


 1 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget,QApplication
 2 from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter,QColor,QBrush
 3 import sys
 5 class Example(QWidget):
 6     def __init__(self):
 7         super(Example, self).__init__()
 8         self.initUI()
10     def initUI(self):
11         self.setGeometry(300,300,350,100)
12         self.setWindowTitle('Colors')
15     def paintEvent(self, e):
16         qp = QPainter()
17         qp.begin(self)
18         self.drawRectangles(qp)
19         qp.end()
21     def drawRectangles(self,qp):
22         col = QColor(0,0,0)
23         col.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4')
24         qp.setPen(col)
25         qp.setBrush(QColor(200,0,0))
26         qp.drawRect(10,15,90,60)
27         qp.setBrush(QColor(255,80,0,160))
28         qp.drawRect(130,15,90,60)
29         qp.setBrush(QColor(25,0,90,200))
30         qp.drawRect(250,15,90,60)
32 if __name__ == '__main__':
33     app = QApplication(sys.argv)
34     ex = Example()
35     sys.exit(app.exec_())
View Code


 1 class Shape(object):
 2     coordsTable = (((0, -1), (0, 0),
 3                     (-1, 0), (-1, 1)),
 5                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
 6                     (1, 0), (1, 1)),
 8                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
 9                     (0, 1), (0, 2)),
11                    ((-1, 0), (0, 0),
12                     (1, 0), (0, 1)),
14                    ((0, 0), (1, 0),
15                     (0, 1), (1, 1)),
17                    ((-1, -1), (0, -1),
18                     (0, 0), (0, 1)),
20                    ((1, -1), (0, -1),
21                     (0, 0), (0, 1)))
23     def __init__(self):
24         self.coords = [[0,0] for i in range(4)]
25         self.setRandomShape()
27     def shape(self):
28         return self.pieceShape
30     def setShape(self, shape):
31         table = Shape.coordsTable[shape]
32         for i in range(4):
33             for j in range(2):
34                 self.coords[i][j] = table[i][j]
35         self.pieceShape = shape
37     def setRandomShape(self):
38         self.setShape(random.randint(1, 6))
View Code


1  def drawRectangles(self,qp):
2         col = QColor(0,0,0)
3         col.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4')
4         qp.setPen(col)
5         qp.setBrush(QColor(200,0,0))
6         for i in self.shape.coords:
7             qp.drawRect(self.Vline*20+(i[0]-0.5)*20,self.Hline*20+(i[1]+0.5)*20,20,20)
View Code


1         self.Speed = 1000
2         self.timer = QBasicTimer()
3         self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)    
5     def timerEvent(self,event):
6         self.shape.setRandomShape()
7         self.update()
View Code




  1 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget,QApplication,QDesktopWidget
  2 from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter,QColor,QBrush
  3 from PyQt5.QtCore import QBasicTimer,Qt
  4 import sys,random
  6 class Example(QWidget):
  7     def __init__(self):
  8         super(Example, self).__init__()
  9         self.initUI()
 11     def initUI(self):
 12         self.Hline = 1
 13         self.Vline =15
 14         self.Speed = 1000
 15         self.newPiece = False
 16         self.pause = False
 17         self.shape = Shape()
 18         self.setGeometry(300,300,600,800)
 19         screen = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
 20         size = self.geometry()
 21         self.move(int((screen.width()-size.width())/2),int((screen.height()-size.height())/2))
 22         self.setWindowTitle('Colors')
 24         self.timer = QBasicTimer()
 25         self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)
 28     def keyPressEvent(self, event):
 29         key = event.key()
 30         if key == Qt.Key_P:
 31             if self.pause:
 32                 self.timer.stop()
 33             else:
 34                 self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)
 35         elif key == Qt.Key_Left:
 36             if self.Vline > 0:
 37                 self.Vline = self.Vline - 1
 38         elif key == Qt.Key_Right:
 39             if self.Vline < 29:
 40                 self.Vline = self.Vline + 1
 41         elif key == Qt.Key_Down:
 42             self.Speed = 100
 43         elif key == Qt.Key_Up:
 44             self.Speed = 100
 45         elif key == Qt.Key_Space:
 46             self.Speed = 10
 47             self.timer.stop()
 48             self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)
 49         elif key == Qt.Key_D:
 50             self.Speed = 100
 51         else:
 52             super(Example, self).keyPressEvent(event)
 54     def paintEvent(self, e):
 55         qp = QPainter()
 56         qp.begin(self)
 57         self.drawRectangles(qp)
 58         qp.end()
 60     def timerEvent(self,event):
 61         self.Hline = self.Hline + 1
 62         self.downCollisionDetection()
