umijs + antd 布局

umijs + antd 布局


  1. 找个地方建空目录

    mkdir myapp && cd myapp

  2. 通过官方工具创建项目

    Yarn create @umijs/umi-app

    Copy:  .editorconfig
    Write: .gitignore
    Copy:  .prettierignore
    Copy:  .prettierrc
    Write: .umirc.ts
    Copy:  mock/.gitkeep
    Write: package.json
    Copy:  src/pages/index.less
    Copy:  src/pages/index.tsx
    Copy:  tsconfig.json
    Copy:  typings.d.ts
  3. 安装依赖


    yarn install v1.21.1
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    success Already up-to-date.
    ✨  Done in 0.71s.
  4. 启动项目

    yarn start

    Starting the development server...
    ✔ Webpack
      Compiled successfully in 17.84s
     DONE  Compiled successfully in 17842ms                                       8:06:31 PM
      App running at:
      - Local:   http://localhost:8000 (copied to clipboard)
      - Network:
  5. 浏览器打开localhost:8000


  1. umijs配置

    Umi 在 .umirc.tsconfig/config.ts 中配置项目和插件,支持 es6。推荐两种配置方式二选一,.umirc.ts 优先级更高。

  2. config/config.ts文件


    import  { defineConfig } from 'umi';
    import routes from './routes';
    export default defineConfig({
      layout: {
        name: 'Ant Design Pro',
        logo: '',
        // copy from pro site
        navTheme: 'dark', // Navigation menu theme
        primaryColor: '#1890ff', // Primary color of ant design
        layout: 'sidemenu', // Layout menu mode, side: right navigation, top: top navigation
        contentWidth: 'Fluid', // Content mode of layout, Fluid: fixed width 1200px, Fixed: adaptive
        fixedHeader: true, // Whether to fix header to top
        fixSiderbar: true, // Whether to fix navigation menu
        title: 'Mr.Yao',
        pwa: false,
        iconfontUrl: ''
      routes: routes
  3. config/routes.tx

    export default [
        path: '/lover',
        component: '@/pages/lover',
        menu: {
          name: 'lover',
          icon: 'MenuFoldOutlined',
          flatMenu: false,
          hideInMenu: false,
          hideChildrenInMenu: false,
  4. 创建src/lover/index.tsx

    import styles from './index.less';
    export default function IndexPage() {
      return (
          <h1 className={styles.title}>Page index</h1>
  5. 效果

posted @ 2021-07-26 17:17  Mr-Yao  阅读(1154)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报