies began using "Türkiye" in official documents.

12 月,总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安 (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) 下令使用“Türkiye”来更好地代表土耳其文化和价值观。该订单要求在出口产品上使用“Türkiye 制造”而不是“Turkey 制造”。土耳其政府机构开始在官方文件中使用“Türkiye”。

Earlier this year, the government released a video as part of its efforts to change its name in English. The video shows visitors from around the world saying "Hello Türkiye" at famous places. Government officials said they began the campaign "to promote more effectively the use of ‘Türkiye' as the country's national and international name on international platforms."

今年早些时候,政府发布了一段视频,作为其改英文名称的一部分。视频显示来自世界各地的游客在著名的地方说“Hello Türkiye”。政府官员表示,他们开始这项运动是为了“更有效地促进在国际平台上使用‘Türkiye’作为该国的国家和国际名称。”

It is not clear whether the name will become widely used internationally. In 2016, the Czech Republic officially registered its shortened name, Czechia. While some international organizations use the name, many still refer to the country as the Czech Republic.

目前尚不清楚该名称是否会在国际上广泛使用。 2016年,捷克共和国正式注册了它的简称,捷克。虽然一些国际组织使用这个名字,但许多人仍然将该国称为捷克共和国。

Turkey's English-language state broadcaster TRT World has started using the name "Türkiye." But sometimes journalists will accidentally say the word "Turkey" as they get used to the change.

土耳其的英语国家广播公司 TRT World 已开始使用“Türkiye”这个名称。但有时记者在习惯这种变化时会不小心说出“Turkey”这个词。

TRT World explained the decision in an article earlier this year. They said that searching for "Turkey" online brings up other results related to the turkey, a large bird native to North America. The network added that in the Cambridge Dictionary, "turkey" is defined as "something that fails badly" or "a stupid or silly person."

TRT World 在今年早些时候的一篇文章中解释了这一决定。他们说,在网上搜索“火鸡”会显示与火鸡相关的其他结果,火鸡是一种原产于北美的大型鸟类。该网络补充说,在剑桥词典中,“火鸡”被定义为“严重失败的东西”或“愚蠢或笨的人”。

TRT World argued that Turks prefer their country to be called "Türkiye," in "keeping with the country's aims of determining how others should identify it."

TRT World 辩称,土耳其人更喜欢将他们的国家称为“Türkiye”,以“符合该国确定其他人应如何识别它的目标”。

I'm Jonathan Evans.

Jonathan Evans adapted this story for Learning English based on a report from the Associated Press.

posted @ 2022-06-07 18:55  我爱英语(52yy)  阅读(271)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报