 63         if self.newPiece:
 64             self.shape.setRandomShape()
 65             self.newPiece = False
 66             self.Hline = 1
 67             self.Vline = 15
 68         self.update()
 69         # if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId():
 70         #     if self.isWaitingAfterLine:
 71         #         self.isWaitingAfterLine = False
 72         #         self.newPiece()
 73         #     else:
 74         #         self.oneLineDown()
 75         # else:
 76         #     super(Board,self).timerEvent(event)
 78     def drawRectangles(self,qp):
 79         col = QColor(0,0,0)
 80         col.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4')
 81         qp.setPen(col)
 82         qp.setBrush(QColor(200,0,0))
 83         for i in self.shape.coords:
 84             qp.drawRect(self.Vline*20+(i[0]-0.5)*20,self.Hline*20+(i[1]+0.5)*20,20,20)
 85         # qp.setBrush(QColor(255,80,0,160))
 86         # qp.drawRect(130,15,90,60)
 87         # qp.setBrush(QColor(25,0,90,200))
 88         # qp.drawRect(250,15,90,60)
 90     def downCollisionDetection(self):
 91         if self.Hline > 39:
 92             self.newPiece = True
 96 class Tetrominoe(object):
 97     ZShape = 1
 98     SShape = 2
 99     LineShape = 3
100     TShape = 4
101     SquareShape = 5
102     LShape = 6
103     MirroredLShape = 7
104 class Shape(object):
105     coordsTable = (((0, -1), (0, 0),
106                     (-1, 0), (-1, 1)),
108                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
109                     (1, 0), (1, 1)),
111                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
112                     (0, 1), (0, 2)),
114                    ((-1, 0), (0, 0),
115                     (1, 0), (0, 1)),
117                    ((0, 0), (1, 0),
118                     (0, 1), (1, 1)),
120                    ((-1, -1), (0, -1),
121                     (0, 0), (0, 1)),
123                    ((1, -1), (0, -1),
124                     (0, 0), (0, 1)))
126     def __init__(self):
127         self.coords = [[0,0] for i in range(4)]
128         self.setRandomShape()
130     def shape(self):
131         return self.pieceShape
133     def setShape(self, shape):
134         table = Shape.coordsTable[shape]
135         for i in range(4):
136             for j in range(2):
137                 self.coords[i][j] = table[i][j]
138         self.pieceShape = shape
140     def setRandomShape(self):
141         self.setShape(random.randint(1, 6))
143     def x(self, index):
144         return self.coords[index][0]
146     def y(self, index):
147         return self.coords[index][1]
149     def setX(self, index, x):
150         self.coords[index][0] = x
152     def setY(self, index, y):
153         self.coords[index][1] = y
155     def minX(self):
156         m = self.coords[0][0]
157         for i in range(4):
158             m = min(m, self.coords[i][0])
159         return m
161     def maxX(self):
162         m = self.coords[0][0]
163         for i in range(4):
164             m = max(m, self.coords[i][0])
165         return m
167     def minY(self):
168         m = self.coords[0][1]
169         for i in range(4):
170             m = min(m, self.coords[i][1])
171         return m
173     def maxY(self):
174         m = self.coords[0][1]
175         for i in range(4):
176             m = max(m, self.coords[i][1])
177         return m
179     def rotateLeft(self):
180         if self.pieceShape == Tetrominoe.SquareShape:
181             return self
182         result = Shape()
183         result.pieceShape = self.pieceShape
184         for i in range(4):
185             result.setX(i, self.y(i))
186             result.setY(i, -self.x(i))
187         return result
189     def rotateRight(self):
190         if self.pieceShape == Tetrominoe.SquareShape:
191             return self
192         result = Shape()
193         result.pieceShape = self.pieceShape
194         for i in range(4):
195             result.setX(i, -self.y(i))
196             result.setY(i, self.x(i))
197         return result
199 if __name__ == '__main__':
200     app = QApplication(sys.argv)
201     ex = Example()
202     sys.exit(app.exec_())
View Code




  1 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget,QApplication,QDesktopWidget
  2 from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter,QColor,QBrush
  3 from PyQt5.QtCore import QBasicTimer,Qt
  4 import sys,random
  5 import threading
  7 class Example(QWidget):
  8     def __init__(self):
  9         super(Example, self).__init__()
 10         self.initUI()
 12     def initUI(self):
 13         self.panal =[[0 for j in range(30)]for i in range(40)]
 14         self.hpoint = 0
 15         self.vpoint = 0
 16         self.Speed = 500
 17         self.pause = False
 18         self.downFlag = False
 19         self.shape = Shape()
 20         self.setGeometry(300,300,600,800)
 21         screen = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
