
3.1 实验目的



3.2.1 顺序栈的实验要求



3.2.2 链栈实验要求




3.3 实验任务
3.3.1 顺序栈实验任务



第一组数据:4 / 4

第二组数据:11 / B

第三组数据:254 / FE

第四组数据:1357 / 54D

3.3.2 链栈实验任务







3.4 选做题




3.5 运行结果截图及说明

图1 顺序栈实现十进制转十六进制


图2 顺序栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图3 顺序栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图4 顺序栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图5 顺序栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图6 链栈实现十进制转十六进制


图7 链栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图8 链栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图9 链栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图10 链栈解决表达式括号匹配问题(局部)


图11 链栈判断1、2、3、4排列中合法出栈序列的问题


图12 链栈解决输出1、2、3、4、5、6、7全排列中合法出栈序列的问题(放大可清晰观看)


图13 链栈中缀表达式求值问题


3.6 附源代码


 1 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
 2 //  or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
 3 //      are changed infrequently
 4 //
 6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__F1CE48FC_1D41_45D9_B60D_6D065D91DB10__INCLUDED_)
 7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__F1CE48FC_1D41_45D9_B60D_6D065D91DB10__INCLUDED_
 9 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
10 #pragma once
11 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
13 #include <stdc++.h>
15 using namespace std;
17 //typedef int elementType;
18 typedef double elementType;
19 typedef char elementType1;
20 const int maxLength = 1000 + 3;
22 // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
25 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
27 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__F1CE48FC_1D41_45D9_B60D_6D065D91DB10__INCLUDED_)



 1 // SeqStack1.h: interface for the SeqStack class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_SEQSTACK1_H__55EE245C_A5F8_47D4_9510_B3BA6C85FF63__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_SEQSTACK1_H__55EE245C_A5F8_47D4_9510_B3BA6C85FF63__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include "charSeqStack.h"
14 //using elementType = double;
15 typedef double elementType;
16 class SeqStack  
17 {
18 public:
19     SeqStack();
20     virtual ~SeqStack();
21     bool stackEmpty();
22     bool stackFull();
23     bool getTop( elementType& value );
24     bool push( elementType value );
25     bool pop();
26     int length();
27     void displayStack();
28     int isp( elementType1 _operator );//栈内优先级
29     int icp( elementType1 _operator );//栈外优先级
30     charSeqStack css;
31     double doOperator( elementType value1, elementType value2, elementType1 _operator );
32     void calculate( charSeqStack& css1, charSeqStack& css2 );
33     friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const SeqStack &a)
34     {
35         for (int i = 0; i < a.top + 1; i++)
36         {
37             if (a.top == -1)
38                 return os;
39             os << a.data[i];
40         }
42         return os;
43     }
45 private:
46     elementType data[maxLength];
47     int top;
48 };
50 #endif // !defined(AFX_SEQSTACK1_H__55EE245C_A5F8_47D4_9510_B3BA6C85FF63__INCLUDED_)


