
  • 1 select * from scores

  • 使用TOP限制结果集,WITH TIES作用-包括最后一行取值并列的结果
    1 --查询english最高的前3名
    2 select top 3 with ties id,chinese,math,english
    3 from scores 
    4 order by english desc

    1 --查询出现次数最多的chinese分数值
    2 select top 1 with ties chinese, count(*) as 次数 --COUNT()需要和group by一起使用
    3 from scores
    4 group by chinese
    5 order by count(*) desc

    1 --查询总成绩前20%学生成绩
    2 select top 20 percent with ties id, chinese, math, english, chinese+math+english as total
    3 from scores 
    4 order by chinese+math+english desc

  • 1 select  id, chinese, math, english, chinese+math+english as total, level = 
    2 case
    3     when chinese+math+english > 270 then 'A'
    4     when chinese+math+english > 230 then 'B'
    5     else 'C'
    6 end
    7 from scores 
    8 order by chinese+math+english desc

  •  1 --将查询结果保存到新表中
     2 --使用'#'将新表标识临时表,生存期与创建此局部临时表的用户的连接生存期相同,只在当前连接中使用
     3 --使用'##'将新表标识全局临时表,生存期与创建此局部临时表的用户的连接生存期相同,可被所有的连接使用
     4 --将上一步查询的结果存入新表
     5 select  id, chinese, math, english, chinese+math+english as total, level = 
     6 case
     7     when chinese+math+english > 270 then 'A'
     8     when chinese+math+english > 230 then 'B'
     9     else 'C'
    10 end
    11 into global_scores --全局新表
    12 from scores 
    13 order by chinese+math+english desc
    14 go 
    15 select * from global_scores

    1 --在永久表中查询level为B的学生
    2 select * from global_scores
    3 where level = 'B'

     1 --将查询结果保存到新表中
     2 --使用'#'将新表标识临时表,生存期与创建此局部临时表的用户的连接生存期相同,只在当前连接中使用
     3 --使用'##'将新表标识全局临时表,生存期与创建此局部临时表的用户的连接生存期相同,可被所有的连接使用
     4 --将上一步查询的结果存入新表
     5 select  id, chinese, math, english, chinese+math+english as total, level = 
     6 case
     7     when chinese+math+english > 270 then 'A'
     8     when chinese+math+english > 230 then 'B'
     9     else 'C'
    10 end
    11 into #temp_scores --临时表
    12 from scores 
    13 order by chinese+math+english desc
    14 go 
    15 select * from  #temp_scores --可像永久表一样查询
    16 where level = 'B'

  • 并运算UNION
    1 select * from global_scores
    2 where level = 'B'
    3 union
    4 select * from global_scores
    5 where level = '

    1 select * from scores where chinese = 95
    2 intersect
    3 select * from scores where math = 64

  • 差运算EXCEPT
    select * from scores where chinese = 95

    1 select * from scores where chinese = 95
    2 intersect
    3 select * from scores where math = 64
  • 使用子查询进行基于集合的测试
    1 --子查询,查询与id为2的学生chinese成绩相同的学生
    2 select * from scores
    3 where chinese in
    4 (
    5     select chinese from scores where id = 2
    6 )
    7 and id != 2

  • 使用子查询进行比较测试
  • 1 --查询成绩最高的
    2 select *, chinese+math+english as total
    3 from scores where chinese+math+english =
    4 (
    5     select MAX(chinese+math+english) from scores
    6 )

    1 --查询成绩高与平均分的学生
    2 select *, chinese +math + english as total from scores
    3 where chinese + math + english >
    4 (
    5     select AVG(chinese +math + english) from scores
    6 )

  •  使用子查询进行存在性测试

    1 select * from info

    1 --查询名字为'd'的学生成绩
    2 select * from scores 
    3 where exists
    4 (
    5     select * from info where scores.id = info.id and info.name = 'd'
    6 )


    1 select * from scores 
    2 where exists
    3 (
    4     select * from scores where chinese > 80
    5 )


