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" " : ""); this.write(c + "{"); this.lvl++; return } if (/^\s*switch\s/.test(this.getCurrentLine())) { this.switches.push(this.lvl) } var a = this.getCurrentLine(); var e = this.row; var d = /(,)\s*(\w+\s*:\s*function\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*)$/; if (d.test(a)) { this.replaceLine(this.code[e].replace(d, "$1")); this.writeLine(); var b = d.exec(a); this.write(b[2]) } if (/^\s*return\s*/.test(this.code[this.row])) { if (/^\s*return\s+\w+/.test(this.code[this.row])) { this.writeLine() } else { if (this.prevChar != " ") { this.write(" ") } } this.write("{"); this.writeLine(); this.lvl++; return } if (/function\s*/.test(this.code[this.row]) || this.isBlockBig()) { this.writeLine() } else { if (this.prevChar != " " && this.prevChar != "\n" && this.prevChar != "(") { this.write(" ") } } this.write("{"); this.lvl++; if ("{" != f) { this.writeLine() } }; this.isBlockBig = function () { var b = this.i + 1; var d = 0; var e = 0; var a = 0; while (b < this.len - 1) { b++; var f = this.s.charAt(b); if (/\s/.test(f)) { continue } if ("}" == f && e == a) { break } if ("{" == f) { e++ } if ("}" == f) { a++ } d++; 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i < this.code.length; i++) { var a = this.orig_code[this.orig_row]; if (0 == i && a.length) { if (a.substr(a.length - 1, 1) != " ") { this.orig_code[this.orig_row] += " " } this.orig_code[this.orig_row] += this.code[i].trim() } else { this.orig_code[this.orig_row + i] = this.code[i]; } } }; this.fixSub = function (d) { if (this.sub) { return } if ("{" == this.nextNonWhite(this.i)) { return } var l = this.nextWord(); this.orig_i = this.i; this.orig_lvl = this.lvl; this.orig_code = this.code; this.orig_row = this.row; this.orig_switches = this.switches; this.sub = true; this.code = [""]; this.prevChar = ""; this.row = 0; this.switches = []; this.isAssign = false; this.i++; var k = 0; var h = 0; var g = 0; if ("else if" == d) { var e = false } var m = false; var b = false; var j = false; while (!m && this.i < this.len) { var f = this.s.charAt(this.i); this.charInit(); switch (f) { case "{": k++; break; case "}": k--; if (0 == k && 0 == h && 0 == g && this.lvl - 1 == this.orig_lvl) { var a = this.nextWord(); 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var b = this.i; while (b < this.len - 1) { b++; var d = this.s.charAt(b); if (!/^\s+$/.test(d)) { a += d; if (a.length == e) { return a; } } } return false; }; this.goNextManyNW = function (e) { var a = ""; var b = this.i; while (b < this.len - 1) { b++; var d = this.s.charAt(b); if (!/^\s+$/.test(d)) { a += d; if (a == e) { this.i = b; this.charInit(); return true } if (a.length >= e.length) { return false; } } } return false; }; this.nextNonWhite = function (a) { while (a < this.len - 1) { a++; var b = this.s.charAt(a); if (!/^\s+$/.test(b)) { return b; } } return false; }; this.prevNonWhite = function (a) { while (a > 0) { a--; var b = this.s.charAt(a); if (!/^\s+$/.test(b)) { return b; } } return false; }; this.goNextNonWhite = function () { var a = this.i; while (a < this.len - 1) { a++; var b = this.s.charAt(a); if (!/^\s+$/.test(b)) { this.i = a; this.charInit(); return true; } } return false; }; this.colon = function () { var a = this.getCurrentLine(); if (/^\s*case\s/.test(a) ||/^\s*default$/.test(a)) { this.write(":"); this.writeLine() } else { this.symbol2(":") } }; this.isStart = function () { return this.getCurrentLine().length === 0; }; this.backLine = function () { if (!this.isStart) { throw "backLine() may be called only at the start of the line" } this.code.length = this.code.length - 1; this.row-- }; this.semicolon = function () { this.isAssign = false; if (this.isStart()) { this.backLine() } this.write(";"); if (/^\s*for\s/.test(this.getCurrentLine())) { this.write(" ") } else { this.writeLine() } }; this.quotation = function (a) { this.checkKeyword(); var b = false; this.write(a); while (this.i < this.len - 1) { this.i++; var d = this.s.charAt(this.i); if ("\\" == d) { b = (b ? false : true) } this.write(d); if (d == a) { if (!b) { break } } if ("\\" != d) { b = false; } } }; this.lineComment = function () { this.write("//"); this.i++; while (this.i < this.len - 1) { this.i++; var a = this.s.charAt(this.i); if ("\n" == a) { this.writeLine(); break } this.write(a) } }; this.comment = function () { this.write("/*"); this.i++; var b = ""; var a = ""; while (this.i < this.len - 1) { this.i++; a = b; b = this.s.charAt(this.i); if (" " == b || "\t" == b || "\n" == b) { if (" " == b) { if (this.getCurrentLine().length > 100) { this.writeLine() } else { this.write(" ", true) } } else { if ("\t" == b) { this.write(" ", true) } else { if ("\n" == b) { this.writeLine() } } } } else { this.write(b, true) } if ("/" == b && "*" == a) { break } } this.writeLine() }; this.slash = function () { var f = this.i - 1; var j = this.s.charAt(f); for (f = this.i - 1; f >= 0; f--) { var e = this.s.charAt(f); if (" " == e || "\t" == e) { continue } j = this.s.charAt(f); break } var l = /^\w+$/.test(j) || "]" == j || ")" == j; var k = ("*" == this.prevChar); if (l || k) { if (l) { if ("=" == this.nextChar) { var m = this.prevChar == " " ? "" : " "; this.write(m + "/") } else { this.write(" / ") } } else { if (k) { this.write("/ ") } } } else { if (")" == this.prevChar) { this.write(" / ") } else { var g = ""; if ("=" == this.prevChar || ":" == this.prevChar) { g += " /" } else { g += "/" } var d = false; while (this.i < this.len - 1) { this.i++; var h = this.s.charAt(this.i); if ("\\" == h) { d = (d ? false : true) } g += h; if ("/" == h) { if (!d) { break } } if ("\\" != h) { d = false; } } this.write(g) } } }; this.comma = function () { this.write(", "); var a = this.getCurrentLine(); if (a.replace(" ", "").length > 100) { this.writeLine() } }; this.dot = function () { this.write(".") }; this.symbol1 = function (a) { if ("=" == this.prevChar && "!" == a) { this.write(" " + a) } else { this.write(a) } }; this.symbol2 = function (d) { if ("+" == d || "-" == d) { if (d == this.nextChar || d == this.prevChar) { this.write(d); return } } var a = (this.prevChar == " " ? "" : " "); var b = " "; if ("(" == this.prevChar) { a = ""; b = "" } if ("-" == d && (">" == this.prevChar || ">" == this.prevChar)) { this.write(" " + d); return } if (this.symbols2.indexOf(this.prevChar) !=- 1) { if (this.symbols2.indexOf(this.nextChar) !=- 1) { this.write(d + (this.nextChar == "!" ? " " : "")) } else { this.write(d + b) } } else { if (this.symbols2.indexOf(this.nextChar) !=- 1) { this.write(a + d) } else { this.write(a + d + b) } } if ("=" == d &&/^[\w\]]$/.test(this.prevNonWhite(this.i)) &&/^[\w\'\"\[]$/.test(this.nextNonWhite(this.i))) { this.isAssign = true; } }; this.alphanumeric = function (a) { if (this.lastWord) { this.lastWord += a } else { this.lastWord = a } if (")" == this.prevChar) { a = " " + a } this.write(a); }; this.unknown = function (a) { this.write(a) }; this.charInit = function () { if (this.len - 1 === this.i) { this.nextChar = "" } else { this.nextChar = this.s.charAt(this.i + 1); } }; this.write = function (d, b) { if (b) { if (!/\s/.test(d)) { if (this.code[this.row].length < this.lvl * 4) { this.code[this.row] += str_repeat(" ", this.lvl * 4 - this.code[this.row].length) } } this.code[this.row] += d } else { if (0 === this.code[this.row].length) { var a = ("}" == d ? this.lvl - 1 : this.lvl); for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { this.code[this.row] += " " } this.code[this.row] += d } else { this.code[this.row] += d } } this.prevCharInit() }; 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a < this.length; a++) { if ((typeof this [a] == typeof b) && (this [a] == b)) { return a; } } return - 1; } } if (!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); } } function str_repeat(c, b) { ret = ""; for (var a = 0; a < b; a++) { ret += c } return ret } var debug_w; function debug(d, a) { if (!debug_w) { var b = 600; var k = 600; var j = (screen.width / 2 - b / 2); var h = (screen.height / 2 - k / 2); debug_w = window.open("", "", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=" + b + ",height=" + k + ",screenX=" + (j) + ",screenY=" + h + ",left=" + j + ",top=" + h); debug_w.document.open(); debug_w.document.write("<html><head><style>body{margin: 1em;padding: 0;font-family: courier new; font-size: 12px;}h1,h2{margin: 0.2em 0;}</style></head><body><h1>Debug</h1></body></html>"); debug_w.document.close() } var g = ""; if ("undefined" !== typeof a && a.length) { g = "<h2>" + a + "</h2>\n" } if ("object" === typeof d) { for (var c = 0; c < d.length; 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