  1 // SeqStack1.cpp: implementation of the SeqStack class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "SeqStack1.h"
  7 #include <iostream>
  8 #include <iomanip>
 10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 11 // Construction/Destruction
 12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 13 using namespace std;
 14 SeqStack::SeqStack()
 15 {
 16     top = -1;
 17 }
 19 SeqStack::~SeqStack()
 20 {    
 21 }
 23 bool SeqStack::stackEmpty()
 24 {
 25     return top == -1;
 26 }
 28 bool SeqStack::stackFull()
 29 {
 30     return top == maxLength - 1;
 31 }
 33 bool SeqStack::getTop( elementType& value )
 34 {
 35     if( stackEmpty() )
 36     {
 37         cout << "???ив????????ив" << endl;
 38         return false;
 39     }
 40     value = data[top];
 41     return true;
 42 }
 44 bool SeqStack::push( elementType value )
 45 {
 46     if( stackFull() )
 47     {
 48         cout << "?и▓ив????ив" << endl;
 49         return false;
 50     }
 51     top ++;
 52     data[top] = value;
 53     return true;
 54 }
 56 bool SeqStack::pop()
 57 {
 58     if( stackEmpty() )
 59     {
 60         cout << "??ив????ив" << endl;
 61         return false;
 62     }
 63     top --;
 64     return true;
 65 }
 67 int SeqStack::length()
 68 {
 69     if( stackEmpty() )
 70     {
 71         cout << "??ив" << endl;
 72         return -1;
 73     }
 74     return top + 1;
 75 }
 77 void SeqStack::displayStack()
 78 {
 79     if( stackEmpty() )
 80     {
 81         cout << "??ив????ив" << endl;
 82         return;
 83     }
 84     int column = 0;
 85     for( int i = 0; i <= top; i ++ )
 86     {
 87         cout << setw(6) << setiosflags( ios::left ) << data[i];
 88         column ++;
 89         if( column % 10 == 0 )
 90             cout << endl;
 91     }
 92 }
 94 int SeqStack::isp( char _operator )
 95 {
 96     switch(_operator)
 97     {
 98     case '#' :
 99         return 0;
100         break;
101     case '(':
102         return 6;
103         break;
104     case '*':
105         return 5;
106         break;
107     case '/':
108         return 5;
109         break;
110     case '+':
111         return 3;
112         break;
113     case '-':
114         return 3;
115         break;
116     case ')':
117         return 1;
118         break;
119     }
121     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::isp" << endl;
122     return -1;
123 }
125 int SeqStack::icp( char _operator )
126 {
127     switch(_operator)
128     {
129     case '#' :
130         return 0;
131         break;
132     case '(':
133         return 1;
134         break;
135     case '*':
136         return 4;
137         break;
138     case '/':
139         return 4;
140         break;
141     case '+':
142         return 2;
143         break;
144     case '-':
145         return 2;
146         break;
147     case ')':
148         return 6;
149         break;
150     }
152     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::icp" << endl;
153     return -1;
154 }
156 double SeqStack::doOperator( elementType value1, elementType value2, elementType1 _operator )
157 {
158     switch(_operator)
159     {
160     case '+':
161         return value1 + value2;
162         break;
163     case '-':
164         return value1 - value2;
165         break;
166     case '*':
167         return value1 * value2;
168         break;
169     case '/':
170         if( fabs(value2) < 0.0001 )
171         {
172             cout << "Divided by 0!" << endl;
173             return -1000000;
174         }
175         else
176             return value1 / value2;
177         break;
178     }
180     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::doOperator" << endl;
181     return -1;
182 }
184 void SeqStack::calculate( charSeqStack& css1, charSeqStack& css2 )//?????? css2 ?им????????? css1 ?
185 {
186     char ch, ch1;
187     int i = 0, j = 0;
188     double a, b;
189     css2.pop();
190     css2.getTop(ch);
191     css2.pop();
193     // when the top of css2 is not '#' or the top of css is not empty.
194     while( css1.topValue() != -1 || ch != '#' )
195     {
196         // when the top of css2 is a number, put it into ss1
197         if( isdigit(ch) )
198         {
199             push( (int)( ch - '0' ) );
200             css2.getTop(ch);
201             css2.pop();
202         }
204         // when the top of css2 is not a number,
205         else
206         {
207             css1.getTop(ch1);
208             if (ch1 == ')' && ch == '(')
209             {
210                 css1.pop();
211                 css2.getTop(ch);
212                 css2.pop();
213                 continue;
214             }
215             if( isp(ch1) < icp(ch) )
216             {
217                 css1.push(ch);
218                 css2.getTop(ch);
219                 css2.pop();
220             }
221             else if( isp(ch1) >= icp(ch) )
222             {
223                 getTop(a);
224                 pop();
225                 getTop(b);
226                 pop();
227                 push( doOperator( a, b, ch1 ) );
228                 css1.pop();
229             }            
230         }
232     }
234 }


 1 // charSeqStack.h: interface for the charSeqStack class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_CHARSEQSTACK_H__A9958AD3_333A_41B4_B399_B6895C7AA8C5__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_CHARSEQSTACK_H__A9958AD3_333A_41B4_B399_B6895C7AA8C5__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include <iostream>
13 using namespace std;
14 //using elementType1 = char;
15 typedef char elementType1;
16 //const int maxLength = 1000;
18 class charSeqStack  
19 {
20 public:
21     charSeqStack();
22     virtual ~charSeqStack();
23     bool stackEmpty();
24     bool stackFull();
25     bool getTop( elementType1& value );
26     bool push( elementType1 value );
27     bool pop();
28     int length();
29     int topValue();
30     void displayStack();
31     friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const charSeqStack &a)
32     {
33         for (int i = 0; i < a.top+2; i++)
34         {
35             if (a.top == -1)
36                 return os;
37             os << a.data[i];
38         }
40         return os;
41     }
43 private:
44     elementType1 data[maxLength];
45     int top;
46 };
49 #endif // !defined(AFX_CHARSEQSTACK_H__A9958AD3_333A_41B4_B399_B6895C7AA8C5__INCLUDED_)


