Use the Download, Extract and Symbolize tool to download OSM data
- OpenStreetMap has limits on how much data you can download at once. Also, downloaded data for a large extent can take time. For your first edit, focus on a smaller area such as your neighborhood or hometown.OpenStreetMap对一次下载的数据量有限制。而且,下载大范围的数据也需要时间。因此,第一次编辑,请聚焦在一个较小的区域,例如你的邻居或者是家乡。
- Add a basemap or reference data so you can define your current location in the ArcMap interface.添加一个底图,或者参考数据,从而你可以通过ArcMap界面来定位当前位置。
- Once you have located your area of interest, zoom in to a level where you will easily be able to identify streets and buildings.一旦你找到了你感兴趣的区域,放大到一个你可以很容易地识别街道和建筑物的地方。
- Verify that you've checked the "Add results of geoprocessing options to the display" checkbox and unchecked the "Enable Background Processing" checkbox in your Geoprocessing tab's Geoprocessing Options window.确认您已选中“将地理处理选项的结果添加到显示”复选框,并在地理处理选项卡的“地理处理选项”窗口中取消选中“启用后台处理”复选框。
- In the ArcCatalog window, expand the "System Toolboxes", and then expand the OpenStreetMap toolbox. Doubleclick on the Download, Extract, and Symbolize OSM Data model. This model allows you to download the data, optionally extract specific tags, and prepare it for the editing environment in one step, using additional scripting models (e.g., Symbolize Points, Symbolize Lines, Symbolize Polygons, and Symbolize OSM Data) to apply edit templates and group the layers according to the geometry type and map features. Enter the parameters for the model as specified below:在ArcCatalog窗口中,展开“系统工具箱”,然后展开OpenStreetMap工具箱。双击下载、提取和符号化OSM数据模型。此模型允许您下载数据,有选择地提取特定的标记,并使用其他脚本模型(例如,符号点、符号线、符号多边形和符号化OSM数据)来应用编辑模板并根据几何体类型和地图特征对层进行分组,只需一步就可以为编辑环境做好准备。输入模型的参数,如下所示:
- In the 'Extent of data download' input field, select 'Same as Display'.
- If you want to extract tag values (e.g., see into the resulting attribute table, select the "Extract OSM Tags into Standalone Attributes" option. Note: if you'd like to customize the information that is extracted - e.g., a specific tag like 'name - then see the Extracting Specific Tags topic.
- In the 'Target Feature Dataset', browse to the location of your default geodatabase, and then append the name of the new feature dataset that will be created when the model is run.在“目标要素数据集”中,浏览到默认地理数据库的位置,然后附加将在运行模型时创建的新要素数据集的名称。
- In the 'OSM Group Layer', you can leave the default value or give the group layer a different name.
- After entering the parameters, click OK. The model will begin to run. After it is completed, the downloaded OpenStreetMap data will be added as fully symbolized layers into the data frame.
The result of this tool is that data from OSM has been translated into a feature dataset with two accompanying tables (relation table and revision table). The points, lines, and polygons of the feature dataset have been added to your ArcMap table of contents. The accompanying tables are not necessary for you to view or edit, but are used by the software for maintaining OSM relation information and tracking the edits you make to the downloaded data. For more information on the resulting feature dataset, see Details on the OSM Feature Dataset.
Now you can use the downloaded OSM data just like any other data in ArcMap. See the Edit OSM Data and Upload to OSMtopic if you want to edit the data and upload it back to OpenStreetMap.
Note There are separate tools for downloading data to a PostgreSQL SDE repository. See Tools#postgresNote for details.
wgs84-web mercator:
How to Download Dataset from OpenStreetMap?:
在ArcToolbox中选择Load OSM Data,加载上面的map.osm,加载到默认的.gdb数据库中。
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