52 Things: Number 51: What is the security model for ID-based encryption, and describe one IBE scheme.
52 Things: Number 51: What is the security model for ID-based encryption, and describe one IBE scheme.
This is the latest in a series of blog posts to address the list of '52 Things Every PhD Student Should Know To Do Cryptography': a set of questions compiled to give PhD candidates a sense of what they should know by the end of their first year. This week we introduce Identity-Based Encryption.
In public key cryptography, if Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she needs his public key. Typically this will be some very long bitstring (encoding, for example, the product of two large primes).
Suppose instead that Alice could use Bob's name, or email address, as his public key. Practically speaking, this is very convenient: there are no very long strings for Alice to obtain and remember and she doesn't need to verify that some seemingly random string is in fact Bob's public key (and not, for example, Charlie's public key). But to facilitate this, one needs Identity Based Encryption, or IBE.
In IBE, there is an entity called the Private Key Generator, or PKG. The PKG is able to compute Bob's private key using his ID (e.g. his email address) and a master key. Once Bob has authenticated himself to the PKG, he can ask for his private key and then, once he has it, he can decrypt any messages that have been encrypted under his ID.
There is an issue here, though. With the master key, the PKG can generate private keys for any agent it likes. Therefore the PKG can decrypt any messages intended for any agent. This is called key escrow, and it means that you must either trust the PKG not to read your encrypted messages or else not care that it does. In a company, though, senior management often has the right to read your (work) emails, and so IBE can be an appropriate solution for internal correspondence.
Formally, an IBE scheme consists of four algorithms: setup, extract, encrypt and decrypt.
Setup takes a security parameter and outputs the (secret) master key and the (public) system parameters, such as the message and ciphertext spaces.
Extract takes an ID and a master key and returns a private key corresponding to the ID.
Encrypt takes a message and an ID, and returns a ciphertext.
Decrypt takes a ciphertext and a private key, and returns a message.
Boneh and Franklin gave an IBE scheme in this 2003 paper. They prove, under an assumption similar to assuming that the CDH problem is hard, that their scheme is IND-ID-CCA secure in the Random Oracle Model. This means that (assuming all hash functions are random oracles), any attacker, running in polynomial-time with respect to the security parameter, wins the following security game with probability that is only negligibly (with respect to the security parameter) more than 1/2:
First, the attacker 首先,攻击者
然后,攻击者选择两条消息 m0,m1 和一个ID ID∗ ,这两条消息不出现在他请求相应私钥的ID列表中。然后,攻击者在#4下接收#3的加密#2(其中比特 b 是均匀随机选择的)。然后攻击者
并输出比特 b′ 。我们说,如果 b′=b ,攻击者获胜。
The scheme given by Boneh and Franklin relies on a non-degenerate bilinear map e:G1×G1→G2, where G1 is a group of prime order q, which we write additively, and G2 is a group, also of order q, which we write multiplicatively. They instantiate this map with the Weil pairing on elliptic curves, but we omit details here. All that matters is bilinearity: e(aP,bQ)=e(P,Q)ab for any a,b∈Zq.
Boneh和Franklin给出的方案依赖于一个非退化双线性映射 e:G1×G1→G2 ,其中 G1 是一个素数阶为#2的群,我们加性地写它,而#3是一个群,也是素数阶为#4,我们乘性地写。他们用椭圆曲线上的威尔配对实例化了这个映射,但我们在这里省略了细节。所有重要的是双线性:任何 a,b∈Zq 都有 e(aP,bQ)=e(P,Q)ab 。
There's not enough space here to describe the scheme in full, but essentially the master key is some non-zero s∈Zq and the private key corresponding to ID is sH(ID), where H is a hash function sending bitstrings to elements of G1. There are public generators P and Ppub=sP of G1.
这里没有足够的空间来完整描述该方案,但本质上主密钥是一些非零的 s∈Zq ,与 ID 相对应的私钥是 sH(ID) ,其中 H 是向#4的元素发送比特串的哈希函数。有 G1 的 P 和 Ppub=sP 公共发电机。
To encrypt m under ID, one selects a random string σ and XORs m with a hash of σ, creating cm. Then M and σ are hashed together, giving a non-zero element r∈Zq. Finally one computes the pairing e(H(ID),Ppub), raises it to the power r, hashes this and XORs with σ, creating cID. The triple (rP,cID,cm) is the ciphertext.
要在 ID 下加密 m ,可以选择一个随机字符串 σ ,并用 σ 的哈希对 m 进行XOR,从而创建 cm 。然后 M 和 σ 被散列在一起,给出非零元素 r∈Zq 。最后,计算配对 e(H(ID),Ppub) ,将其提升到 r 的幂,对其进行散列,并与 σ 进行异或,创建 cID 。三元组 (rP,cID,cm) 是密文。
With the private key d=sH(ID), one decrypts the triple (U,V,W) as follows: compute e(d,U), which, by bilinearity, will equal e(H(ID),Ppub)r if the ciphertext was genuine. So one XORs V with the hash of the pairing to obtain σ. Then XORing W with the hash of σ will give m. To check that this is the intended message, one verifies that σ and m hashed together gives r such that U=rP.
使用私钥 d=sH(ID) ,按如下方式解密三元组 (U,V,W) :计算 e(d,U) ,如果密文是真的,则通过双线性性,计算#2将等于 e(H(ID),Ppub)r 。因此,我们将#4与配对的哈希进行异或,以获得 σ 。然后将 W 与 σ 的散列进行异或运算,得到 m 。为了检查这是否是预期的消息,我们验证 σ 和 m 散列在一起会产生 r ,从而产生 U=rP 。
In public key cryptography, if Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she needs his public key. Typically this will be some very long bitstring (encoding, for example, the product of two large primes).
