10 2012 档案
摘要:DSL Model 对应的DSL内容 treatment of default_customer upon bad_credit: authorize_funds cart.Total, "We require full authorization of the amount in low credit rating scenarios" define preferred_customer: customer.TotalPurchaseAmount > 5000 define default_customer: customer.Total...
摘要:GUI光秃秃的server实在讨厌,还是来个GUI操作起来方便嘛~在shell里输入:sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core #安装x-windows的基础sudo apt-get install gdm #安装登录管理器 还可以为kdm/xdmsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop #安装Ubuntu的桌面 还可以为Kubunut-desktop/ Xubuntu-desktopsudo apt-get install gnome-core #安装GNOME的一些基础重启之后进入系统便有GUI了http://my.o
摘要:基于boo这个语言实现的几个dsl例子,可以作为我们学习的参考Brail Castle Project http://www.castleproject.org/monorail/documentation/trunk/viewengines/brail/index.html. It’s a text templating language, built by me, in which in you can mix code and text freely. Here’s a sample: <h1>My name is ${name}</h1> <ul>
摘要:keywords Boo syntax C# equivalent class Car: pass pass keyword public class Car { } employee is null ...
摘要:Boo is an object-oriented, statically typed programming language for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) with a Python-inspired syntax and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility. It’s this focus on extensibility that makes it ideally suited for building DSLs. Boo is not just...