作者:Huw Bowles 单位:Studio Gobo
Introduction(简介):Studio Gobo is a small team of talented developers based in Brighton / UK
The Crew(成员):Ben Andrews, Paul Ayliffe, Anastasios Brakis, Jim Callin, Clement Dagneau Kevin Hayes, Will Myles, Olliver Reid-Smith, Phil Williams, Tom Williams.[Some of the amazing people from Studio Gobo that contributed to this work, across code, art and design. There are additional people that made contributions to this work but can’t be named for legal reasons.]
Project(项目):1)Mystery Project X(神秘项目代号X) 2)Built a self contained part of the game(构建了游戏的独立部分) 3)Includes a virtual ocean(包含一个虚拟海洋)[由于法律原因,我们不被允许透露我们参与的项目的名称,尽管该项目(以及我们参与其中的情况)已经宣布。]
任务和挑战:Project timeline was tight so we aimed to develop one solution that worked on all shipping platforms. The GPU on the Wii is fixed function so we aimed to do a CPU solution(项目时间表很紧,所以我们的目标是开发一个适用于所有运输平台的解决方案。Wii上的GPU是固定功能的,所以我们的目标是做一个CPU解决方案)
- Seamless experience across land and sea(跨越陆地和海洋的无缝体验)
- Ocean is both a play space and a back drop(海洋既是一个游戏空间,也是一个背景板)
- Various art and design goals(各种各样的艺术设计表达方式)
- 8 month development(8个月的开发周期)
- Shipping platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii(游戏平台:Xbox360,PS3,Wii)
概况:To render an ocean you need three things. One is some kind of description of the shape. Secondly you need to sample the shape as a 3D mesh and submit it to the GPU. Finally, shaders tell the GPU how to create the appearance of the ocean surface.(要渲染海洋,你需要三样东西。一种是对形状的某种描述。其次,您需要将形状采样为3D网格,并将其提交给GPU。最后,着色器告诉GPU如何创建海洋表面的外观。)
难点:Ocean surface is complex and detailed and at the same time vast. This makes it challenging to describe (compactly).(海面既复杂又细致,同时又广阔。这使得描述(紧凑)变得很有挑战性。)
Doing a full fluid sim is still out of reach for games. Compress the shape by dividing it into two levels. Global shape is the base ocean shape that is repeated over the entire ocean surface. Local shape adds some localised deviation to the shape to meet art and design requirements. Also normal maps are used to hallucinate high freq waves on the surface. We’ll look at these later.
-Global shape(全局形状)
-Fourier Synthesis傅立叶合成
-Procedural representations程序化表达
-Local shape(局部形状)
-Wave height modifiers波浪高度修改器
-Wave particles波浪粒子
1.1 Shape / Fourier Synthesis(形状-傅里叶合成器)
Fourier synthesis generates something like this – a patch of our ocean surface.
Can limit the frequencies so we get a tileable, loopable patch.(可以限制频率,这样我们就可以得到一个可平铺、可循环的面片。)
- Several models for the frequency content of ocean waves known(已知海浪频率含量的几种模型)
- Can use Fourier Transform to synthesise surface with desired spectrum(可以使用傅立叶变换合成具有所需光谱的表面)
- See the work from [Tessendorf2001](参见[Tessendorf2001]中的工作)
Some implementation details:Fixed point values – 8bit seemed to be enough precision to store the displacement map. We did the interpolation of data also using fixed point math and then converted to floats afterwards.
We did all this on the CPU.I guess, if this is done by sampling textures in the vertex shader, mipmapping will automatically filter out high frequencies (if mip maps are enabled?)?
- We used this for Xbox 360 and PS3(我们在Xbox 360和PS3上使用了这个)
- Precompute FFT offline into set of displacement maps [Torres2012](将FFT离线预计算为一组位移图[Torres2012])
- 64 frames looping animation, 64x64 spatial resolution, 8bit fixed point values(64帧循环动画,64x64空间分辨率,8位定点值)
- 1.5mb for positions and normals(位置和法线为1.5mb)
Memory is precious on Wii. We decided to look at procedural representations that do not rely on prebaked data.内存在Wii上是珍贵的。我们决定研究过程表示方法,它不依赖预烘焙数据。
-Too much memory for Wii (64mb RAM)(对Wii来说需要太多内存了 64MB的RAM)
-Look at procedural representations(查找过程表示法)
-Sum a set of waves(总结了一系列的波)
1.2 Shape/Trochoids(全局形状-Trochoids波)
Standard shape for deep ocean waves (waves not influenced by ocean floor).
