如果希望创建一个ArcToolbox GP工具
脚本工具和模型工具是自定义工具,您可以使用ArcGIS for Desktop graphical user interfaces(GUI)创建它们,如向导和ModelBuilder。功能工具也是自定义工具,但它们是通过扩展ArcGIS for Desktop的功能来创建的。
- In a .NET application, create two classes (one will implement IGPFunction2 and the other will implement IGPFunctionFactory). You can create two separate files or keep them in a single file.在.NET应用程序中,创建两个类(一个将实现IGPFunction2,另一个将实现IGPFunctionFactory)。可以创建两个单独的文件,也可以将它们保存在一个文件中。
- Set the parameter properties (parameter type, direction, and acceptable values) in the ParameterInfo property of IGPFunction2.在IGPFunction2的ParameterInfo属性中设置参数属性(参数类型、方向和可接受值)。
- Leave the Validation method of IGPFunction2 as an empty stub—the geoprocessing framework automatically performs the validation.将IGPFunction2的验证方法保留为空存根,geoprocessing框架将自动执行验证。
- The Execute method of IGPFunction is the most important part of your tool. This is where you write your code to implement the specific algorithm.IGPFunction的Execute方法是工具中最重要的部分。这是您编写代码以实现特定算法的地方。
- Implement IGPFunctionFactory. This makes your custom function tool accessible to users.实现IGPFunctionFactory。这使得用户可以访问自定义函数工具
- Use the ESRIRegAsm utility to register (and unregister) the DLL.使用ESRIRegAsm Utility来注册DLL
- Add the tool to a custom toolbox.添加工具到toolbox

我们做gptool的话,不需要选择add-in types了。直接点finish就可以。
- 始终在ParameterInfo()中创建新数组
- 总是有一个输出
- 不本地化关键字
- 对布尔参数使用编码值域
- 参数信息()ParameterInfo()
- 更新参数()UpdateParameters()
- 更新消息()UpdateMessages()
- 执行()Execute()
- Name property—The name of the function tool. This name appears when executing the tool at the command line or in scripting. This name should be unique to each toolbox and cannot contain spaces.属性
- DisplayName property—The display name of the function tool. The user interface (UI) utilizes this property to display the name of the tool in ArcToolbox. This name is a user-friendly description of the function tool. The display name can be internationalized.属性
- FullName property—The function name object for the geoprocessing function tool. This name object is created and returned by a function factory. A function factory must be created before implementing this property.属性
- ParameterInfo property—The location where the parameters to the function tool are defined. This property returns an IArray of parameter objects (IGPParameter). These objects define the characteristics of the input and output parameters.属性
- UpdateParameters() method—Called each time a parameter is changed in the tool dialog box or command line. This updates the output data of the tool, which is useful for building models. After returning from UpdateParameters(), geoprocessing calls its internal validation routine, checking that a given set of parameter values are of the appropriate number, data type, and value.方法
- UpdateMessages() method—Called after returning from the internal validation routine. You can examine the messages created from internal validation and change them if desired.方法
- Validate() method—Validate is an IGPFunction method and no longer needs to be implemented. You stub it out in your class, but you don't have to provide code for it.方法
- Execute() method—Executes the tool given the array of parameter values.方法
- IsLicensed method—Returns whether the function tool is licensed to execute.方法
- HelpFile property (optional)—The path to a .chm file, which is used to describe and explain the function and its operation.属性(可选)
- HelpContext property (optional)—The unique context identifier in a [MAP] file (.h).属性(可选)
- MetadataFile property (optional)—The name of the .xml file containing the default metadata for this function object. The metadata file is used to supply the parameter descriptions in the help panel on the dialog box. If no .chm file is provided, the help is based on the metadata file. See Create documentation for custom Geoprocessing tools that are not models or scripts for details.属性(可选)
- GetRenderer method (optional)—Used to set a custom renderer for the output of the function tool.方法(可选)
- DialogCLSID property (not for external use)—For ESRI internal use only. DO NOT IMPLEMENT.属性(可选)
- Name—The name of the parameter, for example, input_featureclass. It must not contain spaces.