  1 // charSeqStack.cpp: implementation of the charSeqStack class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "charSeqStack.h"
  7 #include <iostream>
  8 #include <iomanip>
 10 using namespace std;
 11 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 12 // Construction/Destruction
 13 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 15 charSeqStack::charSeqStack()
 16 {
 17     top = -1;
 18 }
 20 charSeqStack::~charSeqStack()
 21 {
 23 }
 25 bool charSeqStack::stackEmpty()
 26 {
 27     return top == -1;
 28 }
 30 bool charSeqStack::stackFull()
 31 {
 32     return top == maxLength - 1;
 33 }
 35 bool charSeqStack::getTop( elementType1& value )
 36 {
 37     if( stackEmpty() )
 38     {
 39         value = '#';
 40         cout << "???ив????????ив" << endl;
 41         return false;
 42     }
 43     value = data[top];
 44     return true;
 45 }
 47 bool charSeqStack::push( elementType1 value )
 48 {
 49     if( stackFull() )
 50     {
 51         cout << "?и▓ив????ив" << endl;
 52         return false;
 53     }
 54     top ++;
 55     data[top] = value;
 56     return true;
 57 }
 59 bool charSeqStack::pop()
 60 {
 61     if( stackEmpty() )
 62     {
 63         cout << "??ив????ив" << endl;
 64         return false;
 65     }
 66     top --;
 67     return true;
 68 }
 70 int charSeqStack::length()
 71 {
 72     if( stackEmpty() )
 73     {
 74         cout << "??ив" << endl;
 75         return -1;
 76     }
 77     return top + 1;
 78 }
 80 void charSeqStack::displayStack()
 81 {
 82     if( stackEmpty() )
 83     {
 84         cout << "??ив????ив" << endl;
 85         return;
 86     }
 87     int column = 0;
 88     for( int i = 0; i <= top; i ++ )
 89     {
 90         cout << setw(6) << setiosflags( ios::left ) << data[i];
 91         column ++;
 92         if( column % 10 == 0 )
 93             cout << endl;
 94     }
 95 }
 97 int charSeqStack::topValue()
 98 {
 99     return top;
100 }


 1 // SeqStack.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
 2 //
 4 #include "stdafx.h"
 5 #include "SeqStack1.h"
 6 #include <iostream>
 8 using namespace std;
 9 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
10 {
11     SeqStack ss1;
12     ss1.push(0);
13     charSeqStack css1, css2;
14     char Str[] = "#2+5*(2+3)*6/2-4#";
15     //12+5*(2+3)*6/2-4
16     //char Str[] = "#(1+(5-3)*2+9)/2#";
17     //char Str[] = "#(1+2)*3#";
18     //char Str[] = "#(1)#";
19     //char Str[] = "#1*2+3#";
20     //char Str[] = "#1+1#";
21     //char Str[] = "#1#";
22     for( int i = 0; Str[i] != '\0'; i ++ )
23         css2.push( Str[i] );
25     cout << "Start Calculation." << endl;
26     cout << "expression:" << css2 << endl;
27     ss1.calculate( css1, css2 );
28     cout << "Calculation Done!" << endl;
30     double x;
31     if( ss1.getTop(x) )
32         cout << x << endl;
33     cin.get();
34     return 0;
35 }



 1 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
 2 //  or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
 3 //      are changed infrequently
 4 //
 6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__2FE69ABE_CC01_4962_8147_FD6E39302FE4__INCLUDED_)
 7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__2FE69ABE_CC01_4962_8147_FD6E39302FE4__INCLUDED_
 9 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
10 #pragma once
11 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
13 #include <stdc++.h>
15 using namespace std;
17 typedef double elementType;
18 typedef char elementType1;
20 typedef struct node
21 {
22     elementType data;
23     struct node *link;
24 }LStack, *PStack;
26 typedef struct Node
27 {
28     elementType1 data;
29     struct Node *link;
30 }CLStack, *CPStack;
32 typedef long ll;
34 // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
37 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
39 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__2FE69ABE_CC01_4962_8147_FD6E39302FE4__INCLUDED_)


 1 // linkedStack.h: interface for the linkedStack class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_LINKEDSTACK_H__54B665DE_2CE8_4329_AED9_95FEAAAAE128__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_LINKEDSTACK_H__54B665DE_2CE8_4329_AED9_95FEAAAAE128__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include "charLinkedStack.h"
14 class linkedStack  
15 {
16 public:
17     linkedStack();
18     virtual ~linkedStack();
19     bool stackEmpty();
20     //bool stackFull();
21     bool getTop( elementType& value );
22     bool push( elementType value );
23     bool pop();
24     int length();
25     void displayStack();
26     int isp( char  _operator );//栈内优先级
27     int icp( char _operator );//栈外优先级
28     double doOperator( elementType value1, elementType value2, char _operator );
29     void calculate( char* Str );
30     charLinkedStack cls;
31     bool isPopOrder();
32     bool judge(const elementType *sour, int s1, const elementType *dest, int s2 );
33     void linkedStack::printValidPopStackSequence( int n, elementType *A, int cur );
34     friend ostream &operator<< ( ostream &os, const linkedStack &a )
35     {
36         //for ( int i = 0; i < a.top + 1; i ++ )
37         //{
38         //    if (a.top == -1)
39         //        return os;
40         //    os << a.data[i];
41         //}
42         LStack *tmp = a.top;
43         int column = 0;
44         while( tmp->link )
45         {
46             //cout << tmp->data << " ";
47             if( tmp->link == NULL )
48                 return os;
49                 //break;
50             //os << tmp->data << " ";
51             os << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
52             column ++;
53             if( column % 10 == 0 )
54                 os << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << endl;
55             tmp = tmp->link;
56         }
57         os << endl;
59         return os;
60     }
61 private:
62     LStack *top;
63     int len;
64 };
66 #endif // !defined(AFX_LINKEDSTACK_H__54B665DE_2CE8_4329_AED9_95FEAAAAE128__INCLUDED_)


