AE “每用户订阅上的所有人SID 不存在”



Querying geodatabase tables


// Cast to the ISQLSyntax interface and get the supportedPredicates value.
ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)workspace;
int supportedPredicates = sqlSyntax.GetSupportedPredicates();

// Cast the predicate value to an integer and use bitwise arithmetic to check for support.
int predicateValue = (int)esriSQLPredicates.esriSQL_BETWEEN;
int supportedValue = predicateValue & supportedPredicates;
Boolean isSupported = supportedValue > 0;


' Cast to the ISQLSyntax interface and get the supportedPredicates value.
Dim sqlSyntax As ISQLSyntax = CType(workspace, ISQLSyntax)
Dim supportedPredicates As Integer = sqlSyntax.GetSupportedPredicates()

' Cast the predicate value to an integer and use bitwise arithmetic to check for support.
Dim predicateValue As Integer = CInt(esriSQLPredicates.esriSQL_BETWEEN)
Dim supportedValue As Integer = predicateValue And supportedPredicates
Dim isSupported As Boolean = supportedValue > 0




posted @ 2014-03-26 21:34  chopic  阅读(983)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报