- DisplayName—The UI uses this name to display the parameter name, for example, Input Features. This can be internationalized.
- Enabled—Controls whether this parameter is enabled or disabled on the UI.
- ParameterType—The enumeration for setting the type of geoprocessing parameter. There are three parameter types: esriGPParameterTypeRequired, esriGPParameterTypeOptional, and esriGPParameterTypeDerived.
- Direction—The enumeration for setting the direction of the parameter. The options are esriGPParameterDirectionInput or esriGPParameterDirectionOutput.
- DataType—Defines the type of data for this parameter. Examples include FeatureClass, Raster, Table, String, and so on. DataType manages the value for the parameter. If the data type is a feature class, a raster cannot be entered as input.
- Schema—The structure or design of the feature class or table, raster, and workspace container. The design can be field information, geometry information, or extent.
- Value—This property defines the default value for a parameter. For every data type, there is an associated value. If the data type is a feature class, the default value for the parameter is a feature class. Values are used as the inputs to the tool containing scalars or a path to the data. For a complete list of value objects, see IGPValue.
- Domain (optional)—The Domain property can be specified to limit or filter a set of values. An example is a domain for a simple value object, limiting an integer to a range of 1 to 100 (RangeDomain).
- ParameterDependencies (optional)—Used to set one parameter dependent on another parameter. For example, a field parameter is commonly dependent on another table or feature class parameter, and a list of fields is dependent on the input table.
- ControlCLSID (optional)—A class identifier can be used to override the default control for the DataType.
- Category (optional)—Creates a collapsible section on the tool dialog box. This is useful for tools with many optional parameters.
- ChoiceList (optional)—Supplies a choice list for the command line.
- DefaultEnvironmentName (optional)—Initializes the environment value to use as the default environment for a parameter.
- DisplayOrder (optional)—The order in which the parameters are listed on the dialog box. The display order is always the order in the array. In the ParameterInfo property, the parameters should be in this order: required, optional, and derived.
- Altered—Indicates whether the parameter has been explicitly set by the user.
- HasBeenValidated—Indicates whether the parameter value has been modified since the last time the parameter was validated.
The following illustration shows part of the Add Field function and how a function’s dialog box is created using an array of GPParameter objects. A function publishes an array of its parameters via ParameterInfo(). The array of GPParameter objects is all that is needed to completely define the tool dialog box.
下图显示了Add Field函数的一部分,以及如何使用GPParameter对象数组创建函数的对话框。函数通过ParameterInfo()发布其参数数组。GPParameter对象数组是完整定义工具对话框所需的全部内容。
Parameters also define the command line syntax for the function as shown in the following illustration:
You must always create a new array in ParameterInfo(); never copy or clone an existing array. The following code example shows the general flow of ParameterInfo():
Public IArray Parameterinfo { get { // Array to hold the parameters. Always create a new array.新建Array,用于存储参数 IArray parameters = new ArrayClass(); // Create a parameter and insert it into the parameter array.创建一个参数,并将它注入参数数组 IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass(); parameters.Add(inputParameter); // Create and insert more parameters as needed.创建更多参数 // <Insert any required parameters following the steps shown with inputParameter above.> // Return the parameter array.返回参数数组 return parameters; } }
Direction and ParameterType
// Required input parameter. IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass(); ... inputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; inputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired;//该参数设置为必选参数
- 参数类型(派生derived)-派生参数用于指示工具何时更新输入参数。例如,示例工具Calculate area geoprocessing function tool包含一个派生参数。此工具可将字段添加到输入要素类并计算该字段的值。它不需要用户交互,也不显示在工具对话框或命令行上。它在ModelBuilder中用于指示值的更改状态并提供正确的链接。派生参数通常依赖于输入表或要素类参数。如果将“添加字段”拖放到模型中,则派生参数是一个输出变量,如下图所示:
另一个派生参数的例子是getcount工具,它计算表中的行数并输出一个整数值。getcount工具通常用于模型中,以确定选择逻辑的应用程序是否会生成特性或行。Get Count工具的参数包含一个整数输出参数,其ParameterType设置为derived。另一个例子是“创建要素类”工具,它将工作空间和字符串(要素类名称)作为输入,并输出一个新的衍生要素类,该要素类是工作空间和字符串的串联。
// Output parameter is derived and data type is same as input. IGPParameterEdit3 outParameter = new GPParameterClass(); ... // Set output parameter properties. outParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionOutput; outParameter.DisplayName = "Output Feature Class"; outParameter.Name = "output_featureclass"; outParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeDerived; parameters.Add(outParameter);
Name and DisplayName
Name is the language-independent name for the parameter (not localized); DisplayName is the localized name (as it appears in the dialog box) and is contained in resource strings.