  1 // linkedStack.cpp: implementation of the linkedStack class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "linkedStack.h"
  8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9 // Construction/Destruction
 10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 12 linkedStack::linkedStack()
 13 {
 14     top = new LStack;
 15     if( !top )
 16     {
 17         cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in linkedStack::linkedStack()!" << endl;
 18     }
 19     top->link = NULL;
 20     //top = NULL;
 21     len = 0;
 22 }
 24 linkedStack::~linkedStack()
 25 {
 26     /*
 27     LStack *tmp = top;
 28     while( tmp->link )
 29     {
 30         LStack *q = tmp;
 32         tmp = tmp->link;
 33         delete q;
 35         len --;
 36     }    
 37     tmp->link = NULL;
 38     */
 39     while(top)
 40     {
 41         LStack *q = top;
 42         top = top->link;
 43         delete q;
 44     }
 45     top = NULL;
 46 }
 48 bool linkedStack::stackEmpty()
 49 {
 50     //follow style is not suitable for the code
 51     //return top == NULL;
 52     return top->link == NULL;
 53 }
 55 bool linkedStack::getTop( elementType& value )
 56 {
 57     if( stackEmpty() )
 58     {
 59         cerr << "Stack is Empty!Error in linkedStack::getTop!" << endl;
 60         //value = -1;
 61         return false;
 62     }
 63     value = top->data;
 64     return false;
 65 }
 67 bool linkedStack::push( elementType value )
 68 {
 69     LStack *newNode = new LStack;
 70     if( !newNode )
 71     {
 72         cerr << "Space allocating falied!" << endl;
 73         return false;
 74     }
 75     newNode->data = value;
 76     newNode->link = top;
 77     top = newNode;
 78     len ++;
 79     return true;
 80 }
 82 bool linkedStack::pop()
 83 {
 84     if( stackEmpty() )
 85     {
 86         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::pop()!" << endl;
 87         return false;
 88     }
 89     LStack *tmp = top;
 91     top = top->link;
 92     delete tmp;
 93     len --;
 94     return true;
 95 }
 97 int linkedStack::length()
 98 {
 99     if( stackEmpty() )
100     {
101         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::length()" << endl;
102         return -1;
103     }
104     int cnt = 0;
105     LStack *tmp = top;
106     while( tmp->link )
107     {
108         tmp = tmp->link;
109         cnt ++;
110     }
111     return cnt;
112 }
114 void linkedStack::displayStack()
115 {
116     if( stackEmpty() )
117     {
118         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::displayStack()" << endl;
119         return;
120     }
121     LStack *tmp = top;
122     int column = 0;
123     while( tmp->link )
124     {
125         cout << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
126         //cout << tmp->data << " ";
127         column ++;
128         if( column % 10 == 0 )
129             cout << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << endl;
130         tmp = tmp->link;
131     }
132     cout << endl;
133 }
135 int linkedStack::isp( char _operator )
136 {
137     switch(_operator)
138     {
139     case '#' :
140         return 0;
141         break;
142     case '(':
143         return 6;
144         break;
145     case '*':
146         return 5;
147         break;
148     case '/':
149         return 5;
150         break;
151     case '%':
152         return 5;
153         break;
154     case '+':
155         return 3;
156         break;
157     case '-':
158         return 3;
159         break;
160     case ')':
161         return 1;
162         break;
163     }
165     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::isp" << endl;
166     return -1;
167 }
169 int linkedStack::icp( char _operator )
170 {
171     switch(_operator)
172     {
173     case '#' :
174         return 0;
175         break;
176     case '(':
177         return 1;
178         break;
179     case '*':
180         return 4;
181         break;
182     case '/':
183         return 4;
184         break;
185     case '%':
186         return 4;
187         break;
188     case '+':
189         return 2;
190         break;
191     case '-':
192         return 2;
193         break;
194     case ')':
195         return 6;
196         break;
197     }
199     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::icp" << endl;
200     return -1;
201 }
203 double linkedStack::doOperator( elementType value1, elementType value2, char _operator )
204 {
205     switch(_operator)
206     {
207     case '+':
208         return value1 + value2;
209         break;
210     case '-':
211         return value1 - value2;
212         break;
213     case '*':
214         return value1 * value2;
215         break;
216     case '/':
217         if( fabs(value2) < 0.0001 )
218         {
219             cout << "Divided by 0!" << endl;
220             return -1000000;
221         }
222         else
223             return value1 / value2;
224         break;
225     case '%':
226         if( fabs(value2) < 0.0001 )
227         {
