neutron之lbaas v2


1  .lbaas v2架构如下(摘自官网)


Load balancer     #对应于一个运行在qlbaas-<xxxid>的namespace下的haproxy进程
The load balancer occupies a neutron network port and has an IP addressassigned from a subnet.
Listener     #对应于hapro进程配置文件的frontend里面的bind
Load balancers can listen for requests on multiple ports. Each one of thoseports is specified by a listener.

Pool       #对应于hapro进程配置文件的backend
A pool holds a list of members that serve content through the load balancer.

Member   #对应于hapro进程配置文件里面backend下面的server
Members are servers that serve traffic behind a load balancer. Each memberis specified by the IP address and port that it uses to serve traffic.

Health monitor    #对应于haproxy的健康检查
Members may go offline from time to time and health monitors divert trafficaway from members that are not responding properly. Health monitors areassociated with pools.

以一个uuid为ace6a125-1a8e-4fcc-a6fb-832dbb4b76c1的Load balancer为例

查看此Load balancer的配置文件

2   lb的高可用



posted @ 2017-11-01 16:47  360linux  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报