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arcobjects (package)
geoprocessing (package)
sa (package)
AcceptConnections(sde_workspace, accept_connections)
AcceptConnections(sde_workspace, accept_connections)
Allows an administrator to enable or disable the ability of
nonadministrative users to make connections to an enterprise geodatabase.
The Enterprise geodatabase that will have its connection property
The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must be
the geodatabase administrator.
Boolean value indicating if the geodatabase will accept connections
(True) or will not accept connections (False).
AddDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name, server_path, client_path='', hostname='')
AddDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name, server_path, {client_path}, {hostname})
Creates a geoprocessing tool error message (Severity=2) that can be
accessed by any of the GetMessages functions.
The message to add.
AddFieldDelimiters(datasource, field)
AddFieldDelimiters(datasource, field)
Adds field delimiters to a field name to allow for use in SQL
The field delimiters are based on the data source used.
The field name to which delimiters will be added. The field does not
have to currently exist.
AddIDMessage(message_type, message_ID, add_argument1=None, add_argument2=None)
AddIDMessage(message_type, message_ID, {add_argument1}, {add_argument2})
Allows you to use system messages with a script tool. A list of messages
and IDs that can be used are provided under Understanding geoprocessing
tool errors and warnings .
The message type defines whether the message will be an error, warning,
or informative. Valid message types are:
* ERROR: Adds an error message to the tool messages.
* INFORMATIVE: Adds an informative message to the tool messages.
* WARNING: Adds a warning message to the tool messages.
The message ID allows you to reference existing messages for your
scripting errors and warnings.
Depending on which message ID is used, an argument may be necessary to
complete the message. Common examples include dataset or field names.
Datatype can be string, integer, or double.
Depending on which message ID is used, an argument may be necessary to
complete the message. Common examples include dataset or field names.
Datatype can be string, integer, or double.
Creates a geoprocessing informative message (Severity=0) that can be
accessed with any of the GetMessages functions.
The message to add.
Sets the return message of a script tool as an output message by index.
The message index.
AddToolbox(input_file, module_name=None)
AddToolbox(input_file, {module_name})
Imports the specified toolbox into ArcPy, allowing for access to the
toolbox's associated tools.
Equivalent to the ImportToolbox function.
The geoprocessing toolbox to be added to the ArcPy site package.
If the toolbox does not have an alias, the module_name is required.
When a tool is accessed through the ArcPy site package, the toolbox alias
where the tool is contained is a required suffix (
arcpy.<toolname>_<alias> ). Since ArcPy depends on toolbox aliases to
access and execute the correct tool, aliases are extremely important when
importing custom toolboxes. A good practice is to always define a custom
toolbox's alias. However, if the toolbox alias is not defined, a
temporary alias can be set as the second parameter.
Creates a geoprocessing warning message (Severity=1) that can be accessed
by any of the GetMessages functions.
The message to add.
AlterAliasName(table, alias)
AlterAliasName(table, alias)
Updates the alias name for a table or feature class.
Input table or feature class.
The new alias name.
Checks to see if a license is available to be checked out for a specific
type of extension.
Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using
that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's
tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license
to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out
extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License
Manager when a script completes.
Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.
* 3D: 3D Analyst
* Schematics: ArcGIS Schematics
* ArcScan: ArcScan
* Business: Business Analyst
* DataInteroperability: Data Interoperability
* GeoStats: Geostatistical Analyst
* JTX: Workflow Manager
* Network: Network Analyst
* Aeronautical: Esri Aeronautical Solution
* Defense: Esri Defense Solution
* Foundation: Esri Production Mapping
* Datareviewer: ArcGIS Data Reviewer
* Nautical: Esri Nautical Solution
* Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry
* Spatial: Spatial Analyst
* StreetMap: StreetMap
* Tracking: Tracking Licensing and extensions
Returns the license to the License Manager so other applications can use
Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using
that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's
tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license
to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out
extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License
Manager when a script completes.
Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.
* 3D: 3D Analyst
* Schematics: ArcGIS Schematics
* ArcScan: ArcScan
* Business: Business Analyst
* DataInteroperability: Data Interoperability
* GeoStats: Geostatistical Analyst
* JTX: Workflow Manager
* Network: Network Analyst
* Aeronautical: Esri Aeronautical Solution
* Defense: Esri Defense Solution
* Foundation: Esri Production Mapping
* Datareviewer: ArcGIS Data Reviewer
* Nautical: Esri Nautical Solution
* Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry
* Spatial: Spatial Analyst
* StreetMap: StreetMap
* Tracking: Tracking Licensing and extensions
Retrieves the license from the License Manager.
Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using
that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's
tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license
to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out
extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License
Manager when a script completes.
Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.
* 3D: 3D Analyst
* Schematics: ArcGIS Schematics
* ArcScan: ArcScan
* Business: Business Analyst
* DataInteroperability: Data Interoperability
* GeoStats: Geostatistical Analyst
* JTX: Workflow Manager
* Network: Network Analyst
* Aeronautical: Esri Aeronautical Solution
* Defense: Esri Defense Solution
* Foundation: Esri Production Mapping
* Datareviewer: ArcGIS Data Reviewer
* Nautical: Esri Nautical Solution
* Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry
* Spatial: Spatial Analyst
* StreetMap: StreetMap
* Tracking: Tracking Licensing and extensions
Checks to see if the requested license is available.
Product code for the product being checked.
* arcview: ArcGIS for Desktop Basic product code
* arceditor: ArcGIS for Desktop Standard product code
* arcinfo: ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced product code
* engine: Engine Runtime product code
* enginegeodb: Engine Geodatabase Update product code
* arcserver: Server product code
Resets a specific environment setting to its default.
The name of the environment setting that will be reset to its default
Executes a geoprocessing tool as a single string.
The double-quoted string representing a command line command that is to
be executed.
CopyParameter(from_param, to_param)
CopyParameter(to_param, from_param)
Copies the specified parameter by index to another parameter in the
script tool. The specified parameters must be of the same data type.
The index position of the parameter to be copied.
The index position of the parameter that will be copied to.
CreateGPSDDraft(result, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path='', copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, executionType='Asynchronous', resultMapServer=False, showMessages='None', maximumRecords=1000, minInstances=1, maxInstances=2, maxUsageTime=600, maxWaitTime=60, maxIdleTime=1800)
CreateGPSDDraft(result, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type="ARCGIS_SERVER", connection_file_path="", copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, executionType="Asynchronous", resultMapServer=False, showMessages="None", maximumRecords=1000, minInstances=1, maxInstances=2, maxUsageTime=600, maxWaitTime=60, maxIdleTime=1800)
CreateGeocodeSDDraft(loc_path, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path=None, copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, max_result_size=500, max_batch_size=1000, suggested_batch_size=1000, supported_operations=['GEOCODE', 'REVERSE_GEOCODE'])
CreateGeocodeSDDraft(loc_path, out_sddraft, service_name, {server_type}, {connection_file_path}, {copy_data_to_server}, {folder_name}, {summary}, {tags}, {max_result_size}, {max_batch_size}, {suggested_batch_size}, {supported_operations})
Converts an address locator to Service Definition Draft ( .sddraft
) files.
A string that represents the catalog path to the address locator. Valid
formats for the address locator are locator files (.loc) in a file folder
or locators in a geodatabase.
A string that represents the path and file name for the output Service
Definition Draft ( .sddraft ) file.
A string that represents the name of the service. This is the name people
will see and use to identify the service. The name can only contain
alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces or special characters
are allowed. The name cannot be more than 120 characters in length.
A string representing the server type.
If a connection_file_path parameter is not supplied, then a server_type
must be provided. If a connection_file_path parameter is supplied, then the
server_type is taken from the connection file. In this case, you can choose
FROM_CONNECTION_FILE or skip the parameter entirely.
* ARCGIS_SERVER: ArcGIS for Server server type
* FROM_CONNECTION_FILE: Get the server_type as specified in the
connection_file_path parameter
A string that represents the path and file name to the ArcGIS for Server
connection file ( .ags ). A new connection file can be created using
the CreateGISServerConnectionFile function
A Boolean that indicates whether the data referenced in the address
locator will be copied to the server or not. The copy_data_to_server
parameter is only used if the server_type is ARCGIS_SERVER and the
connection_file_path isn't specified. If the connection_file_path is
specified, then the server's registered data stores are used. For
example, if the data in the address locator is registered with the server,
then copy_data_to_server will always be False. Conversely, if the data in
the address locator is not registered with the server, then
copy_data_to_server will always be True.
A string that represents a folder name to which you want to publish the
service definition. If the folder does not currently exist, it will be
created when the service definition is published as a service. The default
folder is the server root level.
A string that represents the Item Description Summary.
Use this parameter to override the user interface summary, or to provide
a summary if one does not exist.
A string that represents the Item Description Tags.
