Configure Git for Get or Update github project1: install Gitwajig install git2:Configure gitgit --version 查看git版本git config --global 本用户的配置全局git config --system 配置系统的参数git config --global user.name "rainysia"git config --global user.email rainysia@gmail.comgit config --system alias.st stat 阅读全文
back Data time10000 0.00 100000 0.03 1000000 0.34 10000000 5.50 20000000 >11.427G---2000 0000 line data 阅读全文
Why use Text to Speech?It’s very easy add to your program - just output a string to the speech function instead of the screen. You don’t need an expensive/complicated LCD or monitor for your project - just use any old mp3 player loudspeaker or PC loudspeaker which you have probably got lying around 阅读全文
There are Different Types of SQL Joins which are used to query data from more than one tables. In this article, I would like to share how joins work in LINQ. LINQ has a JOIN query operator that provide SQL JOIN like behavior and syntax. Let's see how JOIN query operator works for joins. This art 阅读全文
//SeachDBCC CHECKIDENT ('AD_EmailType') --AD_EmailType : table name//ChangeDBCC CHECKIDENT('AD_EmailType', RESEED,4) 阅读全文
$sudo apt-get update$sudo apt-get install python-dev$sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio安装:rpio- 监控和操作 GPIO 的命令行工具rpio-curses- 终端窗口中拥有图形用户界面的 rpio$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools$ sudo easy_install -U RPIO 阅读全文
为什么每个WebForm.aspx都必须包含在form之中 //html在asp.net WebForm中,点击一个提交按钮提交数据采用的post方式, 这种方式会将中所有包含name属性的元素提交到服务器,像下面这样__ASYNCPOST true__EVENTARGUMENT __EVENTTARGET __EVENTVALIDATION seQXpdzJBeVknL/6LJyrEizlfVItDEl9kO7LCAsWdy1u8m+A4Cn82OCHPpyXlGKaIn+EBXtSHuIbQV+fXzFmiPbl6kjhWEzYTtvccc+SHS98ZWPu... 阅读全文
解决方法: 选中供应商---属性---状态--》Use 阅读全文
This is a step-by-step guide to using the serial port from a program running under Linux; it was written for theRaspberry Pi serial portwith theRaspbianWheezydistribution. However, the same code should work on other systems.Step 1: Connect to a terminal emulator using a PCFollow the instructions atR 阅读全文
sudo apt-get install python-dev 阅读全文