
Working with GIS data can be difficult. Working with the number of classes in the GeoTools library can also be a bit intimidating. The DataUtilities a facade classes which can help simplify common data wrangling chores.

In almost all cases the methods for this class act as a front end for the classes provided by gt-main. This documentation makes note of the classes used internally so you can learn how the library is put together and can go look for more control if needed.

If you do have any commonly used data hacks in your code; please submit a patch request to the issue tracker and we can add more useful methods here.






>>geotools 获取shapefile文件属性列表:https://blog.csdn.net/ylforever/article/details/80827950

posted on 2023-01-31 15:07  XiaoNiuFeiTian  阅读(62)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报