 22         size = self.geometry()
 23         self.move(int((screen.width()-size.width())/2),int((screen.height()-size.height())/2))
 24         self.setWindowTitle('Colors')
 26         self.timer = QBasicTimer()
 27         self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)
 29     def keyPressEvent(self, event):
 30         key = event.key()
 31         if key == Qt.Key_P:
 32             if self.pause:
 33                 self.timer.stop()
 34             else:
 35                 self.timer.start(self.Speed,self)
 36         elif key == Qt.Key_Left:
 37             if self.vpoint > 0:
 38                 self.leftMove()
 39         elif key == Qt.Key_Right:
 40             if self.vpoint < 29:
 41                 self.rightMove()
 42         elif key == Qt.Key_Down:
 43             self.rightFlip()
 44         elif key == Qt.Key_Up:
 45             self.leftFlip()
 46         elif key == Qt.Key_Space:
 47             self.spaceDown()
 48         elif key == Qt.Key_D:
 49             self.oneLineDown()
 50         else:
 51             super(Example, self).keyPressEvent(event)
 53     def paintEvent(self, e):
 54         qp = QPainter()
 55         qp.begin(self)
 56         self.drawRectangles(qp)
 57         qp.end()
 59     def timerEvent(self,event):
 60         if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId():
 61             if self.downFlag == False:
 62                 if self.gameOver():
 63                     print('game over')
 64                 else:
 65                     self.downFlag = True
 66                     self.newPiece()
 67             else:
 68                 self.oneLineDown()
 69         else:
 70             super(Board,self).timerEvent(event)
 71         self.update()
 73     def gameOver(self):
 74         firstRow = 0
 75         flag = True
 76         for i in range(40):
 77             for j in range(30):
 78                 if self.panal[i][j] == 1:
 79                     flag = False
 80                     firstRow = i + 1
 81                     break
 82             if flag == False:
 83                 break
 84         if firstRow == 1:
 85             return True
 87     def spaceDown(self):
 88         initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
 89         count = 0
 90         sFlag = True
 91         tempHPoint = self.hpoint
 92         while sFlag == True:
 93             for point in self.shape.getBottom():
 94                 if self.hpoint + count - (point[1] - initPoint[1]) > 39:
 95                     sFlag = False
 96                     break
 97                 else:
 98                     if self.panal[self.hpoint + count - (point[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + point[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
 99                         sFlag = False
100                         break
101             count = count + 1
102             if sFlag == False:
103                 self.hpoint = self.hpoint + count - 1
104                 break
105         for i in self.shape.coords:
106             self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
107             self.panal[tempHPoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
108         self.finDownFlag = True
109         self.cancelRow()
111     def cancelRow(self):
112         rowList = []
113         self.shape.getDataCharacteristics()
114         for i in range(self.shape.dataCharacteristics[0]):
115             cancelFlag = True
116             for j in range(30):
117                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - i][j] == 0:
118                     cancelFlag = False
119             if cancelFlag == True:
120                 rowList.append(self.hpoint - i)
121         for i in range(len(rowList)):
122             rowList[i] = rowList[i] + i
123         firstRow = 0
124         flag = True
125         for i in range(40):
126             for j in range(30):
127                 if self.panal[i][j] == 1:
128                     flag = False
129                     firstRow = i + 1
130                     break
131             if flag == False:
132                 break
133         for i in rowList:
134             for j in range(i - firstRow):
135                 for v in range(30):
136                     self.panal[i - 1 - j][v] = self.panal[i - 1 - j - 1][v]
139     def leftFlip(self):
140         flipFlag = True
141         self.shape.isLeftFlip()
142         initPoint = self.shape.leftFlipList[0]
143         for j in self.shape.leftFlipList:
144             nextFlag = False
145             for i in self.shape.coords:
146                 if (j[1] - self.shape.leftFlipList[0][1] == i[1] - self.shape.coords[0][1]) and (j[0] - self.shape.leftFlipList[0][0] == i[0] - self.shape.coords[0][0]):
147                     nextFlag = True
148             if nextFlag == True:
149                 continue
