My favorite story(revised)

The Story of Snow White

Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom tucked away in the mountains, a queen gave birth to a daughter. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips as red as blood, and her hair as black as ebony. The queen, in awe of her daughter's beauty, named her Snow White. But fate was not kind to the queen, as she passed away not long after Snow White's birth. The little girl was left in the care of her loving father, the king.

The king, though a kind and just ruler, was lonely after the queen's death. After much deliberation, he decided to remarry and sought out a queen from a neighboring kingdom. This new queen, however, was far from the kind and compassionate woman Snow White's mother had been. She was cruel, vain, and jealous of Snow White's beauty.

As the years passed, Snow White grew into a beautiful young woman, surpassing even the queen in her radiance. This further enraged the queen, who saw Snow White as a threat to her position and beauty. She began to scheme and plot, hoping to find a way to eliminate Snow White.

One day, the queen convinced the king to go on a long journey, leaving Snow White alone in the castle with her. She then ordered a trusted huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. But when the huntsman came upon the innocent and gentle Snow White, his heart softened, and he couldn't bring himself to harm her.

"You are too pure and innocent for this world," the huntsman said, tears welling up in his eyes. "I cannot do this."

Instead, he took Snow White deep into the forest, far away from the castle, and left her there. Snow White, though frightened, found her way to a small cottage in the woods. Inside lived seven dwarves who, though small in stature, had big hearts. They welcomed Snow White into their home and cared for her as if she were their own sister.

But the queen, who had been keeping a close watch on Snow White, soon learned of her whereabouts. She was furious and determined to finish what the huntsman had failed to do. She sent a servant to the dwarves' cottage with a poisoned apple, disguised as a gift.

Snow White, unaware of the queen's treachery, bit into the apple and fell into a deep sleep. Her breathing became shallow, and her heart slowed to a stop. The dwarves, panic-stricken, tried everything they could to wake her, but nothing worked.

Days passed, and the dwarves began to lose hope. But on the seventh day, a prince rode into the forest on a white horse. He had heard of Snow White's beauty and had come to see her. When he saw her lying there, pale and still, his heart broke.

Without hesitation, the prince leaned down and kissed Snow White on her lips. As his lips touched hers, a miracle occurred. The poison in Snow White's body began to dissipate, and she slowly opened her eyes. The prince had broken the queen's spell with his kiss of true love.

Overjoyed, the prince and Snow White embraced. Together, they returned to the castle and confronted the queen. With the help of the dwarves and the king, who had returned from his journey, they defeated the queen and banished her from the kingdom.

Snow White and the prince were married soon after, and they lived happily ever after in the castle. The dwarves often visited, bringing with them laughter and joy. And Snow White, who had once been a victim of jealousy and cruelty, found love and happiness in the arms of her prince.

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