Suppose instead that Alice could use Bob's name, or email address, as his public key. Practically speaking, this is very convenient: there are no very long strings for Alice to obtain and remember and she doesn't need to verify that some seemingly random string is in fact Bob's public key (and not, for example, Charlie's public key). But to facilitate this, one needs Identity Based Encryption, or IBE.
In IBE, there is an entity called the Private Key Generator, or PKG. The PKG is able to compute Bob's private key using his ID (e.g. his email address) and a master key. Once Bob has authenticated himself to the PKG, he can ask for his private key and then, once he has it, he can decrypt any messages that have been encrypted under his ID.
There is an issue here, though. With the master key, the PKG can generate private keys for any agent it likes. Therefore the PKG can decrypt any messages intended for any agent. This is called key escrow, and it means that you must either trust the PKG not to read your encrypted messages or else not care that it does. In a company, though, senior management often has the right to read your (work) emails, and so IBE can be an appropriate solution for internal correspondence.
Formally, an IBE scheme consists of four algorithms: setup, extract, encrypt and decrypt.
Setup takes a security parameter and outputs the (secret) master key and the (public) system parameters, such as the message and ciphertext spaces.
Extract takes an ID and a master key and returns a private key corresponding to the ID.
Encrypt takes a message and an ID, and returns a ciphertext.
Decrypt takes a ciphertext and a private key, and returns a message.
Boneh and Franklin gave an IBE scheme in this 2003 paper. They prove, under an assumption similar to assuming that the CDH problem is hard, that their scheme is IND-ID-CCA secure in the Random Oracle Model. This means that (assuming all hash functions are random oracles), any attacker, running in polynomial-time with respect to the security parameter, wins the following security game with probability that is only negligibly (with respect to the security parameter) more than 1/2:
First, the attacker 首先,攻击者
- can request the private keys corresponding to any ID
可以请求任何ID对应的私钥 - can request decryptions of any ciphertexts under any ID.
然后,攻击者选择两条消息 m0,m1 和一个ID ID∗ ,这两条消息不出现在他请求相应私钥的ID列表中。然后,攻击者在#4下接收#3的加密#2(其中比特 b 是均匀随机选择的)。然后攻击者
- can request the private keys corresponding to any ID apart from ID∗
可以请求与#0以外的任何ID对应的私钥# - can request decryptions of any ciphertexts under any ID apart from (c∗,ID∗)
并输出比特 b′ 。我们说,如果 b′=b ,攻击者获胜。
The scheme given by Boneh and Franklin relies on a non-degenerate bilinear map e:G1×G1→G2, where G1 is a group of prime order q, which we write additively, and G2 is a group, also of order q, which we write multiplicatively. They instantiate this map with the Weil pairing on elliptic curves, but we omit details here. All that matters is bilinearity: e(aP,bQ)=e(P,Q)ab for any a,b∈Zq.
Boneh和Franklin给出的方案依赖于一个非退化双线性映射 e:G1×G1→G2 ,其中 G1 是一个素数阶为#2的群,我们加性地写它,而#3是一个群,也是素数阶为#4,我们乘性地写。他们用椭圆曲线上的威尔配对实例化了这个映射,但我们在这里省略了细节。所有重要的是双线性:任何 a,b∈Zq 都有 e(aP,bQ)=e(P,Q)ab 。
There's not enough space here to describe the scheme in full, but essentially the master key is some non-zero s∈Zq and the private key corresponding to ID is sH(ID), where H is a hash function sending bitstrings to elements of G1. There are public generators P and Ppub=sP of G1.
这里没有足够的空间来完整描述该方案,但本质上主密钥是一些非零的 s∈Zq ,与 ID 相对应的私钥是 sH(ID) ,其中 H 是向#4的元素发送比特串的哈希函数。有 G1 的 P 和 Ppub=sP 公共发电机。
To encrypt m under ID, one selects a random string σ and XORs m with a hash of σ, creating cm. Then M and σ are hashed together, giving a non-zero element r∈Zq. Finally one computes the pairing e(H(ID),Ppub), raises it to the power r, hashes this and XORs with σ, creating cID. The triple (rP,cID,cm) is the ciphertext.
要在 ID 下加密 m ,可以选择一个随机字符串 σ ,并用 σ 的哈希对 m 进行XOR,从而创建 cm 。然后 M 和 σ 被散列在一起,给出非零元素 r∈Zq 。最后,计算配对 e(H(ID),Ppub) ,将其提升到 r 的幂,对其进行散列,并与 σ 进行异或,创建 cID 。三元组 (rP,cID,cm) 是密文。
With the private key d=sH(ID), one decrypts the triple (U,V,W) as follows: compute e(d,U), which, by bilinearity, will equal e(H(ID),Ppub)r if the ciphertext was genuine. So one XORs V with the hash of the pairing to obtain σ. Then XORing W with the hash of σ will give m. To check that this is the intended message, one verifies that σ and m hashed together gives r such that U=rP.
使用私钥 d=sH(ID) ,按如下方式解密三元组 (U,V,W) :计算 e(d,U) ,如果密文是真的,则通过双线性性,计算#2将等于 e(H(ID),Ppub)r 。因此,我们将#4与配对的哈希进行异或,以获得 σ 。然后将 W 与 σ 的散列进行异或运算,得到 m 。为了检查这是否是预期的消息,我们验证 σ 和 m 散列在一起会产生 r ,从而产生 U=rP 。
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