150             if (((self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]) > 29) or ((self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]) < 0)) or (((self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])) > 39) or ((self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])) < 0)):
151                 flipFlag = False
152             else:
153                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
154                     flipFlag = False
155         if flipFlag == True:
156             initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
157             for i in self.shape.coords:
158                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
159             self.shape.leftFlip()
160             initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
161             for j in self.shape.coords:
162                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
163         self.update()
165     def rightFlip(self):
166         flipFlag = True
167         self.shape.isRightFlip()
168         initPoint = self.shape.rightFlipList[0]
169         for j in self.shape.rightFlipList:
170             nextFlag = False
171             for i in self.shape.coords:
172                 if (j[1] - self.shape.rightFlipList[0][1] == i[1] - self.shape.coords[0][1]) and (j[0] - self.shape.rightFlipList[0][0] == i[0] - self.shape.coords[0][0]):
173                     nextFlag = True
174             if nextFlag == True:
175                 continue
176             if (((self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]) > 29) or ((self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]) < 0)) or (((self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])) > 39) or ((self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])) < 0)):
177                 flipFlag = False
178             else:
179                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
180                     flipFlag = False
181         if flipFlag == True:
182             initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
183             for i in self.shape.coords:
184                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
185             self.shape.rightFlip()
186             initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
187             for j in self.shape.coords:
188                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (j[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + j[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
189         self.update()
191     def leftMove(self):
192         leftFlag = True
193         initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
194         for point in self.shape.getLeftSection():
195             if self.vpoint - 1 + point[0] - initPoint[0] == -1:
196                 leftFlag = False
197                 break
198             else:
199                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (point[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint - 1 + point[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
200                     leftFlag = False
201                     break
202         if leftFlag == True:
203              for i in self.shape.coords:
204                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint - 1 + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
205                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
206              self.vpoint = self.vpoint - 1
208     def rightMove(self):
209         rightFlag = True
210         initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
211         for point in self.shape.getRightSection():
212             if self.vpoint + 1 + point[0] - initPoint[0] == 30:
213                 rightFlag = False
214                 break
215             else:
216                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (point[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + 1 + point[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
217                     rightFlag = False
218                     break
219         if rightFlag == True:
220              for i in self.shape.coords:
221                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + 1 + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
222                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
223              self.vpoint = self.vpoint + 1
225     def oneLineDown(self):
226         initPoint = self.shape.getInitPoint()
227         for point in self.shape.getBottom():
228             if self.hpoint - (point[1] - initPoint[1]) == 40:
229                 self.downFlag = False
230                 break
231             else:
232                 if self.panal[self.hpoint - (point[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + point[0] - initPoint[0]] == 1:
233                     self.downFlag = False
234                     break
235         if self.downFlag == False:
236             self.cancelRow()
237         if self.downFlag == True:
238              for i in self.shape.coords:
239                 self.panal[self.hpoint - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
240                 self.panal[self.hpoint - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][self.vpoint + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 0
241              self.hpoint = self.hpoint + 1
243     def newPiece(self):
244         self.shape.setRandomShape()
245         row = self.shape.dataCharacteristics[0]
246         list = self.shape.dataCharacteristics[1]
247         direction = self.shape.dataCharacteristics[2]
248         initPoint = self.shape.coords[0]
249         if direction == 0:
250             for i in range(row):
251                 self.panal[row - i - 1][15] = 1
252                 self.hpoint = row
253                 self.vpoint = 15
254         elif direction == 1:
255             self.panal[row - 1][15 + 1] = 1
256             self.hpoint = row
257             self.vpoint = 15 + 1
258             for i in self.shape.coords:
259                 if initPoint == i:
260                     continue
261                 else:
262                     self.panal[row - 1 - (i[1]-initPoint[1])][15 + 1 + i[0]-initPoint[0]] = 1
263         elif direction == 2:
264             self.panal[row - 1][15] = 1
265             self.hpoint = row
266             self.vpoint = 15
267             for i in self.shape.coords:
268                 if initPoint == i:
269                     continue
270                 else:
271                     self.panal[row - 1 - (i[1] - initPoint[1])][15 + i[0] - initPoint[0]] = 1
273     def drawRectangles(self,qp):
274         col = QColor(0,0,0)
275         col.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4')
276         qp.setPen(col)
277         qp.setBrush(QColor(200,0,0))
278         for i in range(40):
279             for j in range(30):
280                 if self.panal[i][j] == 1:
281                     qp.drawRect(j*20+(-0.5)*20,i*20+0.5*20,20,20)
282         # qp.setBrush(QColor(255,80,0,160))
283         # qp.drawRect(130,15,90,60)
284         # qp.setBrush(QColor(25,0,90,200))
285         # qp.drawRect(250,15,90,60)
287     def downCollisionDetection(self):
288         if self.Hline > 39:
289             self.newPiece = True
293 class Tetrominoe(object):
294     ZShape = 1
295     SShape = 2
296     LineShape = 3
297     TShape = 4
298     SquareShape = 5
299     LShape = 6
300     MirroredLShape = 7
301 class Shape(object):
302     coordsTable = (((0, -1), (0, 0),
303                     (-1, 0), (-1, 1)),
305                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
306                     (1, 0), (1, 1)),
308                    ((0, -1), (0, 0),
309                     (0, 1), (0, 2)),
311                    ((-1, 0), (0, 0),
312                     (1, 0), (0, 1)),
314                    ((0, 0), (1, 0),
315                     (0, 1), (1, 1)),
317                    ((-1, -1), (0, -1),
318                     (0, 0), (0, 1)),
320                    ((1, -1), (0, -1),
321                     (0, 0), (0, 1)))
323     def __init__(self):
324         self.coords = [[0,0] for i in range(4)]
325         self.rightFlipList = [[0,0] for i in range(4)]
326         self.leftFlipList = [[0,0] for i in range(4)]
327         self.dataCharacteristics = [0,0,0]
328         self.setRandomShape()
330     def getDataCharacteristics(self):
331         h = []
332         v = []
333         f = 0
334         for i in self.coords:
335             h.append(i[1])
336             v.append(i[0])
337         if self.coords[0][0] > self.coords[1][0]:
338             f = 1
339         elif self.coords[0][0] < self.coords[1][0]:
340             f = 2
341         else:
342             if self.coords[1][0] > self.coords[2][0]:
343                 f = 1
344             elif self.coords[1][0] < self.coords[2][0]:
345                 f = 2
346             else:
347                 if self.coords[2][0] > self.coords[3][0]:
348                     f = 1
349                 elif self.coords[2][0] < self.coords[3][0]:
350                     f = 2
351                 else:
352                     f = 0
353         self.dataCharacteristics = [len(set(h)),len(set(v)),f]
355     def shape(self):
356         return self.pieceShape
358     def setShape(self, shape):
359         table = Shape.coordsTable[shape]
360         self.coords = table
361         self.pieceShape = shape
363     def setRandomShape(self):
364         self.setShape(random.randint(1, 6))
365         self.getDataCharacteristics()
367     def getBottom(self):
368         xlist = []
369         bottomPointList = []
370         tempList = []
371         for i in self.coords:
372             xlist.append(i[0])
373         for j in set(xlist):
374             for v in self.coords:
375                 if v[0] == j:
376                     tempList.append(v)
377             if len(tempList) != 1:
378                 ymin = tempList[0][1]
379                 for i in tempList:
380                     if i[1] < ymin:
381                         ymin = i[1]