Use this parameter to override the user interface tags, or to provide
tags if they do not exist. To specify mutiple tags, seperate each tag
with a comma within the string.
The maximum number of candidates returned by the service when geocoding a single address.
The maximum number of records to be processed in each batch job when performing batch geocoding.
The recommended number of records to pass in each batch job when performing batch geocoding.
The built-in operations supported by the service. The parameter should be
specified as a list containing one or more of the following string
* GEOCODE: The service will allow geocoding operations.
* REVERSE_GEOCODE: The service will allow reverse geocoding operations.
For example, to specify that the service should only support geocoding
operations and should not allow any reverse geocoding operations, the
parameter should be specided as ["GEOCODE"]
CreateImageSDDraft(raster_or_mosaic_layer, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path='', copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None)
CreateImageSDDraft(raster_or_mosaic_layer, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type="ARCGIS_SERVER", connection_file_path="", copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None)
Create an image service SDDraft file
CreateObject(name, options=None)
CreateObject(name, {options})
Creates geoprocessing objects. The extra arguments can be used to specify
additional requirements for the object creation such as the number of
columns in the ValueTable object.
Name of the object to be created (ArcSDESQLExecute, Array, Extent,
FeatureSet, Field, FieldInfo, FieldMap, FieldMappings, Geometry,
NetCDFFileProperties, Point, RecordSet, Result, SpatialReference,
Optional argument(s) depend on the object being created.
CreateRandomValueGenerator(seed, distribution)
CreateRandomValueGenerator(seed, distribution)
Creates a new random number generator.
Initializes the random number generator.
The random generation algorithm.
* ACM599: ACM collected algorithm 599
* MERSENNE_TWISTER: Mersenne Twister mt19937
* STANDARD_C: Standard C Rand
CreateScratchName(prefix=None, suffix=None, data_type=None, workspace=None)
CreateScratchName({prefix}, {suffix}, {data_type}, {workspace})
Creates a unique scratch path name for the specified data type. If no
workspace is given the current workspace is used.
The prefix that is added to the scratchname. By default, a prefix of xx
is used.
The suffix added to the scratchname. This can be an empty double-quoted
The data type which will be used to create the scratchname. Valid
datatypes are:
* Coverage: Only valid Coverage names are returned.
* Dataset: Only valid Dataset names are returned.
* FeatureClass: Only valid FeatureClass names are returned.
* FeatureDataset: Only valid FeatureDataset names are returned.
* Folder: Only valid Folder names are returned.
* Geodataset: Only valid Geodataset names are returned.
* GeometricNetwork: Only valid Geometric Network names are returned.
* ArcInfoTable: Only valid ArcInfo Table names are returned.
* NetworkDataset: Only valid Network Dataset names are returned.
* RasterBand: Only valid Raster Band names are returned.
* RasterCatalog: Only valid Raster Catalog names are returned.
* RasterDataset: Only valid Raster Dataset names are returned.
* Shapefile: Only valid Shapefile names are returned.
* Terrain: Only valid Terrain names are returned.
* Workspace: Only valid Workspace scratchnames are returned.
The workspace used to determine the scratch name to be created. If not
specified, the current workspace is used.
CreateUniqueName(base_name, workspace=None)
CreateUniqueName(base_name, {workspace})
Creates a unique name in the specified workspace by appending a number to
the input name. This number is increased until the name is unique. If no
workspace is specified, the current workspace is used.
The base name used to create the unique name.
The workspace used for creation of the unique name.
The Describe function returns a Describe object, with multiple
properties, such as data type, fields, indexes, and many others. Its
properties are dynamic, meaning that depending on what data type is
described, different describe properties will be available for use.
Describe properties are organized into a series of property groups. Any
particular dataset will acquire the properties of at least one of these
groups. For instance, if describing a geodatabase feature class, you
could access properties from the GDB FeatureClass , FeatureClass , Table
, and Dataset property groups. All data, regardless of the data type,
will always acquire the generic Describe Object properties.
The specified data element or geoprocessing object to describe.
DisconnectUser(sde_workspace, users=None)
DisconnectUser(sde_workspace, {users})
Allows an administrator to disconnect users who are currently connected
to an Enterprise geodatabase.
The Enterprise geodatabase containing the users to be disconnected.
The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must
have administrative rights that allow the user to disconnect other
Specifies which users will be disconnected from the geodatabase.
* sde_id: The ID value returned from the ListUsers function or the
Connections tab in the Geodatabase Administration dialog. This can be
passed to the function as an individual sde_id or a Python list
containing multiple sde_ids.