228             cout << "Divided by 0!" << endl;
229             return -1000000;
230         }
231         else
232             return (int)value1 % (int)value2;
233         break;
235     }
237     cerr << "Error in SeqStack::doOperator" << endl;
238     return -1;
239 }
241 void linkedStack::calculate( char* Str )
242 {
243     charLinkedStack css1;
244     char ch1;
245     int i = 0;
246     double a, b;
248     int level = 0;
249     int temp = 0;
251     while ( Str[i] != '\0' )
252     {
253         i ++;
254     }
255     i = i - 2;
256     while( css1.topValue() != NULL || Str[i] != '#' )
257     {
258         char ch = Str[i];
259         if ( isdigit(ch) )
260         {
261             temp = temp + pow( 10, level ) * int( ch - '0' );
262             level ++;
263             i --;
264         }
265         else
266         {
267             if (level)
268             {
269                 push(temp);
270                 temp = 0;
271                 level = 0;
272             }
273             css1.getTop(ch1);
274             if ( ch1 == ')' && ch == '(' )
275             {
276                 css1.pop();
277                 i --;
278                 continue;
279             }
280             if ( isp(ch1) < icp(ch) )
281             {
282                 css1.push(ch);
283                 i --;
284             }
285             else if (isp(ch1) >= icp(ch))
286             {
287                 getTop(a);
288                 pop();
289                 getTop(b);
290                 pop();
291                 push( doOperator( a, b, ch1 ) );
292                 css1.pop();
293             }
294         }
295     }
297     if (level)
298     {
299         push(temp);
300     }
302 }
304 bool linkedStack::isPopOrder()
305 {
306     /*
307     当序列递增时,ok
308     当序列递减时,且相差为1 ,ok
309     当序列递减时,且相差大于1,但后续序列都递减时,ok
310     当序列递减时,且相差大于1,但后续序列非严格递减时,no
312     直到序列递减大于1时,如果后续序列严格递减,则ok,否则no。其他情况都ok。
313     */
314     if( stackEmpty() )
315     {
316         return true;
317     }
318     bool decrease = true, increase = true, D_valueThanOne = false, D_valueEqualOne = true;
319     elementType value1, value2;
321     getTop(value1);
322     pop();
323     while( !stackEmpty() )//原序列递增,弹栈序列递减;原序列递减,弹栈序列递增
324     {
326         getTop(value2);
327         //pop();
328         //if( value2 > value1 && value2 - value1 > 1 )
329         if( value1 > value2 && fabs( value2 - value1 ) > 1 )
330         {    
331             while( !stackEmpty() )
332             {
333                 if( value1 >= value2 )
334                 {
335                     cout << fabs( value2 - value1 ) << endl;
336                     value1 = value2;
337                     pop();
338                 }
339                 else
340                     return false;
341             }
342         }
343         else
344             pop();
345     }
346     return true;
348 }
350 bool linkedStack::judge(const elementType *sour, int s1, const elementType *dest, int s2 )        //不比更改两个序列的内容,所以可加const修饰限定符
351 {
352      assert(sour);//断言可防止NULL指针的传入(避免传入指针引起程序崩溃的问题)
353      assert(dest);
354     //stack<char> ss;//借助库函数创建一个栈
355     linkedStack ss;
356     if (s1 != s2) //如果两个序列不一样长,自然是非法的序列
357         return false;
359     ss.push(*sour++); //将首元素压栈
360     while (*dest != 0)  
361     {
363         if (ss.stackEmpty() && *sour != 0) //如果栈为空且入栈序列未结束,则不断压入元素
364             ss.push(*sour++);
365         double x;
366         ss.getTop(x);
367         while (*dest != x && *sour != 0) 
368         {
369             ss.push(*sour++);//如果出栈元素和栈顶元素不匹配则继续压入元素
370             ss.getTop(x);
371         }
372         ss.getTop(x);
373         if (*dest == x )  //如果两者相等,将该元素弹出,且指针指向出栈序列的下一位置上
374         {
375             dest++;
376             ss.pop();
377             continue;
378         }
379         ss.getTop(x);
380         if (*sour == 0&& x != *dest)  //如果一直不相等,知道入栈序列结束仍为匹配上,说明出栈序列非法
381         {
382             return false;
383         }
384     }
385     return true;//否则序列合法
386 }
388 void linkedStack::printValidPopStackSequence( int n, elementType *A, int cur )
389 {
390     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
391     double B[8];
392     for( int i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
393         B[i] = i + 1;
394     B[n] =  0;
396     if( cur == n )
397     {
398         A[n] = 0;
399         if( judge( B, n + 1, A, n + 1 ) )
400         {
401             for( int i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
402             {
403                 cout << A[i] << " ";
404             }
405             cout << endl;
406         }
407     }
408     else
409     {
410         for( int j = 1; j <= n; j ++ )
411         {
412             bool ok = true;
413         for( int k = 0; k < cur; k ++ )
414         {
415             if( A[k] == j )
416                 ok = false;
417         }
418         if(ok)
419         {
420             A[cur] = j;
421             printValidPopStackSequence( n, A, cur + 1 );
422         }
423    }
424     }
425 }