Trochoids are nice – peaks/crests are important for visual interest.
More info: http://whatonearth.olehnielsen.dk/oceanwaves.asp
Trochoid is a parametric equation. The parameter can’t be solved for a particular point in space algebraically. While it can be solved iteratively using fixed point iteration, we decided to approximate the trochoid shape with a piecewise polynomial.
- Cannot sample wave height directly (see appendix)不能直接取样波高(见附录)
- Approximate trochoids instead with polynomial equation用多项式方程代替近似三次曲线
1.3 Shape / Parabolic waves(全局形状-Parabolic波)
This is the shape we settled on.
Its constructed by adding three parabolas
1.4 Shape / Wave Height Mods(局部形状-波高的修改)
Simple solution to control wave heights.控制波高的简单解决方案。
A wave height mod has 2 radii. Influence blended from 0 to 1 between outer and inner edge.波高模型有2个半径。影响在外边缘和内边缘之间从0混合到1。
Could be done with wave particles but its useful to have two radii, and the operation is an alpha blend as opposed to additive blend.
-Spheres placed in world to influence waves(放置在世界上影响波浪的球体)
-Ramp waves down in bays/around islands(海湾/岛屿周围的斜坡波浪下降)
-Ramp waves up in storms(风暴中波浪上升)
1.5 Shape / Wave Particles(局部形状-波粒子)
The second way we add local detail is using wave particles.
-Wave Particles introduced by [Yuksel2007]【Yuksel2007】引入的波粒子
-“Blobs” of water that move over the surface 水面上运动的“物体”
In our implementation the wave particles contributed both water volume and foam values
We tethered foam wave particles to floating objects to help them connect with the surface. Moving objects also generated a wake simply by spawning wave particles moving outwards from the object and scaling the wave particle height by the velocity. In the paper from Yuksel they preserve water volume which is nice.
- Contribute both surface height and foam values for shading(为着色提供“曲面高度”和“泡沫”值)
- Can be either free-moving or tethered to floating objects(波粒子可以自由移动,也可以系在浮动对象上)
Here is a cross section profile of a single wave particle. Yuksel et al. use a cosine curve to give the wave shape. We use the smoothstep function. This allowed us to factor out some terms and use in both the height and derivative computation.
- We use smoothstep as the particle kernel
- Cross section shown below
We can do a symmetrical parameter offset to get a donut shape i.e. a ripple.我们可以做一个对称的参数偏移,得到一个圆环形状,即纹波。
This is novel as far as we know.据我们所知,这是目前最先进的方式。
Could probably get a train of ripples by transforming the wave particle parameter.可以通过变换波粒参数得到一系列的波纹。
See the appendix for equations.方程式见附录。
- Can offset parameter to get ripples. 可以偏移参数以获取波纹
Using positive ripple only – would be best to follow it with a negative ripple.
Could probably get a train of ripples by transforming the wave particle parameter.
Insert sea monster here
To efficiently evaluate the shape contributed by wave particles, we need a fast way to query them.
Use uniform grid.
Rasterize all possible cells, so that lookup is a single query. This however means that the bucket sizes in the uniform grid have to be larger as every WP is written to 9 cells.
Would have been best to have multiple grids to allow for different wave particle kernel widths (a uniform grid with cell width c imposes a maximum wave particle kernel radius of c). We ran out of time here
-World axis-aligned uniform grid for queries用于查询的世界轴对齐统一网格
-Write active particles into grid after update更新后将活动粒子写入栅格
-Simple loop to rasterize ripples onto grid通过简单循环将涟漪光栅化写入到网格中
1.6 Shape / LOD(形状-LOD)
We want to use shape judiciously. We’ll have a very limited number of samples later.
Insufficient sampling leads to large interpolation error and possibly aliasing.
-Limited number of samples有限数量的采样
-Especially when meshing on the CPU尤其是在CPU上进行网格化时
We really need to be economical on shape.
-Avoid shape where it is not apparent当不可见时要避免形状
-View dependent根据可视而定
We only introduce shape close to the viewer. Shape is removed in these ways. For the procedural approach we could also make waves smoother (crests less sharp).
Ramping down/scaling does not solve undersampling/aliasing, but reduces the magnitude of the error
Proper filtering of fourier synthesised surface patches could be performed if we did meshing on the GPU and we were willing to pay for mipmaps.