* ALL: Keyword specifying that all connected users should be
DisconnectUser will not disconnect the user who is executing the
Determines the existence of the specified data object. Tests for the
existence of feature classes, tables, datasets, shapefiles, workspaces,
layers, and files in the current workspace. The function returns a
Boolean indicating if the element exists.
The name, path, or both of a feature class, table, dataset, layer,
shapefile, workspace, or file to be checked for existence.
FromWKB(byte_array, spatial_reference=None)
Create a new Geometry object from a well-known binary (WKB) string stored
in a Python bytearray .
A WKB string stored in a Python bytearray .
FromWKT(wkt_string, spatial_reference=None)
FromWKT(wkt_string, {spatial_reference})
Create a new Geometry object from a well-known text (WKT) string.
A WKT string.
The spatial reference of the geometry. It can be specified with either a
SpatialReference object or string equivalent.
Returns the number of arguments passed to the script.
GetIDMessage(message_ID, default_message=None)
Get the string of the error or warning ID message.
The geoprocessing message ID.
The GetInstallInfo function returns a Python dictionary that contains
information on the installation type properties.
script tools and stand-alone scripts (scripts run outside of an
ArcGIS application),
you can determine whether history logging is active using the
GetLogHistory function.
The history log file is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that
contains information about each geoprocessing operation. The information
contained in the log file is essentially the same as that found in the
Results window.
Gets the maximum severity returned from the last executed tool.
Returns a geoprocessing tool message by its index position.
The message to retrieve.
Returns a numeric count of all the returned messages from the last
executed command.
Returns the geoprocessing messages from a tool by specified severity
The severity level of messages to return.
* 0: messages returned.
* 1: warning messages returned.
* 2: error messages returned.
Not specifying a severity will return all types of messages.
From the parameter list, select the desired parameter by its index value.
The parameter is returned as an object.
Selects the specified parameter, by its index, from the parameter list.
Gets the specified parameter by its index position from the list of
The numeric position of the parameter in the parameter list.
Returns a count of the parameter values for the specified tool. If the
tool is contained in a custom toolbox, use ImportToolbox to access the
custom tool.
The name of the tool for which the number of parameters will be returned.
Returns a list of parameter objects for a given tool. Commonly used in a
script tool's ToolValidator class.
The tool name. Including the toolbox alias will help to resolve any
conflicts with duplicated tool names. When the GetParameterInfo function
is used as part of a script tool's ToolValidator class, the tool_name
argument is optional.
GetParameterValue(tool_name, index)
GetParameterValue(tool_name, index)
For a specified tool name, returns the default value of the desired
The tool name for which the parameter default value will be returned.
Index position of the parameter in the specified tool's parameter list.
Return the message error code by index.
If the message for the specified index is a warning or informative
message the function will return a 0; if the message is an error the
function will return a value other than 0.
The specified position of the message in the returned list of messages,
warnings, or errors.
Gets the severity code (0, 1, 2) of the specified message by index.
Numeric index position of the message in the stack.
Returns the severity level. The severity level is used to control how
geoprocessing tools throw exceptions.
Gets the specified system environment variable value, such as "TEMP".
The name of the system environment variable.
ImportToolbox(input_file, module_name=None)
ImportToolbox(input_file, {module_name})
Imports the specified toolbox into ArcPy, allowing for access to the
toolbox's associated tools.
The geoprocessing toolbox to be added to the ArcPy site package.
If the toolbox does not have an alias, the module_name is required.
When a tool is accessed through the ArcPy site package, the toolbox alias
where the tool is contained is a required suffix (
arcpy.<toolname>_<alias> ). Since ArcPy depends on toolbox aliases to
access and execute the correct tool, aliases are extremely important when
importing custom toolboxes. A good practice is to always define a custom
toolbox's alias. However, if the toolbox alias is not defined, a
temporary alias can be set as the second parameter.
InsertCursor(dataset, spatial_reference=None)
InsertCursor(dataset, {spatial_reference})
Inserts rows into a feature class, shapefile, or table. The InsertCursor
returns an enumeration object that hands out row objects.
The table, feature class, or shapefile into which rows will be inserted.
Coordinates are specified in the spatial_reference provided and converted
on the fly to the coordinate system of the dataset.
Determines if a tool is running synchronous or asynchronous. When a tool
is synchronous , the results are automatically returned, but no other
action may be taken until the tool has completed. All non-server tools
are synchronous. Server tools may be asynchronous , meaning that once the
tool has been submitted to the server, other functionality can be run
without waiting, and the results must be explicitly requested from the
The name of the tool to determine if it is synchronous.