    如上面一个查询语句中的select * from scores where chinese > 80,该语句总是true,因为一直存在>80的数据,而对于下面这一查询语句因为外查询是一行一行查的,对于每一行外查询,它的id值都是不同的(依次为1,2,3,4……),所以子查询中select * from scores b where a.id = b.id and chinese > 80,条件:a.id = b.id并没有一直成立,所以可能返回true或false

    1 select * from scores a 
    2 where exists
    3 (
    4     select * from scores b where a.id = b.id and chinese > 80
    5 )


  • 替代表达式的子查询

     1 --替代表达式的子查询是指在SELECT语句的选择列表中嵌入一个只返回一个标量值的SELECT语句,这个查询语句通常是通过一个聚合函数来返回一个单值
     2 --以下查询名为李军的学生所选课程数目
     3 select sno, sname,
     4 (
     5     select COUNT(*) from students 
     6     join scores on students.sno = scores.sno
     7     where students.sname = '李军'
     8     )as course_cnt
     9 from students
    10 where students.sname = '李军'
  • 派生表
     1 --派生表(内联视图)是将子查询作为一个表来处理,这个由子查询产生的新表就被称为“派生表”,类似于临时表
     2 --一下查询同时操作系统和计算机导论的学生
     3 select students.sno,students.sname
     4 from
     5 (
     6     select * from scores 

    where scores.cno = (select cno from courses where courses.cname = '操作系统') 8 )as t1 9 join 10 ( 11 select * from scores 12 where scores.cno = (select cno from courses where courses.cname = '计算机导论') 13 )as t2 14 on t1.sno = t2.sno 15 join students on t1.sno = students.sno


    1 select sno,sname from students where sno in (
    2 select sno from scores where cno = (select cno from courses where courses.cname = '计算机导论'))
    3 and sno in (
    4 select sno from scores where cno = (select cno from courses where courses.cname = '操作系统'))


  • 开窗函数
    • 将OVER字句与聚合函数结合使用
      • 1 --查询每门课的平均分,over作用:按课号分好组,然后求平均分
        2 select distinct courses.cno, cname,CAST( 1.0*AVG(degree)over(partition by scores.cno)as decimal(5,2)) as avg_degree
        3 from courses join scores on courses.cno = scores.cno 
        5 --大小为5,保留两位小数
        6 --as decimal(5,2)
        8 --cast(xxx as decimal)

    • 将OVER字句与排名函数一起使用 
      • 排名函数为分区中的每一行返回一个排名值,根据所用函数的不同,某些行可能与其他行具有相同的排名值,排名函数具有不确定性。
        • RANK()函数:相同的值会有相同排名
          1 --查询各学生的总分班级排名
          2 select *, chinese+math+english as total,
          3 RANK() over
          4 (partition by class order by chinese+math+english desc) as class_rank
          5 from scores
          6 order by chinese+math+english desc

        • DENSE_RANK():用法同RANK(),但排名的取值是连续的
          1 --DENSE_RANK查询各学生的总分班级排名
          2 select *, chinese+math+english as total,
          3 DENSE_RANK() over
          4 (partition by class order by chinese+math+english desc) as class_rank
          5 from scores
          6 order by chinese+math+english desc


        • NTILE():分组
          1 --NTILE:将学生按成绩划分到3个组中
          2 select *, chinese+math+english as total,
          3 NTILE(3) over
          4 (order by chinese+math+english desc) as ngroup
          5 from scores

          1 --NTILE:将学生以班级为单位按成绩划分到3个组中
          2 select *, chinese+math+english as total,
          3 NTILE(3) over
          4 (partition by class order by chinese+math+english desc) as ngroup
          5 from scores

        • ROW_NUMBER:返回结果集中每个分区内行的序列号
          1 select *, chinese+math+english as total,
          2 ROW_NUMBER() over
          3 (PARTITION BY class order by chinese+math+english desc) as ngroup
          4 from scores

  • 公用表表达式

    1 --查询时显示学生所在班级人数
    2 with class_cnt(class, cnt) as 
    3 (
    4     select class,count(*) from scores
    5     group by class)
    6 select scores.*,class_cnt.cnt as class_cnt from scores
    7 join class_cnt on scores.class = class_cnt.class

posted @ 2020-06-23 21:50  幻想Elapse  阅读(527)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报