DSP5509项目之用FFT识别钢琴音调(4)之麦克风输入和Line in输入

1. 麦克风输入需要修改的内容,之前的版本是LINE IN的输入。实现功能,检测麦克风的输入,并且同时在耳机里面播放。

#include <csl.h>
#include <csl_i2c.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <csl_pll.h>
#include <csl_mcbsp.h>

#include "myapp.h"
#include "csedu.h"
#include "scancode.h"
#include <math.h>

#define CODEC_ADDR 0x1A

PLL_Config  myConfig      = {
  0,    //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway 
                //before the idle mode was entered
  1,    //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock, 
                //it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking 
  12,    //PLL multiply value; multiply 24 times
  1             //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value 
                //(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value
                //(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1)

#define PI 3.1415926
#define SAMPLENUMBER 128

void InitForFFT();
void MakeWave();

float sin_tab[SAMPLENUMBER],cos_tab[SAMPLENUMBER];
MCBSP_Config Mcbsptest;

/*McBSP set,we use mcbsp1 to send and recieve the data between DSP and AIC23*/
MCBSP_Config Mcbsp1Config = {
    MCBSP_SPCR1_DLB_OFF,                   /* DLB    = 0,禁止自闭环方式 */
    MCBSP_SPCR1_RJUST_LZF,                 /* RJUST  = 2 */
    MCBSP_SPCR1_CLKSTP_DISABLE,            /* CLKSTP = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR1_DXENA_ON,                  /* DXENA  = 1 */
    0,                                     /* ABIS   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR1_RINTM_RRDY,                /* RINTM  = 0 */
    0,                                     /* RSYNCER = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR1_RRST_DISABLE               /* RRST   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR2_FREE_NO,                   /* FREE   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR2_SOFT_NO,                   /* SOFT   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR2_FRST_FSG,                  /* FRST   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR2_GRST_CLKG,                 /* GRST   = 0 */
    MCBSP_SPCR2_XINTM_XRDY,                /* XINTM  = 0 */
    0,                                     /* XSYNCER = N/A */           
    MCBSP_SPCR2_XRST_DISABLE               /* XRST   = 0 */
      MCBSP_RCR1_RFRLEN1_OF(1),              /* RFRLEN1 = 1 */
      MCBSP_RCR1_RWDLEN1_16BIT               /* RWDLEN1 = 2 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RPHASE_SINGLE,              /* RPHASE  = 0 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RFRLEN2_OF(0),              /* RFRLEN2 = 0 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RWDLEN2_8BIT,               /* RWDLEN2 = 0 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RCOMPAND_MSB,               /* RCOMPAND = 0 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RFIG_YES,                   /* RFIG    = 0 */
    MCBSP_RCR2_RDATDLY_1BIT                /* RDATDLY = 1 */
    MCBSP_XCR1_XFRLEN1_OF(1),              /* XFRLEN1 = 1 */ 
    MCBSP_XCR1_XWDLEN1_16BIT               /* XWDLEN1 = 2 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XPHASE_SINGLE,              /* XPHASE  = 0 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XFRLEN2_OF(0),              /* XFRLEN2 = 0 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XWDLEN2_8BIT,               /* XWDLEN2 = 0 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XCOMPAND_MSB,               /* XCOMPAND = 0 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XFIG_YES,                   /* XFIG    = 0 */
    MCBSP_XCR2_XDATDLY_1BIT                /* XDATDLY = 1 */
   MCBSP_PCR_IDLEEN_RESET,                 /* IDLEEN   = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_XIOEN_SP,                     /* XIOEN    = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_RIOEN_SP,                     /* RIOEN    = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_FSXM_EXTERNAL,                /* FSXM     = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_FSRM_EXTERNAL,                /* FSRM     = 0   */
   0,                                      /* DXSTAT = N/A   */
   MCBSP_PCR_CLKXM_INPUT,                  /* CLKXM    = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_CLKRM_INPUT,                  /* CLKRM    = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_SCLKME_NO,                    /* SCLKME   = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_FSXP_ACTIVEHIGH,              /* FSXP     = 0   */
   MCBSP_PCR_FSRP_ACTIVEHIGH,              /* FSRP     = 1   */
   MCBSP_PCR_CLKXP_FALLING,                /* CLKXP    = 1   */
   MCBSP_PCR_CLKRP_RISING                  /* CLKRP    = 1   */
/* This next struct shows how to use the I2C API */
/* Create and initialize an I2C initialization structure */
I2C_Setup I2Cinit = {
        0,              /* 7 bit address mode */
        0,         /* own address - don't care if master */
        84,            /* clkout value (Mhz)  */
        50,            /* a number between 10 and 400*/
        0,              /* number of bits/byte to be received or transmitted (8)*/
        0,              /* DLB mode on*/
        1               /* FREE mode of operation on*/