ListDataStoreItems(connection_file, datastore_type)
ListDataStoreItems(connection_file, datastore_type)
ListDatasets(wild_card=None, feature_type=None)
ListDatasets({wild_card}, {feature_type})
Lists all of the datasets in a workspace. Search conditions can be
specified for the dataset name and dataset type to limit the Python List
that is returned.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The feature type to limit the results returned by the wildcard argument.
Valid dataset types are:
* Coverage: Only coverages.
* Feature: Coverage or geodatabase dataset, depending on the workspace.
* GeometricNetwork: Only geometric network datasets.
* Mosaic: Only mosaic datasets.
* Network: Only network datasets.
* ParcelFabric: Only parcel fabric datasets.
* Raster: Only raster datasets.
* RasterCatalog: Only raster catalog datasets.
* Schematic: Only schematic datasets.
* Terrain: Only terrain datasets.
* Tin: Only TIN datasets.
* Topology: Only topology datasets.
* All: All datasets in the workspace. This is the default value.
The ListEnvironments function returns a Python list of geoprocessing
environment names.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned. # A wild_card of "*workspace" will return a
list including the
# workspace and scratchWorkspace environment names
ListFeatureClasses(wild_card=None, feature_type=None, feature_dataset=None)
ListFeatureClasses({wild_card}, {feature_type}, {feature_dataset})
Lists the feature classes in the workspace, limited by name, feature
type, and optional feature dataset. A Python List is returned from the
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The feature type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.
Valid feature types are:
* Annotation: Only annotation feature classes are returned.
* Arc: Only arc (or line) feature classes are returned.
* Dimension: Only dimension feature classes are returned.
* Edge: Only edge feature classes are returned.
* Junction: Only junction feature classes are returned.
* Label: Only label feature classes are returned.
* Line: Only line (or arc) feature classes are returned.
* Multipatch: Only multipatch feature classes are returned.
* Node: Only node feature classes are returned.
* Point: Only point feature classes are returned.
* Polygon: Only polygon feature classes are returned.
* Polyline: Only line (or arc) feature classes are returned.
* Region: Only region feature classes are returned.
* Route: Only route feature classes are returned.
* Tic: Only tic feature classes are returned.
* All: All datasets in the workspace. This is the default value.
Limits the feature classes returned to the feature dataset, if specified.
If blank, only stand-alone feature classes will be returned in the
ListFields(dataset, wild_card=None, field_type=None)
ListFields(dataset, {wild_card}, {field_type})
Lists the fields in a feature class, shapefile, or table in a specified
dataset. The returned list can be limited with search criteria for name
and field type and will contain field objects.
The specified feature class or table whose fields will be returned.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The specified field type to be returned. Valid field types are:
* All: All field types are returned. This is the default.
* BLOB: Only field types of BLOB are returned.
* Date: Only field types of Date are returned.
* Double: Only field types of Double are returned.
* Geometry: Only field types of Geometry are returned.
* GlobalID: Only field types of GlobalID are returned.
* GUID: Only field types of GUID are returned.
* Integer: Only field types of Integer are returned.
* OID: Only field types of OID are returned.
* Raster: Only field types of Raster are returned.
* Single: Only field types of Single are returned.
* SmallInteger: Only field types of SmallInteger are returned.
* String: Only field types of String are returned.
Returns a list of files in the current workspace based on a query string.
Specifying search conditions can be used to limit the results.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
ListIndexes(dataset, wild_card=None)
ListIndexes(dataset, {wild_card})
Lists the indexes in a feature class, shapefile, or table in a specified
dataset. The Python List returned can be limited with search criteria for
index name and will contain index objects.
The specified feature class or table whose indexes will be returned.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The ListInstallations function returns a Python List of the installation
types (server, desktop, and engine).
Returns a Python list of available printers on the local computer.
ListRasters(wild_card=None, raster_type=None)
ListRasters({wild_card}, {raster_type})
Returns a Python list of the rasters in the workspace, limited by name
and raster type.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The raster type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.
Valid raster types are:
* BMP: Bitmap graphic raster dataset format.
* GIF: Graphic Interchange Format for raster datasets.
* IMG: ERDAS IMAGINE raster data format.
* JP2: JPEG 2000 raster dataset format.
* JPG: Joint Photographics Experts Group raster dataset format.
* PNG: Portable Network Graphics raster dataset format.
* TIFF: Tagged Image File Format for raster datasets.