- Procedural – omit smaller wavelengths程序–忽略较小波长
- Fourier synthesis – ramp down傅立叶合成-缓降
- Wave particles – ramp down波浪粒子–缓降
1.7 Shape / Summary(形状-总结)
- Many ways to describe shape有很多描述形状的方法
- We found the discussed methods to be我们发现所讨论的方法是:
-Relatively quick and easy to implement相对快速且易于实施
There are many other ways that shape could be described. Could for example have repeated the input coordinate to get a chain or ripples from one wave particle. We found the previous were quick and easy to implement, efficient to compute and gave us a reasonable amount of expressive power.
Now that we have the shape, we want to sample it to generate the mesh.
- Need a set of sample positions需要一系列的采样点
- Triangulate to get surface三角化以获取曲面
Also ideally we would get alignment of mesh edges with edges/corners of the shape. It seems like there are ways to adjust the topology based on wave direction to get a better alignment of edges to the shape but we didn’t do anything here.
-We want to adapt meshing to shape我们希望调整网格以适应形状
-View dependent sampling根据可视情况采样
-Pinch verts at wave crests and wave particles波峰和波粒子处的收缩顶点
-See appendix见附件
2.1 Meshing / Clipmapping(全球大范围尺度的网格化-Clipmapping)
Mesh verts almost completely stationary (bar some blending between detail levels)
- Sew different resolution grids together将不同分辨率的格网缝合在一起
Source: [Losasso2004]
We ruled this out during preproduction based on some guesses about implementation difficulty and runtime efficiency. I don’t have evidence to confirm this though. And it has shipped in AAA titles [Ochoa2012], I believe CryEngine uses it too – TODO dig up presentation (http://www.crytek.com/cryengine/presentations )
An interesting contribution would be to compare the two using some kind of suitable performance and quality metrics.
- Sew different resolution grids together将不同分辨率的栅格缝合在一起
- Ruled out during preproduction在试生产期间排除(这个方法?)
- Future work: proper comparison今后的工作:适当的比较
2.2 Meshing / Projected grid(全球大范围尺度的网格化-投影网格)
Instead we started with the projected grid method.
The idea with this method is to generate a mesh in screen space and then project it onto the ocean plane. Then the projected verts are then the sample points of the shape.
Introduced by [Hinsinger2002]
Mesh moves with viewpoint so this method is prone to interpolation error.
I refer to this as interpolation error whereas it’s typically referred to as aliasing. I guess it is aliasing (from the triangle hat reconstruction filter?) but I’ll keep referring to it as interpolation error here.
-Simple and cheap简单而廉价
-View adaptive视图自适应
-Verts move with camera顶点随摄影机移动
-Interpolation error becomes animated and noticeable插值误差变为动画且明显
Here is what it looks like in motion. Note the rippling effect on the surface. And the height of the wave changes considerably depending on the samples.
Here is a 3d prototyping scene. It has 3 parabolic waves summed together (introduced earlier).
When the camera is stationary, nothing out of the ordinary.
Now freeze the ocean surface and move the camera.
The rippling artifacts are obvious.
Note that this error is still there when the camera is stationary! Its just not noticeable because the error is frozen.
Similar issues occur when rotating the camera. Most noticeable at sides of screen.
This is happening in the first video.如第一个视频中所示:
- If we can keep verts stationary, we can freeze interpolation error.如果我们能保持顶点不变,我们就可以冻结插值误差
2.3 Meshing / Polar Meshing(全球大范围尺度的网格化-极坐标网格)
- We introduce Polar Meshing我们引入极坐标网格
- Aims to keep vertices stationary in world space目的是使顶点在世界空间中保持静止
This is the trace of an individual vert when the view is rotated. We want the verts to be as stationary as possible to avoid the animated interpolation error shown before.
Solution part 1: Change vert placement to match vert flow.
Instead of doing a strict screen space projection of a regular grid, we are moving into world space and constructing the mesh around the viewer.
- Change shape to match vert flow更改形状以匹配垂直流
Solution part 2: Snap mesh rotation to angular increments that match the mesh.
- Snap rotation捕捉旋转
Result – completely stationary verts.
第二种情况:Forwards motion(向前移动)
One idea would be to simply pull the vert ring radii inwards to compensate for some of the motion of the verts.
However we quickly lose the detail close to the viewer and end up with a very sparse mesh.
Move vert rings inwards(向内移动顶点环)
So we would like to introduce detail as the mesh approaches the viewer by smoothly dividing vert rings.
Question – when and where do the splits occur?
- Adaptive tessellation自适应细分
- How to organise split/merge events?如何组织拆分/合并事件?
Idea: get ring radii by intersecting a line with a binary tree
>>Structured Volume Sampling - Huw Bowles:https://www.jianshu.com/p/9c8f4575b9b2
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