A name must not contain spaces and must be unique within a function. As shown in the code example for derived parameters, name can be hard-coded within the function since it is never changed once the function is distributed to users. In code, you are allowed to reference parameters by name. For this reason, do not put the name in a resource file (as is common with DisplayName) since it may be inadvertently localized, which could break your code. Rules for naming parameters are listed as follows:
- Name parameters are based on the data type (for example, in_features or in_table)
- Input parameters start with in_, followed by a reference to their data type (for example, in_features or in_table)
- Output parameters start with out_, followed by a reference to their data type (for example, out_feature_class or out_view)


Parameter DataTypes
Supporting layers and tables
// Define input DataType as GPFeatureLayerType to support layers. IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass(); inputParameter.DataType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass();
Multiple values
// Multivalue parameter of Feature Layers/Feature Classes. IGPParameterEdit3 inputFeatures = new GPParameterClass(); IGPDataType inputType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass(); IGPMultiValueType mvType = new GPMultiValueTypeClass(); mvType.MemberDataType = inputType; IGPMultiValue mvValue = new GPMultiValueClass(); mvValue.MemberDataType = inputType; inputFeatures.Name = "input_features"; inputFeatures.DisplayName = "Input Features"; inputFeatures.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; inputFeatures.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; inputFeatures.DataType = (IGPDataType)mvType; inputFeatures.Value = (IGPValue)mvValue; parameters.Add(inputFeatures);
// DataType and value. IGPValueTableType valueTableType = new GPValueTableTypeClass(); IGPValueTable valueTable = new GPValueTableClass(); // First DataType is GPFeatureLayerType. IGPDataType inputLayerType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass(); valueTableType.AddDataType(inputLayerType, "input_features", 75, null); valueTable.AddDataType(inputLayerType); // Second DataType is GPLongType. IGPDataType inputLongType = new GPLongTypeClass(); valueTableType.AddDataType(inputLongType, "Rank", 25, null); valueTable.AddDataType(inputLongType); // Set input parameter. IGPParameterEdit3 inParameter = new GPParameterClass(); inParameter.DataType = (IGPDataType)valueTableType; inParameter.Value = (IGPValue)valueTable; ...... parameters.Add(inParameter);
// Create the GPCompositeDataType. IGPCompositeDataType compositeType = new GPCompositeDataTypeClass(); // Create the DataTypes that are permitted as input. IGPDataType dataType1 = new GPTableViewTypeClass(); IGPDataType dataType2 = new GPRasterLayerTypeClass(); // Add DataTypes. compositeType.AddDataType(dataType1); compositeType.AddDataType(dataType2); // Set the input parameter. IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass(); inputParameter.DataType = compositeType; inputParameter.Value = new GPTableViewClass();
Updating output data descriptions

The next illustration shows a model where the output of the Clip tool is used as input to the Polygon to Raster tool. Since the Clip tool "cookie cuts" the input features, the output feature class has the same properties as the input feature class with one notable exception: its geographic extent. The geographic extent of the output feature class is the geometric intersection of the input features and clip features geographic extents. The Polygon to Raster tool uses the new geographic extent to determine a default cell size.
- Make a copy of the input dataset description and add a new field to its list of fields (such as Add Field), or add a list of fixed fields (such as Add XY Coordinates).
- Set the list of output fields to be all the fields in a collection of datasets and, optionally, add fields to contain the feature IDs from the collection of datasets (such as Union and Intersect).
- Set the extent to that of a dataset in another parameter, or the union or intersection (such as Clip) of datasets in a list of parameters.