 1 // charLinkedStack.h: interface for the charLinkedStack class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDSTACK_H__CBB1096F_5E0D_4725_8583_A16EF4EA8502__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_CHARLINKEDSTACK_H__CBB1096F_5E0D_4725_8583_A16EF4EA8502__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 class charLinkedStack  
13 {
14 public:
15     charLinkedStack();
16     virtual ~charLinkedStack();
17     bool stackEmpty();
18     //bool stackFull();
19     bool getTop( elementType1& value );
20     bool push( elementType1 value );
21     bool pop();
22     int length();
23     void displayStack();
24     CPStack topValue();
25     void decToHex( long value );
26     bool brancheMatch( char *Str );
27     bool charLinkedStack::judge(const char *sour, const char *dest);
28     friend ostream &operator<< ( ostream &os, const charLinkedStack &a )
29     {
30         //for ( int i = 0; i < a.top + 1; i ++ )
31         //{
32         //    if (a.top == -1)
33         //        return os;
34         //    os << a.data[i];
35         //}
36         CLStack *tmp = a.top;
37         int column = 0;
38         while( tmp->link )
39         {
40             //cout << tmp->data << " ";
41             if( tmp->link == NULL )
42                 return os;
43                 //break;
44             os << tmp->data;
45             //os << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
46             //column ++;
47             //if( column % 10 == 0 )
48                 //os << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << endl;
49             tmp = tmp->link;
50         }
51         os << endl;
53         return os;
54     }
55 private:
56     CLStack *top;
57     int len;
59 };
61 #endif // !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDSTACK_H__CBB1096F_5E0D_4725_8583_A16EF4EA8502__INCLUDED_)


