sansui-Weather v2.0
- 天气信息获取推送
- 当天天气信息提示推送
- 第二天天气信息提示推送
- 网易云热评信息获取推送
- 舔狗日记信息获取推送
- 疫情信息数据获取推送
- 可根据个人需要,添加定制的信息提示
SendKey server酱
Weather_key 和风天气API
Tianapi_key 网易云热评API
Storeapi_key 疫情数据API
ApiKey 疫情数据API
userid 接收消息的用户,存在多个以 | 隔开
adminUserId 管理员用户,错误信息要推送的用户

# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=238618]@Time[/url] : 2021/7/19 13:16 # [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=686208]@AuThor[/url] : Sansui # @FileName: index.py # @Software: PyCharm # @Blog :https://www.cnblogs.com/sansui6/ import requests import datetime import time import json import pytz import ssl,hashlib,string from urllib import request,parse,error; from urllib.parse import quote SendKey = '';#pushplus申请的KEY或者server酱的KEY,这里我自己改了 Weather_key = '' Tianapi_key = '' Storeapi_key = '' ApiKey = '' # 接收消息的用户,存在多个以 | 隔开 userid = '' adminUserId = ''; def get_time(): nowTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()); # 获取当前时间 # 由于腾讯云时间不准确,暂时使用年月日 nowTime_1 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()); # 获取当前时间 # print(nowTime_1) return nowTime_1; #获取网易云评论 def get_wyy(): list = [] ## 空列表 wyy_url = "http://api.tianapi.com/txapi/hotreview/index?key=" + Tianapi_key + ""; wyy_json = requests.post(wyy_url).json(); wyy_code = wyy_json["code"] if wyy_code.__eq__(200): #获取评论内容 wyy_content = wyy_json["newslist"][0]["content"] #获取歌名 wyy_source = wyy_json["newslist"][0]["source"] #把评论、歌名放进数组 list.append(wyy_content) list.append(wyy_source) return list; else: list.append('获取失败!') return list; #2021/8/4 因疫情较为严重,新增加疫情提示 def ncov(): api_url = 'https://yupn.api.storeapi.net/api/94/221'; appid = 13948; secret = Storeapi_key; data = { 'appid': appid, 'city_name': '苏州', 'format': 'json', 'time': '1644207719', }; data['appid'] = appid; data['time'] = round(time.time()); # 当前服务器时间 keysArr = list(data.keys()) # 取出字典key keysArr.sort() # 对字典key进行排序 md5String = ''; params = [] for key in keysArr: if data[key]: val = str(data[key]) md5String += key + val params.append(key + "=" + val) md5String += secret; m = hashlib.md5() b = md5String.encode(encoding='utf-8') m.update(b) sign = m.hexdigest() params.append('sign=' + sign) # 加入计算后的sign值去请求 params = '&'.join(tuple(params)); # 把列表转成元组后用&分隔,最终转换成字符串 a=b&c=d&e=f ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context url = api_url + '?' + params; url = quote(url, safe=string.printable) req = requests.get(url).json() #city 所选城市 #confirm 确诊病例数量 #curConfirm 当前确诊数量 #died 死亡数量 #heal 治愈数量 #asymptomatic 无症状感染数量 #print(req["retdata"]) return req["retdata"] #获取实时疫情资讯,如分风险地区、疫情概况、疫情新闻等 def nCoV_news(num): url="http://api.tianapi.com/txapi/ncov/index?key="+Tianapi_key; nCoV_news_json = requests.get(url).json() nCoV_news_code = nCoV_news_json["code"] print(nCoV_news_json) nCoV_news_newslist = nCoV_news_json["newslist"] i=0; if(nCoV_news_code.__eq__(200)): if (num.__eq__(1)): # 获取当前数据信息 return nCoV_news_newslist[0]["desc"] elif(num.__eq__(2)): #返回全国风险地区,high高风险、mid中风险 riskarea_high_text = "| -------- | 高风险地区 | --------: |"; for riskarea_high in nCoV_news_newslist[0]["riskarea"]["high"]: if("江苏省" in riskarea_high): # 因为高风险地区逐渐增多,消息已经存放不下,现调整通知格式为具体数量,不再是具体地区。 i=i+1; return "\n江苏省高风险地区共:" + str(i) + "个。\n" elif(num.__eq__(0)): riskarea_mid_text = "| -------- | 中风险地区 | --------: |"; for riskarea_mid in nCoV_news_newslist[0]["riskarea"]["mid"]: # print(riskarea_high) if ("江苏省" in riskarea_mid): #因为中风险地区逐渐增多,消息已经存放不下,现调整通知格式为具体数量,不再是具体地区。 #riskarea_mid_text +="\n" + riskarea_mid; # riskarea_high_text=riskarea_high; i=i+1; # return nCoV_news_newslist[0]["riskarea"] #print(riskarea_mid_text) #return riskarea_mid_text; return "\n江苏省中风险地区共:"+str(i)+"个。" #获取当天天气,不过没有最高温度,最低温度 def get_Weather(): city_id = get_location(); Weather_url = f'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now?key={Weather_key}&location={city_id}' Weather_json = requests.get(Weather_url).json() #print(Weather_url) Weather_code = Weather_json["code"] Weather_now = Weather_json["now"] if(Weather_code.__eq__("200")): #print(Weather_now) return Weather_now; #获取包括今天在内的未来三天天气 def get_3d_Weather(num): date = get_time(); date_tomorrow = (datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"); city_id = get_location(); Weather_url = f'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/3d?key={Weather_key}&location={city_id}'; #print(Weather_url) Weather_json = requests.get(Weather_url).json(); Weather_3d = Weather_json["daily"] for weather in Weather_3d: #print("6666666"+weather) if(num.