- Set a specific geometry type (point, line, or polygon), or set the geometry type to that of a dataset in another parameter, or to minimum or maximum type in a list of parameters. The definition of minimum and maximum geometry type is: points = 0, polylines = 1, and polygons = 2. Consequently, the minimum geometry type in the set (point, polyline, polygon) is point and the maximum is polygon.

Parameter dependency
// Create the field parameter. IGPParameterEdit3 fieldParameter = new GPParameterClass(); fieldParameter.DataType = new FieldTypeClass(); ... // Add dependency to the input feature class parameter by name. fieldParameter.AddDependency("input_features");
Updating output data and using dependencies
Add field
public IArray ParameterInfo { get { //Array to hold the parameters. IArray parameters = new ArrayClass(); ... // Output parameter (derived) and data type is DEFeatureClass. IGPParameterEdit3 outputParameter = new GPParameterClass(); outputParameter.DataType = new GPFeatureLayerTypeClass(); // Value object is DEFeatureClass. outputParameter.Value = new DEFeatureClassClass(); // Set output parameter properties. outputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionOutput; outputParameter.DisplayName = "Output FeatureClass"; outputParameter.Name = "out_featureclass"; outputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeDerived; // Create a schema object. Schema means the structure or design of the feature class // (field information, geometry information, extent). IGPFeatureSchema outputSchema = new GPFeatureSchemaClass(); IGPSchema schema = (IGPSchema)outputSchema; // Clone the schema from the dependency. //This means update the output with the same schema by copying the definition of an input parameter. schema.CloneDependency = true; // Set the schema on the output, because this tool adds an additional field. outputParameter.Schema = outputSchema as IGPSchema; outputParameter.AddDependency("input_features"); parameters.Add(outputParameter); return parameters; } } // This method updates the output parameter value with the additional field. public void UpdateParameters(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr) { m_Parameters = paramvalues; // Retrieve the input parameter value. IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(0) ); // Get the derived output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This ensures // that you don't get dublicate entries. // Derived output is the third parameter, so use index 2 for get_Element. IGPParameter3 derivedFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(2); IGPFeatureSchema schema = (IGPFeatureSchema)derivedFeatures.Schema; schema.AdditionalFields = null; // If you have an input value, create a field based on the field name entered. if (parameterValue.IsEmpty() == false) { // Area field name is the second parameter, so use index 1 for get_Element. IGPParameter3 fieldNameParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(1); string fieldName = fieldNameParameter.Value.GetAsText(); // Check if the input field already exists. IField areaField = m_GPUtilities.FindField(parameterValue, fieldName); if (areaField == null) { IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = new FieldsClass(); IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass(); fieldEdit.Name_2 = fieldName; fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble; fieldsEdit.AddField(fieldEdit); // Add the additional field to the derived output. IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields; schema.AdditionalFields = fields; } } }
public IArray ParameterInfo { get { //Array to hold the parameters. IArray parameters = new ArrayClass(); ... // New output features. outParameter = new GPParameterClass(); outParameter.DataType = new DEFeatureClassTypeClass(); outParameter.Value = new DEFeatureClassClass(); outParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionOutput; outParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; outParameter.Name = "Output_Feature_Class"; outParameter.DisplayName = "Output Feature Class"; // Set the dependencies for the output and its schema properties. outParameter.AddDependency("input_features"); outParameter.AddDependency("clip_features"); // Feature type, geometry type, and fields all come from the first dependent—the input features. IGPFeatureSchema outSchema = new GPFeatureSchemaClass(); outSchema.FieldsRule = esriGPSchemaFieldsType.esriGPSchemaFieldsFirstDependency; outSchema.FeatureTypeRule = esriGPSchemaFeatureType.esriGPSchemaFeatureFirstDependency; outSchema.GeometryType = esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon; outSchema.ExtentRule = esriGPSchemaExtentType.esriGPSchemaExtentIntersection; IGPSchema schema = outSchema as IGPSchema; // Generate the default output path. schema.GenerateOutputCatalogPath = true; outParameter.Schema = (IGPSchema)outSchema; parameters.Add(outParameter); return parameters; } }
- When the tool dialog box is opened, ParameterInfo() is called. You set the static rules for describing the output. No output description is created since you haven't specified values for the parameters.