* GRID: GRID data format.
* All: All supported raster types are returned. This is the default.
ListSpatialReferences(wild_card=None, spatial_reference_type=None)
ListSpatialReferences({wild_card}, {spatial_reference_type})
Returns a Python list of available spatial reference names for use as an
argument to arcpy.SpatialReference .
Limit the spatial references listed by a simple wildcard check. The check
is not case sensitive.
For example, arcpy.ListSpatialReferences("*Eckert*") would list Eckert I
, Eckert II , and so forth.
Limit the spatial references listed by type.
* GCS: List only Geographic Coordinate Systems.
* PCS: List only Projected Coordinate Systems.
* ALL: List both Projected and Geographic Coordinate Systems. This is
the default.
ListTables(wild_card=None, table_type=None)
ListTables({wild_card}, {table_type})
Lists the tables in the workspace, limited by name and table type. A
Python List is returned from the function.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The table type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.
Valid table types are:
* dBASE: Only tables of type dBASE are returned.
* INFO: Only stand-alone INFO tables are returned.
* ALL: All stand-alone tables, including geodatabase tables, are
returned. This is the default.
Lists the geoprocessing toolboxes, limited by name. A Python List is
returned from the function.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
Lists the geoprocessing tools, limited by name. A Python list is returned
from the function.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
ListTransformations(from_sr, to_sr, extent=None)
ListTransformations(from_sr, to_sr, {extent})
Returns a list of valid transformation methods for converting data from
one spatial reference to another. An extent can be used to narrow the
list of valid transformation methods for a specific geographic area.
The starting geographic coordinate system. Can be specified with a
SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to
a projection file (.prj).
The final geographic coordinate system. Can be specified with a
SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to
a projection file (.prj).
Only transformations that span the entire extent will be returned. The
extent needs to be specified in coordinates from the in_sr . When
working with data, the extent on a Describe object can be used.
Returns a list of named tuples containing information for users who are
connected to an enterprise geodatabase.
enterprise geodatabase (sde connection file).
The connection properties specified in the enterprise geodatabase must
have administrative rights that allow the user to disconnect other
Lists the versions the connected user has permission to use. A Python
List is returned by the function.
An ArcSDE geodatabase workspace.
ListWorkspaces(wild_card=None, workspace_type=None)
ListWorkspaces({wild_card}, {workspace_type})
Lists all of the workspaces within the set workspace. Search conditions
can be specified for the workspace name and workspace type to limit the
Python List that is returned.
The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,
all values are returned.
The workspace type to limit the results returned by the wild card
argument. There are six possible workspace types:
* Access: Only personal geodatabases will be selected.
* Coverage: Only coverage workspaces will be selected.
* FileGDB: Only file geodatabases will be selected.
* Folder: Only shapefile workspaces will be selected.
* SDE: Only ArcSDE databases will be selected.
* All: All workspaces will be selected. This is the default.
Loads environment settings from an environment settings file (text stored
in an Extensible Markup Language [XML] schema). See also SaveSettings on
how to save environment settings.
An existing XML file that contains environment settings.
LogUsageMetering(code, task_name, num_objects=0, units=0.0)
LogUsageMetering(code, task_name, num_objects, units)
Updates the usage metering for this server tool.
NumPyArrayToRaster(*args, **kwargs)
NumPyArrayToRaster(in_array, {lower_left_corner}, {x_cell_size},
{y_cell_size}, {value_to_nodata})
Converts a NumPy array to a raster.
The NumPy array to convert to a raster.
The lower left corner of the output raster to position the NumPy array.
The X and Y values are in map units.
The cell size in the x direction specified in map units. The input can be
a specified cell size (type: double) or an input raster.
When a dataset is input for the x_cell_size , the x cell size of the
dataset is used for the x cell size for the output raster.
If only the x_cell_size is identified and not the y_cell_size, a square
cell will result with the specified size.
If neither x_cell_size or y_cell_size are specified, a default of 1.0
will be used for both the x and y cell size.
The cell size in y direction specified in map units. The input can be a
specified cell size (type: double) or an input raster.
When a dataset is input for the y_cell_size the y cell size of the
dataset is used for the y cell size for the output raster.
If only the y_cell_size is identified and not the x_cell_size a square
cell will result with the specified size.
If neither x_cell_size or y_cell_size are specified, a default of 1.0
will be used for both the x and y cell size.
The value in the NumPy array to assign to NoData in the output raster.
If no value is specified for value_to_nodata , there will not be any
NoData values in the resulting raster.
