
FX Composer 2.5 Quick Tutorial[注意:FX Composer 2.5已停止更新。最新版名字叫Nsight Visual Studio]

This chapter presents a very short FX Composer 2.5 tutorial to quickly introduce you to several convenient and powerful new features. We highly recommend this tutorial, particularly if you have not worked with FX Composer 2 previously.

The NVIDIA Software Improvement Program
The first time you run a freshly installed FX Composer 2.5, you'll be prompted to join the NVIDIA Software Improvement Program (or SIP, which you can learn more about at http://developer.nvidia.com/object/SIP.html).
In summary, if you opt-in to the SIP, FX Composer will record which product features you're using, and we will use this information to make the product better. At no time is content of any kind (such as models/textures/shaders/scripts) sent to NVIDIA. We encourage you to opt-in, as you will be helping to guide future software improvements towards your usage scenarios.
The SIP also allows you to immediately send feedback to NVIDIA at any time by pressing F4. This will bring up an Instant Feedback dialog box where you can enter suggestions or bug reports.

Creating an Effect 创建一个特效
Next, you'll see FX Composer's Start Page. This page gives you convenient access to several commonly-used commands and resources.

接下来,你将会看到FX Composer的欢迎页面。这个页面给你几个常用的命令和资源的快捷方式。

Let’s start by creating a New Project.  You should always try to organize your projects so that all key assets (models, shaders, and textures) are in the same folder.  That way, you can easily ZIP up a folder to share your project with others.


Name your project as you like, and choose a suitable location (the default location is My Documents/FX Composer 2).  A subfolder with the project name will be created. Once the project is created, you’ll see FX Composer’s default layout.
取一个你喜欢的名字,选一个合适的位置。该工程名的子文件夹将会被创建。一旦该工程创建了,你将会看到FX Composer的默认布局。
Let’s create a new effect.  Select the New Effect button on the main toolbar. A short wizard will pop up, guiding you through the creation of your new effect.

 The wizard will prompt you for the types of shaders you want to add.  Select HLSL FX and CgFX. Also, set the Effect Name as “Phong_Bump_Effect”, and set the Material Name to “Phong_Bump_ Material”.

向导将提示您输入要添加的着色器类型。选择HLSL FX和CgFX。此外,将“效果名称”设置为“Phong_Bump_Effect”,并将“材质名称”设置“Phong_Bump_Material”。

You may be wondering what the difference is between a material and an effect. An “effect” is a shader—for example, marble. A “material” is an instance of an effect with specific properties settings—for example, green marble. Materials are what you actually apply to objects in your scene.


The advantage of having effects and materials is that you can modify the underlying shader code of several materials at once if they are based on the same effect, simply by modifying the effect. Without a materials system, you would have to create separate shaders for each material variant and modify all of these shaders individually to achieve the same result.


Click Next.  You’ll now get a chance to pick from a variety of shader templates for the .fx shader effect.


Choose Phong Bump Reflect and click Next.  Then choose Phong Bump Reflect for the .cgfx file, and click Finish.

You’ll now see a sphere in the Materials panel, shaded using your new effect.

Importing Geometry
The next step is to create some geometry.  On the main toolbar, click on Import….  (This allows you to import geometry in various file formats, such as .fbx, .3ds, .obj, or .x.)
In the file dialog box, choose:选择如下路径的轮胎obj
FX Composer 2/MEDIA/obj/tire.obj
You’ll see an additional prompt about importing materials.  Click OK
You’ll now see a tire in the Render panel.  Use Alt + Leftmouse in the Render panel to get a better vantage point by rotating the view.  Shift + Leftmouse zooms in and out, and Ctrl + Leftmouse pans.
Let’s also create a sphere by clicking on the Create Sphere icon on the upper toolbar.  The sphere will appear at the world’s origin, so it happens to fit conveniently inside the tire. Make sure the Render panel’s Direct3D tab is active.
Applying Materials to Geometry 应用材质到几何体
Now it’s time to apply our material to our geometry.  To do this, simply drag‐and‐drop the Phong Bump Reflect material sphere from the Materials panel onto the tire, and then repeat the process for the sphere.
Modifying Material Parameters 修改材料的参数
Click on the Phong Bump Reflect material sphere in the Materials panel. This will show the material’s properties in the Properties panel.
Scroll down in the Properties panel until you see the Specular Power parameter.  Click on its value and change it to 7 either by using a slider or by typing in the value directly. You should see the Render panel updating dynamically as you change the parameter.

Do the same for the Ambient Light parameter.  This is a color, so you’ll use FX Composer’s HDR color picker to pick a new color.  In the color picker, dragging sliders with the left mouse button will change their base (mantissa) values.  Dragging slides with the right mouse button changes their exponent. Make sure to use the left mouse button and drag the brightness slider (to the right of the color gamut) upwards.  Again, the Render panel will show all your changes applied to the scene in real‐time.

对环境光参数执行同样的操作。这是一种颜色,因此您将使用FX Composer的HDR颜色选择器来选择新颜色。在颜色选择器中,用鼠标左键拖动滑块将更改其基数(尾数)值。用鼠标右键拖动幻灯片将更改其指数。确保使用鼠标左键并向上拖动亮度滑块(色域右侧)。再次,“渲染”面板将实时显示应用于场景的所有更改。

Assigning Textures指定纹理
If you look through the list of parameters in the Properties panel, you’ll notice several textures: Diffuse Texture, Normal‐Map Texture, and Environment.  Let’s change the diffuse texture.
FX Composer has a Textures panel specifically for working with 2D, 3D, and cube map textures. View that panel by selecting Textures from the View menu.
FX Composer具有专门用于处理2D、3D和立方体贴图纹理的“纹理”面板。通过从“视图”菜单中选择“纹理”来查看该面板。
Now click on the Texture Panel toolbar’s “Add New Image” button ( ). It is worth noting that you can also drag and drop image files from Windows Explorer directly into the Texture Panel).
posted on 2023-03-03 11:33  XiaoNiuFeiTian  阅读(77)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报