Reflective journal II

Reflective journal

  1. Firstly, I searched for a suitable stencil according to my narrative. I chose the green one because it’s a symbol of energy, corresponding to my friend’s characters. In fact, I felt comfortable at the sight of the vigorous stencil. Secondly, I put her photo in place. The photo was taken when she was demonstrating her views in front of classmates. It used indirect gaze, naturally showing her confident appearance. Long shot expressed the whole environment, revealing her bravery. Thirdly, I modified the size of words to make it more convenient to watch.
  2. I tended to use visual mode in my video. Compared with other modes, I thought visual shock was more emotive. It gave watchers intuitive feelings, allowing them to have a deep thought. It’s a pity that I didn’t use other modes this time in my video. But I will have a try if I get an opportunity. Integrating all modes is a great challenge. I may turn to Internet for help.
  3. Recording the explanation of my ppt was difficult for me. To be honest, I was not good at it. In the process, I always spoke in fractured English.
  4. Initially, I know the importance of speaking. Practice makes perfect. Besides, making a ppt needs patience. Anything should be done in chronological order. What’s more, I reckon insight is a kernel of a good presentation. During the process of thinking, I benefit a lot.
  5. The principal benefit of a video presentation in my mind is more vivid and impressive than traditional writing. Traditional writing spends more time comprehending meanings.
  6. This type of DMC is suitable for us to study because of its convenient communication. I enjoy the form of DMC writing. It makes writing more colorful.
  7. The usage of corpora is beneficial to my English writing.
posted @ 2024-04-14 10:25  啊呀啦  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报