382                 bottomPointList.append([j,ymin])
383             else:
384                 bottomPointList.append(tempList[0])
385             tempList = []
386         return bottomPointList
388     def getLeftSection(self):
389         ylist = []
390         leftPointList = []
391         tempList = []
392         for i in self.coords:
393             ylist.append(i[1])
394         for j in set(ylist):
395             for v in self.coords:
396                 if v[1] == j:
397                     tempList.append(v)
398             if len(tempList) != 1:
399                 xmin = tempList[0][0]
400                 for i in tempList:
401                     if i[0] < xmin:
402                         xmin = i[0]
403                 leftPointList.append([xmin, j])
404             else:
405                 leftPointList.append(tempList[0])
406             tempList = []
407         return leftPointList
409     def getRightSection(self):
410         ylist = []
411         rightPointList = []
412         tempList = []
413         for i in self.coords:
414             ylist.append(i[1])
415         for j in set(ylist):
416             for v in self.coords:
417                 if v[1] == j:
418                     tempList.append(v)
419             if len(tempList) != 1:
420                 xmax = tempList[0][0]
421                 for i in tempList:
422                     if i[0] > xmax:
423                         xmax = i[0]
424                 rightPointList.append([xmax, j])
425             else:
426                 rightPointList.append(tempList[0])
427             tempList = []
428         return rightPointList
430     def getInitPoint(self):
431         return self.coords[0]
433     def isLeftFlip(self):
434         newPoint = []
435         initPoint = self.getInitPoint()
436         for i in self.coords:
437             if i[0] - initPoint[0] == 0 and i[1] - initPoint[1] == 0:
438                 newPoint.append([i[0], i[1]])
439                 continue
440             newPoint.append([initPoint[0] - (i[1] - initPoint[1]), initPoint[1] + i[0] - initPoint[0]])
441         list = []
442         for v in range(4):
443             list.append(newPoint[v][1])
444         ymin = min(set(list))
445         ymax = max(set(list))
446         firstPoint = []
447         tailPoint = []
448         tempList = []
449         for i in newPoint:
450             if i[1] == ymin:
451                 tempList.append(i[0])
452         tempList.sort()
453         if len(tempList) > 2:
454             firstPoint.append(tempList[1])
455         else:
456             firstPoint.append(tempList[0])
457         firstPoint.append(ymin)
458         tempList.clear()
459         for i in newPoint:
460             if i[1] == ymax:
461                 tempList.append(i[0])
462         tempList.sort()
463         tailPoint.append(tempList[len(tempList) - 1])
464         tailPoint.append(ymax)
465         tempList.clear()
466         tempList.append(firstPoint)
467         for j in newPoint:
468             if firstPoint != j and tailPoint != j:
469                 tempList.append(j)
470         tempList.append(tailPoint)
471         self.leftFlipList = tempList
473     def leftFlip(self):
474         self.coords = self.leftFlipList
476     def isRightFlip(self):
477         newPoint = []
478         initPoint = self.getInitPoint()
479         for i in self.coords:
480             if i[0] - initPoint[0] == 0 and i[1] - initPoint[1] == 0:
481                 newPoint.append([i[0],i[1]])
482                 continue
483             newPoint.append([initPoint[0] + i[1] - initPoint[1],initPoint[1] + initPoint[0] - i[0]])
484         list = []
485         for v in range(4):
486             list.append(newPoint[v][1])
487         ymin = min(set(list))
488         ymax = max(set(list))
489         firstPoint = []
490         tailPoint = []
491         tempList = []
492         for i in newPoint:
493             if i[1] == ymin:
494                 tempList.append(i[0])
495         tempList.sort()
496         if len(tempList) > 2:
497             firstPoint.append(tempList[1])
498         else:
499             firstPoint.append(tempList[0])
500         firstPoint.append(ymin)
501         tempList.clear()
502         for i in newPoint:
503             if i[1] == ymax:
504                 tempList.append(i[0])
505         tempList.sort()
506         tailPoint.append(tempList[len(tempList) - 1])
507         tailPoint.append(ymax)
508         tempList.clear()
509         tempList.append(firstPoint)
510         for j in newPoint:
511             if firstPoint != j and tailPoint != j:
512                 tempList.append(j)
513         tempList.append(tailPoint)
514         self.rightFlipList = tempList
516     def rightFlip(self):
517         self.coords = self.rightFlipList
523 if __name__ == '__main__':
524     app = QApplication(sys.argv)
525     ex = Example()
526     sys.exit(app.exec_())
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