Interference : 200KHz
Signal source: 需要在给出的一个excel 文档里调用,我对应的信号是第二竖栏,就是从B1到B60
里面所有的filter(滤波器)都是自己来选值,但必须和图里要求的一样,band-pass filter 只能用带通滤波器,不可用其他代替。Low-pass filter(低通滤波器)是同样的道理。
Scaling factor为-20,
................................................. %STEP1 发送端 %信号源 SINGNALS=xlsread('Signals.xls','Sheet1','B1:B600'); figure(1) subplot(511),plot(SINGNALS),title('原始的信号'); %乘以载波 N = 20 % Set the number of signal samples Freq = 250000; % 250k dt = 1/(N*Freq); % Set the sample time SimTime = 600/Freq; % Set simulation time to 3 periods of the signal t = dt:dt:SimTime; % Create Time vector(from 0 upto SimTime) Carrier= sin(2*pi*Freq*t); subplot(512),plot(Carrier),title('调制载波'); %信号采样化 for i = 1 : length(Carrier)-1 SINGNALS1(i) = SINGNALS(floor(i/20)+1); end SINGNALS1(length(Carrier)) = SINGNALS1(length(Carrier)-1); SINGNALS2=SINGNALS1.*Carrier; % SINGNALS2=SINGNALS1.*Carrier + SINGNALS1.*Carrier.*Carrier; subplot(513),plot(SINGNALS2),title('信号调制信号'); %放大 SINGNALS3=15*SINGNALS2; subplot(514),plot(SINGNALS3),title('模拟放大信号'); %带通滤波器 order = 4; wn = [0.01 0.1]; [B,A]=butter(order,wn); SINGNALS4 = filter(B,A,SINGNALS3); subplot(515);plot(SINGNALS4),title('带通滤波后的信号'); %STEP2 信道 figure(2) alpha = -20; % scaling factor noise = 0.3*randn(1,length(SINGNALS4)); % Generate a random number subplot(211);plot(noise); N2 = N; Fre = 200000; % Set the frequency of the signal dt2 = 1/(N2*Fre); % Set the sample time SimTime2 = 600/Fre; % Set simulation time to 3 periods of the signal t2 = dt2:dt2:SimTime2; % Create Time vector(from 0 upto SimTime interference = sin(2*pi*Fre*t2); % Determine the sinusoidal function for interference output_sig = SINGNALS4.* alpha; SINGNALS5 = output_sig + noise + interference; subplot(212);plot(SINGNALS5); %STEP3 接收端 figure(3); a2=6; SINGNALS6 = a2*SINGNALS5; order2 = 4; wn2 = [0.01 0.1]; [B2,A2]=butter(order2,wn2); SINGNALS7 = filter(B2,A2,SINGNALS6); subplot(311);plot(SINGNALS7),title('接收端后的低通滤波信号'); SINGNALS8=-SINGNALS7.*Carrier; % SINGNALS8= SINGNALS7.*Carrier; subplot(312);plot(SINGNALS8),title('解调信号'); wn1 = 0.1; order1 = 10; % Filter Order [C,D] = butter(order1,wn1,'low'); % create the fourth order butterworth filter SINGNALS9 = filter(C,D,SINGNALS8); subplot(313);plot(SINGNALS9),title('还原后的信号'); figure(4) subplot(211);plot(SINGNALS);title('系统发送接收信号的对比'); subplot(212);plot(SINGNALS9);axis([0,length(Carrier),0,5000]); 01-29m