- Once you interact with the tool dialog box, UpdateParameters() is called. UpdateParameters() can modify Schema to account for dynamic behavior that can't be determined from the parameter dependencies, such as adding a new field (Add Field) for example.
- After returning from UpdateParameters(), the internal validation routines are called, and the rules in the Schema object are applied to update the description of the output data.
- UpdateMessages() is called. You can examine the warning and error messages that internal validation may have created and modify them, or add warnings and errors based on the interaction of actual parameter values.
- Defining input feature types (point, line, polygon)
- Creating a fixed list of string keywords (point, multipoint, polygon, polyline)
- Defining a Boolean choice
- Filtering field types (text, long, double, object ID, and so on)
Feature type
// Filter the input features to polygon features only. IGPFeatureClassDomain fcDomain = new GPFeatureClassDomainClass(); fcDomain.AddFeatureType(esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple); fcDomain.AddType(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon); ... inputParameter.Domain = (IGPDomain)fcDomain;
String keywords
// Create a fixed list of string values. IGPCodedValueDomain cvDomain = new GPCodedValueDomainClass(); cvDomain.AddStringCode("TEXT", "TEXT"); cvDomain.AddStringCode("FLOAT", "FLOAT"); ... inputParameter.Domain = IGPDomain(cvDomain);
Boolean parameters
// Always create a coded value domain for Boolean parameters. IGPParameterEdit3 pContinueCompare = new GPParameterClass(); ... IGPCodedValueDomain pContinueDomain = new GPCodedValueDomainClass(); IGPBoolean pVal1 = new GPBooleanClass(); pVal1.Value = true; IGPBoolean pVal2 = new GPBooleanClass(); pVal2.Value = false; pContinueDomain.AddCode((IGPValue)pVal1, "CONTINUE_COMPARE"); pContinueDomain.AddCode((IGPValue)pVal2, "NO_CONTINUE_COMPARE"); ... pContinueCompare.Domain = (IGPDomain)pContinueDomain;
Dynamic domains

The following code example shows how the multiple value control is used to present a checklist of strings:
// Create Accumulators parameters. IGPParameterEdit3 pAccumulators = new GPParameterClass(); IGPDataType pGPDataType2 = new GPStringTypeClass(); IGPMultiValue pMultiValue2 = new GPMultiValueClass(); pMultiValue2.MemberDataType = pGPDataType2; IGPCodedValueDomain pAccumulatorsDomain = new GPCodedValueDomainClass(); pAccumulatorsDomain.AddStringCode("Minutes", "Minutes"); pAccumulatorsDomain.AddStringCode("Meters", "Meters"); IGPMultiValueType pMultiValueType2 = new GPMultiValueTypeClass(); pMultiValueType2.MemberDataType = pGPDataType2; pAccumulators.Name = "accumulators"; pAccumulators.DisplayName = "Accumulators"; pAccumulators.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeOptional; pAccumulators.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; pAccumulators.Domain = (IGPDomain)pAccumulatorsDomain; pAccumulators.DataType = (IGPDataType)pMultiValueType2; pAccumulators.Value = (IGPValue)pMultiValue2; // MdList Control's GUID—Use OLE Object view to get this. UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{38C34610-C7F7-11D5-A693-0008C711C8C1}"; pAccumulators.ControlCLSID = pUID; m_pParameters.Add(pAccumulators);
- Parameter interaction—For some tools, it may be necessary to set rules for parameters. For example, when adding a field to an input table, one rule may be to limit the length of the field name by setting a maximum number of allowable characters. Another parameter interaction is enabling and disabling parameters. For instance, when using Add Field and selecting TEXT as the type of field to add, the field length parameter is enabled. The following code is an example of enabling and disabling a parameter based on user input:
// Get the Boolean parameter value (second parameter for this tool). IGPBoolean val1 = (IGPBoolean)pGPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(1)) ; // Get the string parameter (third parameter for this tool). IGPParameterEdit3 stringParam = (IGPParameterEdit3)m_Parameters.get_Element(2); if (val1.Value == true) { stringParam.Enabled = false; } else { stringParam.Enabled = true; }
Domains can also change based on user inputs and can be dynamic as explained previously. The following code is an example of updating a coded value domain in UpdateParameters():
// Get the Boolean parameter value (second parameter for this tool). IGPBoolean val1 = (IGPBoolean)pGPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(1)) ; // Get the coded value parameter. IGPParameter3 cvParam = (IGPParameter3)m_Parameters.get_Element(3); IGPParameterEdit3 cvParamEdit = cvParam as IGPParameterEdit3; IGPCodedValueDomain cvDomain; // If the Boolean parameter value is true, update the domain with new values. if (val1.Value == true) { stringParam.Enabled = true; cvDomain = new GPCodedValueDomainClass(); cvDomain.AddStringCode("Seconds", "Seconds"); cvDomain.AddStringCode("Feet", "Feet"); cvParamEdit.Domain = cvDomain as IGPDomain; }
- Setting a default value—The following code is an example of setting a default value for a parameter. This default value will be set if the parameter has not been altered or is blank.