ParseFieldName(name, workspace=None)
ParseFieldName(name, {workspace})
Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner
name, table name, and field name) depending on the workspace.
ParseFieldName returns a string containing the parsed table name,
containing the database, owner, table, and field names separated by
commas. The workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.
The field name to be parsed.
Specifies the workspace for fully qualifying the field name. The
workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.
ParseTableName(name, workspace=None)
ParseTableName(name, {workspace})
Parses a table name into its components (database, owner, table)
depending on the workspace. ParseTableName returns a string containing
the parsed table name, with the database name, owner name, and table name
separated by commas. This workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE
Specifies which table will be parsed.
Specifies the workspace for fully qualifying the table name. The
workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.
Returns the current product license.
RasterToNumPyArray(*args, **kwargs)
RasterToNumPyArray(in_raster, {lower_left_corner}, {ncols}, {nrows},
Converts a raster to a NumPy array.
The input raster to convert to a NumPy array.
The lower left corner within the in_raster from which to extract the
processing block to convert to an array.
The x- and y-values are in map units.
The number of columns from the lower_left_corner in the in_raster to
convert to the NumPy array.
The number of rows from the lower_left_corner in the in_raster to convert
to the NumPy array.
The value to assign the in_raster NoData values in the resulting NumPy
array. The data type depends on the type of the in_raster .
If no value is specified, the NoData values in in_raster will be assigned
the value associated with NoData in in_raster .
Refreshes the active view and table of contents of the current map
Forces a refresh of the Catalog window or Catalog tree .
Data element to be refreshed.
Refreshes the table of contents.
RemoveDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)
RemoveDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)
Removes the specified toolbox, either by specifying its path or
referencing its alias. Removes the specified toolbox from the current
geoprocessing session. Server toolboxes can also be removed using a
semicolon delimiter.
The name of the toolbox, including either path or alias, to be removed
from the current geoprocessing session. The name/path or alias should be
placed in a double-quoted string.
Server toolboxes can be removed using a semicolon delimiter. The name,
including path, or alias, of the toolbox to be removed from the current
geoprocessing session. Place the name/path, or alias, string inside
double quotes. Server toolboxes can also be removed using a semicolon
Syntax for Internet ArcGIS for Server URL
servername;{username};{password} Syntax for Local ArcGIS for Server
machinename;servername . Syntax for Internet ArcGIS for Server
URL;servername;{username};{password} Syntax for Local ArcGIS for
Server machinename;servername
Resets all environment settings to their default settings.
Resets the progressor back to its initial state.
Saves environment settings to an environment settings file (text stored
in an Extensible Markup Language [XML] schema). See also LoadSettings on
how to load environment settings from an XML file.
The XML file to be created that will store the current environment
SearchCursor(dataset, where_clause=None, spatial_reference=None, fields=None, sort_fields=None)
SearchCursor(dataset, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields},
The SearchCursor function establishes a read-only cursor on a feature
class or table. The SearchCursor can be used to iterate through row
objects and extract field values. The search can optionally be limited by
a where clause or by field, and optionally sorted.
The feature class, shapefile, or table containing the rows to be
An optional expression that limits the rows returned in the cursor. For
more information on WHERE clauses and SQL statements, see
About_building_an_SQL_expression .
When specified, features will be projected on the fly using the
spatial_reference provided.
The fields to be included in the cursor. By default, all fields are
Fields used to sort the rows in the cursor. Ascending and descending
order for each field is denoted by A and D.
script tools and stand-alone scripts (scripts run outside of an
ArcGIS application),
you can enable or disable history logging using the SetLogHistory
The history log file is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that
contains information about each geoprocessing operation. The information
contained in the log file is essentially the same as that found in the
Results window.
True, to enable geoprocessing logging history and False, to disable.
SetParameter(index, value)
SetParameter(index, value)
Sets a specified parameter property by index using an object. This is
used when passing objects from a script to a script tool. If you need to
pass a text value to a script tool, use SetParameterAsText .
The specified parameter's index position in the parameter list.
The object that will set the specified parameter's property.
SetParameterAsText(index, text)
SetParameterAsText(index, text)
Sets a specified parameter property by index using a string value. This
is used when passing values from a script to a script tool. If you need
to pass an object, such as a spatial reference to a script tool, use
SetParameter .
The specified parameter's index position in the parameter list.
The string value that will set the specified parameter's property.
The SetProduct function defines the desktop license. SetProduct returns
information on the license.
