


<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
     A: findlAll
     B:  findAll
<mapper namespace="cn.happy.dao.IStudentInfoDAO">
      paramenterType:SQL语句的入参  可以省略
      增删除操作:不能 写
    <sql id="columns">
    <resultMap id="studentMap" type="StudentInfo">
      <!--   <result column="stuname2" property="stuName"></result>-->

    <select id="findAll" resultMap="studentMap">
        select <include refid="columns"></include> from studentinfo
    <select id="getStudentById" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo WHERE stuid=#{stuId}


    <insert id="addStudent">
        insert into studentinfo( stuName,stuAge,stuDate) VALUES (#{stuName},#{stuAge},#{stuDate})

    <update id="updateStudent">
       update studentinfo set  stuName= #{stuName} WHERE  stuId=#{stuId}

    <delete id="deleteStudent">
       delete from  studentinfo WHERE  stuId=#{stuId}

    <select id="findStudentListLike" resultType="StudentInfo">
        <!--select * from studentinfo where stuname like concat('%',#{stuName},'%') and stuAge>#{stuAge}-->
            select * from studentinfo where stuname like '%${stuName}%' and stuAge>#{stuAge}

    <select id="findStudentsByCondition" resultType="StudentInfo">
         select * from  studentinfo where stuname like '%' #{stuName} '%' and stuAge>#{stuAge}

    <select id="findStudentsByConditionMutliArgs" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from  studentinfo where stuname like '%' #{0} '%' and stuAge>#{1}

    <!--智能标签foreach List-->
    <select id="findByForeachListStudent" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo
            <if test="list.size>0">
                stuid in
                <foreach collection="list" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="stu">
    <!--智能标签foreach List-->
    <select id="findByForeachList" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo
            <if test="list.size>0">
                stuid in
                <foreach collection="list" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="stuno">


 <!--智能标签foreach Array-->
    <select id="findByForeachArray" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo
            <if test="array.length>0">
                stuid in
                <foreach collection="array" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="stuno">

    <select id="findByChoose" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo
                <when test="stuName!=null">
                    and stuName like '%' #{stuName} '%'
                <when test="stuAge!=null">
                    and stuAge>#{stuAge}
                     and 1=2

    <select id="findByIf" resultType="StudentInfo">
        select * from studentinfo
            <if test="stuName!=null"><!--用户录入的姓名字段-->
                 and stuName like '%' #{stuName} '%'
            <if test="stuAge!=null">
                and stuAge>#{stuAge}



posted @ 2017-07-17 10:11  执念哈i  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报