I2C_Config testI2C;

//Uint16 digital_audio_inteface_format[2]={0x0e,0x53};
Uint16 digital_audio_inteface_format[2]={0x0e,0x43};
Uint16 sample_rate_control[2] = {0x10,0x23};
Uint16 reset[2] ={0x1e,0x00};
Uint16 power_down_control[2] ={0x0c,0x00};
/*AIC23模拟音频的控制//DAC使能,ADC输入选择为麦克风*/ Uint16 analog_aduio_path_control[2] ={0x08,0x17}; /*AIC23数字音频通路的控制*/ Uint16 digital_audio_path_control[2] ={0x0a,0x05}; /*AIC23数字接口的使能*/ Uint16 digital_interface_activation[2] ={0x12,0x01}; /*AIC23左通路音频调节*/ Uint16 left_line_input_volume_control[2] ={0x00,0x17}; /*AIC23右通路音频调节*/ Uint16 right_line_input_volume_control[2] ={0x02,0x17}; Uint16 left_headphone_volume_control[2] ={0x04,0x79}; /*AIC23耳机右通路音频调节*/ Uint16 right_headphone_volume_control[2] = {0x06,0x79}; /*定义McBSP的句柄*/ MCBSP_Handle hMcbsp; Uint16 i2c_status; Uint16 i,temp; void delay(Uint32 k) { while(k--); } void main(void) { Uint16 aic23data = 0; i2c_status = 1; /* Initialize CSL library - This is REQUIRED !!! */ /*初始化CSL库*/ CSL_init(); /*设置系统的运行速度为140MHz*/ PLL_config(&myConfig); /* Initialize I2C, using parameters in init structure */ /*初始化I2C的格式*/ /*I2C is undet reset*/ I2C_RSET(I2CMDR,0); /*设置预分频寄存器,I2C的mode clock is 10MHz*/ delay(100); I2C_RSET(I2CSAR,0x001A); I2C_RSET(I2CMDR,0x0620); I2C_setup(&I2Cinit); /*设置I2C的Mater clock*/ I2C_RSET(I2CCLKL,100); I2C_RSET(I2CCLKH,100); I2C_getConfig(&testI2C); /*初始化McBSP0*/ hMcbsp = MCBSP_open(MCBSP_PORT1,MCBSP_OPEN_RESET); /*设置McBSP0*/ MCBSP_config(hMcbsp,&Mcbsp1Config); /*启动McBSP0*/ MCBSP_start(hMcbsp, MCBSP_RCV_START | MCBSP_XMIT_START, 0); MCBSP_getConfig(hMcbsp,&Mcbsptest); /*reset AIC23*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( reset, //pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); delay(1000); /*设置AIC23各部分均工作*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( power_down_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置AIC23的数字接口*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( digital_audio_inteface_format,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置AIC23模拟通路*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( analog_aduio_path_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置数字通路*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( digital_audio_path_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置AIC23的采样率*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( sample_rate_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置耳机音量*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( left_headphone_volume_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); i2c_status = I2C_write( right_headphone_volume_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*设置Line输入的音量*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( left_line_input_volume_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); i2c_status = I2C_write( right_line_input_volume_control,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*启动AIC23*/ i2c_status = I2C_write( digital_interface_activation,//pointer to data array 2, //length of data to be transmitted 1, //master or slaver CODEC_ADDR, //slave address to transmit to 1, //transfer mode of operation 30000 //time out for bus busy ); /*回放音频*/ //每次读取256个字符,然后进行解析 //现在需要解决的问题是,1. 确定多久采样一次。2. 滤波的问题 //3. 从Line in输入改成麦克风 //进行FFT的初始化 InitForFFT(); while(TRUE) { while(!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp)){}; aic23data = MCBSP_read16(hMcbsp); MCBSP_write16(hMcbsp,aic23data); } }

2. 上面调试的问题关键在于是TLV320AIC23的寄存器


3. 调试的时候发现,根本没声音,原来是这个寄存器写错了

Uint16 power_down_control[2] ={0x0c,0x00};


4. 如果需要选择LINE IN的输入,那么代码需要修改为

Uint16 analog_aduio_path_control[2] ={0x08,0x10};

5. 现在遇到的问题是,右声道噪音特别大,需要看下是什么原因,填写0x43的时候,右声道噪音特别大

//Uint16 digital_audio_inteface_format[2]={0x0e,0x43};
Uint16 digital_audio_inteface_format[2]={0x0e,0x53};



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