Reflective Journal Final

  1. Before the first class,I seldom knew what digital multimodal composing means.When I listened to the class about introduction to it,I actually knew that digital multimodal composing was a novel form of writing.It consists of various expressive ways such as sounds.Conveying stories by using this method is more inviting than traditional writing habits.Gradually,with the patient teaching on digital multimodal composing,I had a deep insight on it.Because of the improvement of technology,an increasing number of people apply this skill into work and study.I am not an exception.
  2. At first,I realized that I was not good at using technology to making story telling.So there were many challenges when I did it.Initially,I didn’t know how to decide the different expressive ways that were taught at workshops.But I would search the Internet to ask for help.At the same time,I mastered several tips to make video.Besides,making videos homework was a difficult thing for a beginner.How to choose proper background music and edit it was complex.But I would watch relevant videos other people had made to use and carry it to my video.I always forgot the songs’ names.What’s more,the sound was another problem.I needed to record my voice and insert it into the video.Then I would spend much time matching it with the dramatic pictures.
  3. As for different modes of communication, I am actually reflecting on the various ways in which I convey my thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others. Each mode of communication has its own unique impact and effectiveness, depending on the context, purpose, and audience.For example,electronic communication, such as email or social media, offers the convenience of instant messaging and the ability to reach a wide audience quickly. However, it can also lead to misinterpretation due to the lack of non-verbal cues and the tendency to communicate in shorter, more concise messages.
  4. When making videos to tell stories, there are several creative progressions I can incorporate to enhance the narrative and engage my audience.I knew how to use visuals to tell the story, not just dialogue.
  5. In the process of making digital story,I was indulged in appreciating the video I had made.So excited am I that I can’t help continuing my study.From these workshops , I benefit a lot and have a deep impression on pedagogic metalanguage of videos that includes integral features, ways of interaction, representation of ideas and interplay of meanings.To be honest , I can transfer this theoretic knowledge into practical application such as making an elaborate short video . It can express my inner feelings by using this knowledge so it is valuable.
posted @ 2024-06-30 16:00  啊呀啦  阅读(2)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报