建表 create table department( id int, name varchar(20) ); create table employee( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(20), sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', age int, dep_id int ); #插入数据 insert into department values (200,'技术'), (201,'人力资源'), (202,'销售'), (203,'运营'); insert into employee(name,sex,age,dep_id) values ('egon','male',18,200), ('alex','female',48,201), ('wupeiqi','male',38,201), ('yuanhao','female',28,202), ('liwenzhou','male',18,200), ('jingliyang','female',18,204); #重点:外链接语法 #简单查询 select * from department,employee; #笛卡尔积 select * from department,employee where; #内连接:按照on条件只两张表的相同的部分,连接成一张虚拟的表 select * from employee inner join department on; select * from department inner join employee on; #select * from employee,department where; #左链接:在按照on的条件取到两张表共同部分的基础上,保留左表的记录 select * from employee left join department on; #右链接:在按照on的条件取到两张表共同部分的基础上,保留右表的记录 select * from employee right join department on; #full jion: select * from employee left join department on union select * from employee right join department on; #子查询: mysql> select * from employee where dep_id in (select id from department where name in ('技术','销售')); +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ | 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | | 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | | 5 | liwenzhou | male | 18 | 200 | +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ 3 rows in set (0.02 sec) #查询平均年龄在25岁以上的部门名 select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25 ); #查看技术部员工姓名 select name from employee where dep_id = (select id from department where name='技术'); #查看小于2人的部门名 select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having count(id) < 2 ) union select name from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee); #提取空部门 #有人的部门 select * from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee); 或者: select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having count(id) < 2 union select id from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee) ); #exists 判断有没有接管 mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where name='hahahahah'); Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where name='技术'); +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ | 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | | 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | | 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | | 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | | 5 | liwenzhou | male | 18 | 200 | | 6 | jingliyang | female | 18 | 204 | +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
group by
表在习题整理的单表查询中 大前提:可以按照任意字段分组,但分完组后,只能查看分组的那个字段, 要想取的组内的其他字段信息,需要借助函数 单独使用group by关键字分组 select post from employee group by post; 注意:我们按照post字段分组,那么select查询的字段只能是post, 想要获取组内的其他相关信息,需要借助函数 group by关键字和group_concat()函数一起使用 select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post;#按照岗位分组,并查看组内成员名 select post,group_concat(name) as emp_members from employee group by post; group by与聚合函数一起使用 select post,count(id) as count from employee group by post;#按照岗位分组,并查看每个组有多少人 如果我们用unique的字段作为分组的依据,则每一条记录自成一组,这种分组没有意义 多条记录之间的某个字段值相同,该字段通常用来作为分组的依据 练习 1. 查询岗位名以及岗位包含的所有员工名字 2. 查询岗位名以及各岗位内包含的员工个数 3. 查询公司内男员工和女员工的个数 4. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的平均薪资 5. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最高薪资 6. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最低薪资 7. 查询男员工与男员工的平均薪资,女员工与女员工的平均薪资 答案: #题1:分组 mysql> select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post; +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | post | group_concat(name) | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | operation | 张野,程咬金,程咬银,程咬铜,程咬铁 | | sale | 歪歪,丫丫,丁丁,星星,格格 | | teacher | alex,wupeiqi,yuanhao,liwenzhou,jingliyang,jinxin,成龙 | | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | egon | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ #题目2: mysql> select post,count(id) from employee group by post; +-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | post | count(id) | +-----------------------------------------+-----------+ | operation | 5 | | sale | 5 | | teacher | 7 | | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | 1 | +-----------------------------------------+-----------+ #题目3: mysql> select sex,count(id) from employee group by sex; +--------+-----------+ | sex | count(id) | +--------+-----------+ | male | 10 | | female | 8 | +--------+-----------+ #题目4: mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post; +-----------------------------------------+---------------+ | post | avg(salary) | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+ | operation | 16800.026000 | | sale | 2600.294000 | | teacher | 151842.901429 | | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | 7300.330000 | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+ #题目5 mysql> select post,max(salary) from employee group by post; +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ | post | max(salary) | +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ | operation | 20000.00 | | sale | 4000.33 | | teacher | 1000000.31 | | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | 7300.33 | +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ #题目6 mysql> select post,min(salary) from employee group by post; +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ | post | min(salary) | +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ | operation | 10000.13 | | sale | 1000.37 | | teacher | 2100.00 | | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | 7300.33 | +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ #题目七 mysql> select sex,avg(salary) from employee group by sex; +--------+---------------+ | sex | avg(salary) | +--------+---------------+ | male | 110920.077000 | | female | 7250.183750 |