The product level should be set by importing the appropriate product
module ( arcinfo , arceditor , arcview , arcserver , arcenginegeodb , or
arcengine ) prior to importing arcpy. The SetProduct function is a legacy
function and cannot set the product once arcpy has been imported.
For scripts using the arcgisscripting module, the equivalent SetProduct
method is still supported.
Product code for the product being set.
* arcview: ArcGIS for Desktop Basic product code
* arceditor: ArcGIS for Desktop Standard product code
* arcinfo: ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced product code
* engine: Engine Runtime product code
* enginegeodb: Engine Geodatabase Update product code
* arcserver: Server product code
SetProgressor(type, message=None, min_range=None, max_range=None, step_value=None)
SetProgressor(type, {message}, {min_range}, {max_range}, {step_value})
Establishes a progressor object which allows progress information to be
passed to a progress dialog box. The appearance of the progress dialog
box can be controlled by choosing either the default progressor or the
step progressor.
The progressor type (default or step).
* default: The progressor moves back and forth continuously.
* step: The progressor shows the percentage complete.
The progressor label. The default is no label.
Starting value for progressor. Default is 0.
Ending value for progressor. Default is 100.
The progressor step interval for updating the progress bar.
Updates the progressor dialog box label.
The label to be used on the progressor dialog box.
Updates the status bar in the progressor dialog box.
Sets the position of the status bar in the progressor dialog box.
Used to control how geoprocessing tools throw exceptions.
The severity level
* 0: A tool will not throw an exception, even if the tool produces an
error or warning.
* 1: If a tool produces a warning or an error, it will throw an
* 2: If a tool produces an error, it will throw an exception. This is
the default.
Tests if a schema lock can be acquired for a feature class, table, or
feature dataset. Tools that alter schema will require a schema lock to be
placed on the input data. The Add Field tool is an example of such a
tool. If the tool requires a schema lock and is unable to aquire one at
the time of execution, an appropriate error message is returned. Scripts
that use such tools should test if a schema lock can be acquired on the
input data. The TestSchemaLock function will not actually apply a schema
lock on the input data, but will return a Boolean.
The input data to be tested if a schema lock can be applied.
UpdateCursor(dataset, where_clause=None, spatial_reference=None, fields=None, sort_fields=None)
UpdateCursor(dataset, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields},
The UpdateCursor function creates a cursor that lets you update or delete
rows on the specified feature class, shapefile, or table. The cursor
places a lock on the data that will remain until either the script
completes or the update cursor object is deleted.
The feature class, shapefile, or table containing the rows to be updated
or deleted.
An optional expression that limits the rows returned in the cursor. For
more information on WHERE clauses and SQL statements, see
About_building_an_SQL_expression .
Coordinates are specified in the spatial_reference provided and converted
on the fly to the coordinate system of the dataset.
The fields to be included in the cursor. By default, all fields are
Fields used to sort the rows in the cursor. Ascending and descending
order for each field is denoted by A and D.
Returns the syntax for the specified tool or function.
The tool name to display the syntax.
ValidateDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)
ValidateDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)
ValidateFieldName(name, workspace=None)
ValidateFieldName(name, {workspace})
Takes a string (field name) and a workspace path and returns a valid
field name based on name restrictions in the output geodatabase. All
invalid characters in the input string will be replaced with an
underscore ( _ ). The field name restrictions depend on the specific
database used (Structured Query Language [SQL] or Oracle).
The field name to be validated. If the optional workspace is not
specified, the field name is validated against the current workspace.
An optional specified workspace to validate the field name against. The
workspace can be a file system or a personal, file, or ArcSDE
If the workspace is not specified, the field name is validated using the
current workspace environment. If the workspace environment has not been
set, the field name is validated based on a folder workspace.
ValidateTableName(name, workspace=None)
ValidateTableName(name, {workspace})
Takes a table name and a workspace path and returns a valid table name
for the workspace. An underscore "_" will replace any invalid character
found in the table name and will honor the name restrictions for the
workspace. The table name restrictions depend on the specific RDBMS used.
The table name to be validated.
The optional workspace against which to validate the table name.
If the workspace is not specified, the table name is validated using the
current workspace environment. If the workspace environment has not been
set, the table name is validated based on a folder workspace.
import_local(filename, local_dict)
Loads a module into another module's local context
env = <arcpy.geoprocessing._base.GPEnvironment object>
f = r'C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\lib\site-packages\pip-19.0-py2.7.egg'
gp = <arcpy.geoprocessing._base.Geoprocessor object>
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