Option Explicit
Public Price As Double
Sub 变量()
'Byte 整数0-255
'Boolen bool值
'Integer 整数-32768-32767,long整数,Currency整数
Dim Dc
Dc = 1
MsgBox Dc
Dc = "Hello"
MsgBox Dc
Dim score As Date, word As String
score = #1/1/1900#
word = "Hello world"
MsgBox score & word
Static Count As Integer
Count = Count + 1
MsgBox "第" & Count & "次"
End Sub
Sub SSS()
'Price = 5.6
'MsgBox Price
Const P As Double = 3.5
Dim res
res = P ^ 4
'比较运算> >= <= = <>:不等于
'逻辑运算符 And Or Not
res = 2
'If res = 1 Then
' MsgBox 1
'ElseIf res = 2 Then
' MsgBox 2
' MsgBox 3
'End If
'Select Case res
' Case Is >= 90
' MsgBox "good"
' Case Is >= 80
' MsgBox "well"
' Case Else
' MsgBox "bad"
'End Select
'For Num = 1 To 5
' res = res + Num
' Next Num
'MsgBox res
For Num = 1 To 5 Step 2
If Num >= 5 Then
'Exit for 中断循环
Exit For
End If
' MsgBox Num
res = res + Num
Next Num
'MsgBox res
Dim mum As Integer
'Do While mum <= 10
'MsgBox mum
' mum = mum + 1
mun = 0
'do Until循环
Do Until mum > 10
mum = mum + 1
MsgBox mum
Exit Sub
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub SubTest(Num As Integer)
For Num = 1 To Num
MsgBox Num
Next Num
End Sub
Sub SubTesttwo(Num As Integer, two As Integer)
Do While two <= Num
MsgBox two
two = two + 1
End Sub
Sub Test()
'SubTest (2)
SubTesttwo 3, 1
Dim Value As Double
Value = Cube(1, 5)
MsgBox Value
End Sub
Function Cube(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Cube = x + y
End Function
Option Base 1
Sub ArrayTest()
Dim MyArray(1 To 3) As Integer
' For Index = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
' MyArray(Index) = Index
' MsgBox MyArray(Index)
' Next Index
Dim newArray(3) As Integer
For Index = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
'MsgBox Index
Next Index
Dim lll(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Integer
For Row = LBound(lll, 1) To UBound(lll, 1)
For low = 1 To 3
lll(Row, low) = Row + low
' MsgBox lll(Row, Low)
Next low
Next Row
Dim dotai() As Integer
ReDim dotai(1 To 3)
ReDim dotai(1 To 3, 1 To 2)
For roow = LBound(dotai, 1) To UBound(dotai, 1)
For low = 1 To 2
dotai(roow, low) = roow + low
MsgBox dotai(roow, low)
Next low
Next roow
ReDim Preserve dotai(1 To 3, 1 To 2)
End Sub