  1 // charLinkedStack.cpp: implementation of the charLinkedStack class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "charLinkedStack.h"
  8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9 // Construction/Destruction
 10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 12 charLinkedStack::charLinkedStack()
 13 {
 14     top = new CLStack;
 15     if( !top )
 16     {
 17         cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in linkedStack::linkedStack()!" << endl;
 18     }
 19     top->link = NULL;
 20     //top = NULL;
 21     len = 0;
 22 }
 24 charLinkedStack::~charLinkedStack()
 25 {
 26     while(top)
 27     {
 28         CLStack *q = top;
 29         top = top->link;
 30         delete q;
 31     }
 32     top = NULL;
 33 }
 35 bool charLinkedStack::stackEmpty()
 36 {
 37     //follow style is not suitable for the code
 38     //return top == NULL;
 39     return top->link == NULL;
 40 }
 42 bool charLinkedStack::getTop( elementType1& value )
 43 {
 44     if( stackEmpty() )
 45     {
 46         //cerr << "Stack is Empty!Error in linkedStack::getTop!" << endl;
 47         value = '#';
 48         return false;
 49     }
 50     value = top->data;
 51     return false;
 52 }
 54 bool charLinkedStack::push( elementType1 value )
 55 {
 56     CLStack *newNode = new CLStack;
 57     if( !newNode )
 58     {
 59         cerr << "Space allocating falied!" << endl;
 60         return false;
 61     }
 62     newNode->data = value;
 63     newNode->link = top;
 64     top = newNode;
 65     len ++;
 66     return true;
 67 }
 69 bool charLinkedStack::pop()
 70 {
 71     if( stackEmpty() )
 72     {
 73         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::pop()!" << endl;
 74         return false;
 75     }
 76     CLStack *tmp = top;
 78     top = top->link;
 79     delete tmp;
 80     len --;
 81     return true;
 82 }
 84 int charLinkedStack::length()
 85 {
 86     if( stackEmpty() )
 87     {
 88         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::length()" << endl;
 89         return -1;
 90     }
 91     int cnt = 0;
 92     CLStack *tmp = top;
 93     while( tmp->link )
 94     {
 95         tmp = tmp->link;
 96         cnt ++;
 97     }
 98     return cnt;
 99 }
101 void charLinkedStack::displayStack()
102 {
103     if( stackEmpty() )
104     {
105         cerr << "Stack is empty!Error in linkedStack::displayStack()" << endl;
106         return;
107     }
108     CLStack *tmp = top;
109     int column = 0;
110     while( tmp->link )
111     {
112         cout << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
113         //cout << tmp->data << " ";
114         column ++;
115         if( column % 10 == 0 )
116             cout << setw(7) << setiosflags(ios::left) << endl;
117         tmp = tmp->link;
118     }
119     cout << endl;
120 }
122 CPStack charLinkedStack::topValue()
123 {
124     return top->link;//write as "return top;" is not available
125 }
127 void charLinkedStack::decToHex( ll value )
128 {
129     ll tmp = value;
130     while(tmp)
131     {
132         ll mod = tmp % 16;
133         if( mod <= 9 )
134         {
135             push( (char) ( mod + '0' ) );
136         }
137         else
138         {
139             switch(mod)
140             {
141             case 10:
142                 push('A');
143                 break;
144             case 11:
145                 push('B');
146                 break;
147             case 12:
148                 push('C');
149                 break;
150             case 13:
151                 push('D');
152                 break;
153             case 14:
154                 push('E');
155                 break;
156             case 15:
157                 push('F');
158                 break;
159             default:
160                 cerr << "Error in void charSeqStack::transfor()" << endl;
161                 break;
162             }
163         }
164         tmp /= 16;
165     }
166 }
168 bool charLinkedStack::brancheMatch( char *Str )
169 {
171     int i = 0;
172     char ch = Str[i];
173     elementType1 ch1 = NULL;
174     while( ch != '\0' )
175     {
176         if( ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' )
177         {
178             push(ch);
180         }
181         else if( ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' )
182         {
183             //ch1 = NULL;
184             if( !stackEmpty() )
185             {
186                 //ch1 = NULL;
187                 getTop(ch1);
188                 //把下面这句话放到下面这个if判断里面结果就正确了
189                 //pop();
190                 //cout << (*this) << endl;
191                 if( ( ch == ')' && ch1 == '(' ) || 
192                     ( ch == ']' && ch1 == '[' ) || ( ch == '}' && ch1 == '{' ) )
193                 {
194                     //ch = NULL;
195                     //ch1 = NULL;
196                     pop();
197                     //continue;
198                 }    //ch = Str[ ++ i ];
200                 else if( ( ch == ')' && ch1 != '(' ) || 
201                     ( ch == ']' && ch1 != '[' ) || ( ch == '}' && ch1 != '{' ) )
202                     return false;
203             }
205             else //if( stackEmpty() && !ch1 )
206                 return false;
207         }
209         ch = Str[ ++ i ];
210     }
211     if( stackEmpty() )
212     {
213         return true;
214     }
216     while( !stackEmpty() )
217     {
218         pop();
220     }
222     return false;
223 }
225 bool charLinkedStack::judge(const char *sour, const char *dest)        //不比更改两个序列的内容,所以可加const修饰限定符
226 {
227      assert(sour);//断言可防止NULL指针的传入(避免传入指针引起程序崩溃的问题)
228      assert(dest);
229     //stack<char> ss;//借助库函数创建一个栈
230     charLinkedStack ss;
231     if (strlen(sour) != strlen(dest)) //如果两个序列不一样长,自然是非法的序列
232         return false;
234     ss.push(*sour++); //将首元素压栈
235     while (*dest != '\0')  
236     {
238         if (ss.stackEmpty() && *sour != '\0') //如果栈为空且入栈序列未结束,则不断压入元素
239             ss.push(*sour++);
240         char x;
241         ss.getTop(x);
242         while (*dest != x && *sour != '\0') 
243         {
244             ss.push(*sour++);//如果出栈元素和栈顶元素不匹配则继续压入元素
245             ss.getTop(x);
246         }
247         ss.getTop(x);
248         if (*dest == x )  //如果两者相等,将该元素弹出,且指针指向出栈序列的下一位置上
249         {
250             dest++;
251             ss.pop();
252             continue;
253         }
254         ss.getTop(x);
255         if (*sour == '\0'&& x != *dest)  //如果一直不相等,知道入栈序列结束仍为匹配上,说明出栈序列非法
256         {
257             return false;
258         }
259     }
260     return true;//否则序列合法
261 }