__eq__(1)): if(weather["fxDate"].__eq__(date)): #print("当天天气获取成功") return weather; else: print("查询的不是今天日期的天气") return "查询的不是今天日期的天气" break; elif(num.__eq__(0)): if (weather["fxDate"].__eq__(date_tomorrow)): #print(weather); return weather; else: print("非法参数!") return "非法参数!" #获取当前天气地区id def get_location(): # 调整所在的区域 location='苏州' Weather_city_url = f'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/city/lookup?key={Weather_key}&location={location}' city_json =requests.get(Weather_city_url).json(); city_code = city_json["code"] if city_code.__eq__("200"): #print(Weather_city_url) for Weather_city in city_json["location"]: Weather_city_name = Weather_city["name"] if Weather_city_name.__eq__("苏州"): #print(Weather_city) city_id = Weather_city["id"] #print(city_id) return city_id; else: print("访问获取地区接口失败!") return "访问获取地区接口失败!"; def get_tiangou(): url="http://api.tianapi.com/tiangou/index?key="+Tianapi_key; tiangou_json = requests.get(url).json() tiangou = tiangou_json["newslist"][0]["content"] return tiangou #拼接消息 def get_desp(): wyy_content = get_wyy()[0]; # 评论内容 wyy_source = get_wyy()[1]; # 歌名 date_tomorrow = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"); Weather = get_Weather() #获取当天天气信息 Weather_text = Weather["text"] #获取当天天气文字 Weather_temp = Weather["temp"] #实时获取当前温度 Weather_feelsLike = Weather["feelsLike"] #获取当前体感温度 Weather_3d_day = get_3d_Weather(1) # 获取当天的预报天气 Weather_3d_day_tempMax = Weather_3d_day["tempMax"] #获取当天预报最高温度 Weather_3d_day_tempMin = Weather_3d_day["tempMin"] #获取当天预报最低温度 Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = Weather_3d_day["uvIndex"] #获取当天紫外线强度 Weather_3d_tomorrow = get_3d_Weather(0) # 获取明天天气 Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay = Weather_3d_day["textDay"] # 获取第二天天气文字 Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax = Weather_3d_day["tempMax"] # 获取第二天预报最高温度 Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMin = Weather_3d_day["tempMin"] # 获取第二天预报最低温度 Weather_3d_tomorrow_uvIndex = Weather_3d_day["uvIndex"] # 获取第二天紫外线强度 # 获取舔狗日记 tiangou = get_tiangou(); cur_time = time.time() #print(cur_time) local_tz = pytz.timezone("Asia/Shanghai") local_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_time, tz=local_tz).hour # print(local_time) Ncov_zz = ncov(); Ncov_city = Ncov_zz["city"]; # confirm 确诊病例数量 Ncov_confirm = Ncov_zz["confirm"]; # curConfirm 当前确诊数量 Ncov_curConfirm = Ncov_zz["curConfirm"]; # died 死亡数量 # heal 治愈数量 Ncov_heal = Ncov_zz["heal"]; # asymptomatic 无症状感染数量 # nCoV_news_mid = nCoV_news(0); # 获取疫情中风险地区 # time.sleep(1000) nCoV_news_num = nCoV_news(1);#获取全国疫情数据 # time.sleep(1000) # nCoV_news_high = nCoV_news(2); # 获取疫情高风险地区 currentConfirmedCount = nCoV_news_num["currentConfirmedCount"]#现存确诊人数 seriousCount = nCoV_news_num["seriousCount"] #现存无症状 beijing_Time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_time, tz=local_tz).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); Ncov_desp = ("\n| -------- |全国疫情实时播报|----------------: |\n"+ "截至北京时间 "+beijing_Time+"\n"+ "全国现存确诊病例:" + str(currentConfirmedCount)+"\n"+ "全国现存无症状病例:" + str(seriousCount) + "\n" + Ncov_city +"现存确诊病例:" + str(Ncov_curConfirm) + "" ) desp_Weather_temp_text = ""; desp_Weather_text = ""; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = ""; desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = ""; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = ""; desp_day = ""; desp_tomorrow = ""; desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = ""; # 晚上八点 查询第二天天气情况,然后根据当前时间,定制化推送当前提醒 if (local_time >= 20 and local_time <= 23): # 如果有雨,不校验最高温度 # 判断天气 if ("雨" in Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay): if Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay.__eq__("大雨"): desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n明天"+ Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay + ",傻瓜,记得带伞,记得早点出门,晚上早点睡\n" elif Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay.__eq__("中雨"): desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n明天" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay + ",傻瓜,记得带伞,记得早点出门,晚上早点睡\n" elif Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay.__eq__("雷阵雨"): desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n明天" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay + ",小心打雷,抱抱傻瓜,不怕不怕\n" else: desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n明天" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay + ",记得带伞,请注意天气\n" # 没雨的情况下,根据温度提醒明天天气 else: desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n"; if (int(Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax) >= 33): desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n明天天气较热,注意防晒!\n" else: desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_tomorrow = ( "明天 " + date_tomorrow + "\n天气:" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay + desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text + "明天最高温度:" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax + "℃。" + desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text + "明天最低温度:" + Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMin + "℃。" ); elif (local_time >= 0 and local_time < 20): # desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_textDay_text = "\n"; # desp_Weather_3d_tomorrow_tempMax_text = "\n"; # 判断当前温度 if (int(Weather_temp) >= 33): if (8 < local_time < 16): desp_Weather_temp_text = ",天气有点热喔!\n" else: desp_Weather_temp_text = "。\n"; else: desp_Weather_temp_text = "。\n"; # 判断紫外线等级 if (8 <= local_time < 16): if (4 < int(Weather_3d_day_uvIndex) <= 6): desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = "\n今天紫外线等级" + Weather_3d_day_uvIndex + ",适合户外运动。\n" elif (6 < int(Weather_3d_day_uvIndex) <= 9): desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = "\n今天紫外线等级" + Weather_3d_day_uvIndex + ",请注意防晒。\n" elif (9 < int(Weather_3d_day_uvIndex)): desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = "\n今天紫外线等级" + Weather_3d_day_uvIndex + ",宝,外边太晒了,能不出去就不要出去了。\n" else: desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = "\n"; else: desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex = "\n"; # 判断当天是否有雨,有雨不判断当天最高温度 Weather_text = "晴" if ("雨" in Weather_text): if Weather_text.__eq__("大雨"): desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_Weather_text = "\n当前有" + Weather_text + ",傻瓜,赶紧避雨,不要再外出啦\n" elif Weather_text.__eq__("中雨"): desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n" desp_Weather_text = "\n当前有" + Weather_text + ",傻瓜,赶紧避雨,不要再外出啦\n" elif Weather_text.__eq__("雷阵雨"): desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n" desp_Weather_text = "\n当前有" + Weather_text + ",小心打雷,抱抱傻瓜,不怕不怕\n" else: desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n" desp_Weather_text = "\n当前有" + Weather_text + ",请注意天气\n" else: desp_Weather_text = "\n"; # 判断当天最高温度 if (int(Weather_3d_day_tempMax) >= 33): # 下午16点以后不用提示 if (local_time > 16): desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n"; else: desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n今天天气较热,注意防晒!\n" else: desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text = "\n"; desp_day = ( "当前天气:" + Weather_text + desp_Weather_text + "当前温度:" + Weather_temp + "℃" + desp_Weather_temp_text + "今天最高温度:" + Weather_3d_day_tempMax + "℃。" + desp_Weather_3d_day_tempMax_text + "最低温度:" + Weather_3d_day_tempMin + "℃。" + desp_Weather_3d_day_uvIndex # 紫外线 16点后不提示 + "\n" +wyy_content + "\n来自:网易云音乐《" + wyy_source + "》" + "\n| -----------------舔狗日记-----------------: |\n" + tiangou + "\n来自:舔狗日记\n" ); ##以下是通知内容! desp = "苏州\n" + desp_day + desp_tomorrow + Ncov_desp; return desp; # 程序入口,消息推送 def main(): title = '每日推送'; desp = get_desp(); #url = f"https://sctapi.ftqq.com/{SendKey}.send?title={title}&desp={desp}&openid={userid}"; token = SendKey #在pushpush网站中可以找到 content = desp #改成你要的正文内容 pushurl = 'http://www.pushplus.plus/send' data = { "token":token, "title":title, "content":content } body=json.dumps(data).encode(encoding='utf-8') headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json'} requests.post(pushurl,data=body,headers=headers) res = requests.post(pushurl); if res.status_code == 200: print("成功!") else: title = "天气推送失败!" ##desp = "尊敬的管理员,消息推送失败\n推送日志"+res.json(); print(res.status_code) #url = f"https://sctapi.ftqq.com/{SendKey}.send?title={title}&desp={desp}&openid={adminUserId}"; #res = requests.post(url); print("错误日志推送成功 !") def main_handler(event, context): main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()