My favorite story

The Story of Snow White

In a distant kingdom, a queen gave birth to a daughter as white as snow, and she was named Snow White. However, the queen passed away soon after, leaving Snow White with her father, the king. When the king remarried a woman who was cruel and vain, Snow White's life changed.

The new queen hated Snow White for being more beautiful than her. She had the king exiled and took Snow White to live with her in the castle. But her jealousy grew stronger, and she ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her.

The huntsman, moved by Snow White's innocence, let her go. She found refuge in a cottage with seven dwarves. But the queen soon learned of her whereabouts and sent a poisoned apple to Snow White.

As Snow White took a bite, she fell into a deep sleep. The dwarves were helpless, but a prince came to their aid. He kissed Snow White, breaking the spell, and she awoke. Together, they returned to the castle, defeated the queen, and Snow White married the prince, living happily ever after.

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