// Set a default distance value if the user has not set a specific distance (Altered is true). IGPParameter3 distParam = (IGPParameter3)m_Parameters.get_Element(7); if (distParam.Altered == false) { distParam.Value.SetAsText("100"); }
// Check if the distance is greater than zero. IGPLinearUnit distVal = (IGPLinearUnit)pGPUtilities.UnpackGPValue (paramvalues.get_Element(7)); if (distVal.Value <= 0) { Messages.ReplaceError(7, 2, "Zero or a negative distance is invalid when using a fixed distance band. Use a positive value greater than zero."); }
public IGPMessages Validate(IArray paramvalues, bool updateValues, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr) { return null; }
- Opens datasets and verifies all inputs are valid—Opening the input datasets means creating objects from the inputs. For example, if the input value is a path to a feature class, create an IFeatureClass object. This ensures that this data still exists and is not locked by another application. The same is true for other inputs, such as Fields.
- Checks if the Overwrite Output setting is true or false—If your tool creates new output data, you must check if the OverwriteOutput setting is true of false. If the setting is true, then it is necessary to delete the existing output before performing the operation. The following code example shows how to check for the OverwriteOutput setting:
// Check the overwrite output option. IGeoProcessorSettings gpSettings = (IGeoProcessorSettings)envMgr; if (gpSettings.OverwriteOutput == true) { // Check if the output exists. if (m_GPUtilities.Exists(outputValue)) { m_GPUtilities.Delete(outputValue); } } else { if (m_GPUtilities.Exists(outputValue)) { message.AddError(2, "Output already exists: " + outputValue.GetAsText()); } }
- Executes the function—Executes the code to perform the operation.
IGPEnvironment gpExtent = pEnvMgr.FindEnvironment("extent");
- UnPackGPValue()—Gets the value from the parameter and creates a GPValue object.
- PackGPValue()—Places the GPValue object into the parameter.
- Exists()—Returns whether or not the input value exists.
- Delete()—Deletes the data.
- Open()—Opens the data source associated with the value.
- DecodeFeatureLayer—Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. This should be used when the input is a GPFeatureLayerType. This ensures you open the feature class and retrieve any existing query filter.
- DecodeTableView—Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. This ensures you open the table and retrieve any existing query filter.
Implementing IGPFunctionFactory
- CLSID property—The class ID of the factory.
- Name property—Name of the function factory. This is used when generating the toolbox containing the factory function. This can be internationalized.
- Alias property—Alias name of the factory. This is used when specifying the functions contained in the factory from the command line or scripting.
- GetFunction() method—Creates and returns a function object based on the input name.
- GetFunctionName() method—Creates and returns a function name object based on the input name.
- GetFunctionNames() method—Creates and returns an enumeration of function names that the factory supports.
- GetFunctionEnvironments() method (optional)—Creates and returns an enumeration of GPEnvironment objects. If tools published by this function factory require new environment settings, define additional environment settings here. This is similar to how parameters are defined.
See Also:
Sample: Calculate area geoprocessing function tool
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