Reflective Journal I

The main insights and skills I got from the two workshops are that an image can be analyzed in many aspects. We can analyze it from the color, action, tone and so on. When we intend to describe something, we can add a number of elements into it rather than just finish it with a few words. For example, if you want to describe that it is sunny today, you can describe the animals nearby about their sounds and expressions. What’ more, describing a person’ words about the weather is also appropriate. The ways of interaction is also important. Everything can be described by the prominence, address, mood, distance, etc.
When I first learn the workshop, it’s like opening the door to a new world. It is my first time to know that there is a system to describe a thing. Five Modes of Multimodality and Pedagogic Metalanguage for Videos are new knowledge for me. Through the learning of the two workshops, I think I have got a new idea to write an essay.
The only defective thing is that speaking too fast leads to shorter thinking time.

posted @ 2024-03-24 12:35  卢梦琼  阅读(22)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报