order by与limit
按单列排序 select * from employee order by salary; select * from employee order by salary asc;#升序 select * from employee order by salary desc; #降序 select * from emp order by age asc,salary desc; #先按照年龄从小到大 按多列排序:先按照age排序,如果年纪相同,则按照薪资排序 select* from employee order by age, salary desc; 1. 查询所有员工信息,先按照age升序排序,如果age相同则按照hire_date降序排序 2. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资,结果按平均薪资升序排列 3. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资,结果按平均薪资降序排列 答案: #题目1 mysql> select * from employee ORDER BY age asc,hire_date desc; #题目2 mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 order by avg(salary) asc; +-----------+---------------+ | post | avg(salary) | +-----------+---------------+ | operation | 16800.026000 | | teacher | 151842.901429 | +-----------+---------------+ #题目3 mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 order by avg(salary) desc; +-----------+---------------+ | post | avg(salary) | +-----------+---------------+ | teacher | 151842.901429 | | operation | 16800.026000 | +-----------+---------------+ limit 限制查询记录数 示例: select * from employee order by salary desc limit 3; #默认初始位置为0 select * from employee order by salary desc limit 0,5; #从第0开始,即先查询出第一条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条 select * from employee order by salary desc limit 5,5; #从第5开始,即先查询出第6条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条 分页显示,每页5条 select * from employee limit 0,5; select * from employee limit 5,5; select * from employee limit 10,5; 使用正则表达式查询 select * from employee where name regexp '^ale'; select * from employee where name regexp 'on$'; select * from employee where name regexp 'm{2}'; 小结:对字符串匹配的方式 where name = 'egon'; where name like 'yua%'; where name regexp 'on$'; 练习 查看所有员工中名字是jin开头,n或者g结果的员工信息 select * from employee where name regexp '^jin.*[gn]$';
where 约束
where字句中可以使用: 1. 比较运算符:> < >= <= <> != 2. between 80 and 100 值在10到20之间 3. in(80,90,100) 值是10或20或30 4. like 'egon%' pattern可以是%或_, %表示任意多字符 _表示一个字符 5. 逻辑运算符:在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and or not #1:单条件查询 select name from employee where post='sale'; #2:多条件查询 select name,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary>10000; #3:关键字between and select name,salary from employee where salary between 10000 and 20000; select name,salary from employee where salary not between 10000 and 20000; #4:关键字is null(判断某个字段是否为null不能用等号,需要用is) select name,post_comment from employee where post_comment is null; select name,post_comment from employee where post_comment is not null; select name,post_comment from employee where post_comment=''; 注意''是空字符串,不是null ps: 执行 update employee set post_comment='' where id=2; 再用上条查看,就会有结果了 #5:关键字in集合查询 select name,salary from employee where salary=3000 or salary=3500 or salary=4000 or salary=9000 ; select name,salary from employee where salary in (3000,3500,4000,9000) ; select name,salary from employee where salary not in (3000,3500,4000,9000) ; #6:关键字LIKE模糊查询 通配符’%’ select * from employee where name like 'eg%'; 通配符’_’ select * from employee where name like 'al__'; 表在习题整理的单表查询中 练习 1. 查看岗位是teacher的员工姓名、年龄 2. 查看岗位是teacher且年龄大于30岁的员工姓名、年龄 3. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资在9000-1000范围内的员工姓名、年龄、薪资 4. 查看岗位描述不为NULL的员工信息 5. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资 6. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资不是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资 7. 查看岗位是teacher且名字是jin开头的员工姓名、年薪 答案: select name,age from employee where post = 'teacher'; select name,age from employee where post='teacher' and age > 30; select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary between 9000 and 10000; select * from employee where post_comment is not null; select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary in (10000,9000,30000); select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary not in (10000,9000,30000); select name,salary*12 from employee where post='teacher' and name like 'jin%';
select 分组字段,count(id) from t1 where 条件 group by 分组字段 max min sum avg group_concat #关键字执行优先级 from where group by 按照select后的字段取得一张新的虚拟表,有聚合函数则执行聚合函数 having select max(salary) from t1 where id > 2 group by depart_id having count(id) > 2; select 333333333 from t1 where id > 2 group by depart_id having 4 > 2; #练习 select post,count(id),group_concat(name) from emp group by post having count(id) < 2; select post,avg(salary) as 平均工资 from emp group by post having avg(salary) > 10000; select post 岗位名,avg(salary) 平均工资 from emp group by post having avg(salary) > 10000; #order by关键字 select * from emp order by salary; select * from emp order by salary asc; #升序 select * from emp order by salary desc; #降序 select * from emp order by age asc,salary desc; #先按照年龄从小到大排,如果年龄分不出胜负(即值相同)再按照salary从大到小排。 #练习: select * from emp order by age asc,hire_date desc; select post 岗位名,avg(salary) 平均工资 from emp group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 order by avg(salary) asc; #limit mysql> select * from emp limit 10; #从哪开始,往后取几条 mysql> select * from emp limit 0,3; mysql> select * from emp limit 3,3; mysql> select * from emp limit 6,3; select name,id from emp where id>15 having id > 16; #distinct mysql> select * from emp limit 0,3; #多表查询 create table department( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(20) ); create table employee( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(20), sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', age int, dep_id int, foreign key(dep_id) references department(id) ); #简单查询 select * from department,employee; #笛卡尔积 select * from department,employee where; #内连接:按照on条件只两张表的相同的部分,连接成一张虚拟的表 select * from employee inner join department on; select * from department inner join employee on; #select * from employee,department where; #左链接:在按照on的条件取到两张表共同部分的基础上,保留左表的记录 select * from employee left join department on; #右链接:在按照on的条件取到两张表共同部分的基础上,保留右表的记录 select * from employee right join department on; #full jion: select * from employee left join department on union select * from employee right join department on; #子查询: mysql> select * from employee where dep_id in (select id from department where name in ('技术','销售')); +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ | 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | | 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | | 5 | liwenzhou | male | 18 | 200 | +----+-----------+--------+------+--------+ 3 rows in set (0.02 sec) #查询平均年龄在25岁以上的部门名 select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25 ); #查看技术部员工姓名 select name from employee where dep_id = (select id from department where name='技术'); #查看小于2人的部门名 select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having count(id) < 2 ) union select name from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee); #提取空部门 #有人的部门 select * from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee); 或者: select name from department where id in ( select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having count(id) < 2 union select id from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee) ); #exists mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where name='hahahahah'); Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where name='技术'); +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ | 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | | 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | | 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | | 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | | 5 | liwenzhou | male | 18 | 200 | | 6 | jingliyang | female | 18 | 204 | +----+------------+--------+------+--------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) 重点中的重点:关键字的执行优先级 from where group by having select distinct order by limit 1.找到表:from 2.拿着where指定的约束条件,去文件/表中取出一条条记录 3.将取出的一条条记录进行分组group by,如果没有group by,则整体作为一组 4.按照select后的字段得到一张新的虚拟表,如果有聚合函数,则将组内数据进行聚合 5.将4的结果过滤:having 6.查出结果:select 7.去重 8.将结果按条件排序:order by 9.限制结果的显示条数 #简单查询 SELECT id,name,sex,age,hire_date,post,post_comment,salary,office,depart_id FROM employee; SELECT * FROM employee; SELECT name,salary FROM employee; #避免重复DISTINCT SELECT DISTINCT post FROM employee; #通过四则运算查询 SELECT name, salary*12 FROM employee; SELECT name, salary*12 AS Annual_salary FROM employee; SELECT name, salary*12 Annual_salary FROM employee; #定义显示格式 CONCAT() 函数用于连接字符串 SELECT CONCAT('姓名: ',name,' 年薪: ', salary*12) AS Annual_salary FROM employee; CONCAT_WS() 第一个参数为分隔符 SELECT CONCAT_WS(':',name,salary*12) AS Annual_salary FROM employee;
先from找到表 再用where的条件约束去表中取出记录 然后进行分组group by,没有分组则默认一组 然后进行聚合 最后select出结果 示例: select count(*) from employee; select count(*) from employee where depart_id=1; select max(salary) from employee; select min(salary) from employee; select avg(salary) from employee; select sum(salary) from employee; select sum(salary) from employee where depart_id=3; having过滤 having与where在语法上是一样的 select * from employee where salary > 10000; select * from employee having salary > 10000; having与where不一样的地方在于!!!!!! !!!执行优先级从高到低:where > group by > 聚合函数 > having 1. Where 是一个约束声明,使用Where约束来自数据库的数据, Where是在结果返回之前起作用的(先找到表,按照where的约束 条件,从表(文件)中取出数据),Where中不能使用聚合函数。 2. Having是一个过滤声明,是在查询返回结果集以后对查询结果进行 的过滤操作(先找到表,按照where的约束条件,从表(文件)中取出数据, 然后group by分组,如果没有group by则所有记录整体为一组,然后执 行聚合函数,然后使用having对聚合的结果进行过滤),在Having中可 以使用聚合函数。 3. having可以放到group by之后,而where只能放到group by之前 4. 在查询过程中聚合语句(sum,min,max,avg,count)要比having子 句优先执行。而where子句在查询过程中执行优先级高于聚合语句。 #验证之前再次强调:执行优先级从高到低:where > group by > 聚合函数 > having select count(id) from employee where salary > 10000; #正确,分析:where先执行,后执行聚合count(id),然后select出结果 select count(id) from employee having salary > 10000; #错误,分析:先执行聚合count(id),后执行having过滤,无法对id进行salary>10000的过滤 #以上两条sql的顺序是 1:找到表employee--->用where过滤---->没有分组则默认一组执行聚合count(id)--->select执行查看组内id数目 2:找到表employee--->没有分组则默认一组执行聚合count(id)---->having 基于上一步聚合的结果(此时只有count(id)字段了)进行salary>10000的 过滤,很明显,根本无法获取到salary字段 练习 1. 查询各岗位内包含的员工个数小于2的岗位名、岗位内包含员工名字、个数 3. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资 4. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000且小于20000的岗位名、平均工资 答案 #题1: mysql> select post,group_concat(name),count(id) from employee group by post having count(id) < 2; +-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | post | group_concat(name) | count(id) | +-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | egon | 1 | +-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+ #题目2: mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000; +-----------+---------------+ | post | avg(salary) | +-----------+---------------+ | operation | 16800.026000 | | teacher | 151842.901429 | +-----------+---------------+ #题目3: mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 and avg(salary) <20000; +-----------+--------------+ | post | avg(salary) | +-----------+--------------+ | operation | 16800.026000 | +-----------+--------------+