
Kevin Ring,Analytical Graphics, Inc. December 2, 2013

1. Massive Terrain Rendering(大批量地形渲染)

 2. Cesium Platform

- Javascript,webgl,web workers,typed arrays

- Chrome,firefox,ie11

- Runs on windows,linux,mac os,android.

3. Powder Tracks demo

4. Terrain Rendering(地形渲染)

- Geometry or shape(几何或形状)

   -- Heightmap

   -- Triangle mesh

- Shading or color(着色)

   -- Imagery(aerial photography, color map)

   -- Various effects

5. Earth data

- Terrain and imagery collected by satellites and aerial instruments

   -- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

   -- National Elevation Dataset (NED)

   -- Landsat satellites

   -- Digital Globe, SPOT, etc.

- Terrain usually provided as a heightmap

6. Heightmap

7. Unfortunately....不幸的是....

- The best data is hidden:

   –Within private networks

   –Within classified networks

   –Behind pay walls

   –By strict terms of use restrictions

- Data is huge – up to hundreds of terabytes

- We can’t access it ahead of time to transform it to a different form.

posted on 2023-04-19 10:42  XiaoNiuFeiTian  阅读(19)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报