  1 // _LinkedStack.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
  2 //
  4 #include "stdafx.h"
  5 #include "linkedStack.h"
  7 /*
  8 void test()
  9 {
 10     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 11     //freopen( "x1.in", "r", stdin );
 12     FILE *fp = fopen( "x1.in", "r" );
 13     //cout << "werfe" << endl;
 14     linkedStack LS1;
 15     charLinkedStack CLS1, CLS2;
 16     for( int i = 1; i <= 113; i ++ )
 17     {
 18         //LS1.push(i);
 19     }
 20     //cout << LS1 << endl;
 21     //LS1.displayStack();
 23     for( int j = 0; j <= 26; j ++ )
 24     {
 25         //CLS1.push( (char)( 'A' + j ) );
 26     }
 27     /*
 28     char Str[] = "#12+5*(2+3)*6/2-4#";
 29     LS1.calculate(Str);
 30     cout << LS1;
 31     ll n;
 32     //while( cin >> n )
 33     {
 34         cin >> n;
 35         CLS1.decToHex(n);
 36         cout << CLS1;
 37         //CLS1.~charLinkedStack();
 38     }
 40     char Str2[1000];
 41     while(1)
 42     {
 43         gets(Str2);
 44         if(CLS2.brancheMatch(Str2) )
 45             cout << "YES!" << endl;
 46         else
 47             cout << "NO!" << endl;
 48     }
 49     //cout << CLS1;
 50     //cout << LS1.length() << endl;
 51     //int x;
 52     //LS1.getTop(x);
 53     //cout << x << endl;
 54     //LS1.pop();
 55     //LS1.getTop(x);
 56     //cout << endl;
 57     cin.get();
 58 }
 59 */
 61 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 62 {
 63     /*
 64     while(1)
 65     {
 66         test();
 67     }
 69     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 70     //freopen( "x1.in", "r", stdin );
 72     //freopen( "x1.out", "w", stdout );
 73     */
 74     //FILE *fp = fopen( "x1.in", "r" );
 75     /*
 76     //cout << "werfe" << endl;
 77     linkedStack LS1;
 78     charLinkedStack CLS1, CLS2;
 79     //for( int i = 1; i <= 113; i ++ )
 80     //{
 81         //LS1.push(i);
 82     //}
 83     //cout << LS1 << endl;
 84     //LS1.displayStack();
 86     //for( int j = 0; j <= 26; j ++ )
 87 //    {
 88         //CLS1.push( (char)( 'A' + j ) );
 89 //    }
 91     linkedStack LS1;
 92     char Str[] = "#12+5*(2+3)*6/2-4#", Str2[] = "#34456%3+100*5+3-100#";
 93     LS1.calculate(Str);
 94     for( int i = 1;  Str[i] != '#' && i < strlen(Str); i++ )
 95         cout << Str[i];
 96     cout << " = " << LS1;
 97     LS1.pop();
 98     LS1.calculate(Str2);
 99     for( i = 1;  Str2[i] != '#' && i < strlen(Str2); i++ )
100         cout << Str2[i];
101     cout << " = " << LS1;
103     charLinkedStack CLS1;
104     ll n;
105     while( cin >> n )
106     {
107         //cin >> n;
108         CLS1.decToHex(n);
109         cout << CLS1;
110         while( !CLS1.stackEmpty() )
111             CLS1.pop();
112         //CLS1.~charLinkedStack();
113     }
115     charLinkedStack CLS2;
116     char Str2[1000];
117     while( fgets( Str2, 1000, fp ) != NULL )
118     {
119         //gets(Str2);
120         if( CLS2.brancheMatch(Str2) )
121             cout << Str2 << " ---> legal!" << endl;
122         else
123             cout << Str2 << " ---> illegal!" << endl;
124     }
126     linkedStack LS2;
128     for( int i = 1; i <= 10; i ++ )
129     {
130         LS2.push(i);
131     }
133     LS2.push(1.0);
134     LS2.push(4.0);
135     LS2.push(2.0);
136     LS2.push(3.0);
138     cout << LS2 << endl;
139     if( LS2.isPopOrder() )
140         cout << " --- legal" <<endl;
141     else
142         cout << " --- illegal" << endl;
144     linkedStack LS3;
145     elementType Arr1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, Arr2[5];//, Arr2[] = { 1, 4, 2, 3 };
146     //elementType Arr1[100], Arr2[100];
148     int cnt = 0;
150     while( cnt ++ < 24 )
151     {
152         //if( LS3.judgeIsLegal( Arr1, Arr2 ) )
153         for( int i = 0; i < 5; i ++ )
154             cin >> Arr2[i];
155         if( LS3.judge( Arr1, 5, Arr2, 5 ) )
156         {
157             cout << setw(2) << cnt << " : ";
158             for( int j = 0; j < 4; j ++ )
159                 cout << Arr2[j] << " ";
160             cout << " ---> legal!" << endl;
161         }
162         else
163         {
164             //cout << cnt << " ---> NO!" << endl;
165             cout << setw(2) << cnt << " : ";
166             for( int j = 0; j < 4; j ++ )
167                 cout << Arr2[j] << " ";
168             cout << " ---> illegal!" << endl;
169         }
170     }
172     */
173     linkedStack  LS5;
174     elementType A[8];
175     cout << "The valid out-of-stack sequences of 1 to 7 are:" << endl;
176     LS5.printValidPopStackSequence( 7, A, 0 );
178     /*
180     charLinkedStack ss;
181     char Str[4];
182     int cnt = 0;
183     while( cnt ++ < 24 )
184     {
185         gets(Str);
186         cout << cnt << " : " << Str << " --- " << ss.judge( "abcd",Str ) << endl;
187     }
188     */
189     cin.get();
190     return 0;
191 }


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