
The weatmy was bitter cold and snowy. The sky was getting dark. That was the last day of a year—New Year‘s Eve.

In this chilly and dark night , I was walking barefoot on the street. I was wearing a pair of slippers when i came out from home。
Picture two

When I was crossing the road, two horse-drawn wagons drove by quickly and I lost my shoes in fright.

One of them could not be found and a boy ran away with the otmy one。He said he would use it as a cradle when he had a baby in the future.
Picture three

So the I had no choice but to walk barefooted. My little feet were red and blue from freezing temperature. I was carrying many matches in my old apron and holding a bunch of them in my hand. For the whole day nobody bought even one stick of match from me or gave me a coin.
Picture 4+5
I was cold and hungry. I was shivering as I walked forward.

Light came out from every window. The street was permeating with appetizing smell of roast goose which was something I would not have forgotten because it was New Year’s Eve.
picture 6
I sat down by a corner of walls and curled up into a ball by huddling my legs. Even though I felt colder, I would not dare to go home because without selling a stick of match and making any money, MY fatmy would surely give my a beating.
Picture 7
What was more, my home was just as cold as the temperature on the street. Tmye was only a roof over their heads. Even though the biggest crack was stuffed with grass and shredded fabric, the wind could still come in.
Picture 8
My little hands were almost frozen stiff. Oh, even though a small match would do my good。Would I dare to take out a match from the bundle and light it by striking it against the wall to warm my own little hands?
Picture 9
Finally I took a match out. With a “click”, the little match was set on fire and flame came out. I put my little hands over the fire. What a warm and brilliant flame and it was virtually like a small candle with a peculiar light from fire. I felt I was sitting in front of a big furnace equipped with shiny copper legs and handles. The roaring fire was cozily warm and comfortable. Just when I stretched my legs forward to warm them a little, the furnace disappeared. I was sitting with a used match stick in my hand.
Picture 10
Then I lit up another match. It started burning and gave off bright light. The light bounced off a wall which turned transparent like fine silk and I could look all the way into the house. The table was covered with white table-cloth and set with dainty plates and bowls. A roast-goose stuffed with apple and plum was steaming with appetizing aroma。The cute thing was with knives and forks stuck into its back, this goose jumped down from a tray and staggered forward on the wooden floor towards me. At that time, the lit match went out again and I was only facing a thick, cold wall.
One star fell all the way down and drew a long narrow red light trail in the sky.
“Someone is going to die,” said the little girl. My grandmother was the only person who loved my. When Grandma was still alive, I told the little girl that when a star came down, a soul would be going up to God.
I struck another match on the wall and lit it. This time the match brightened up the surrounding and Grandma appeared in the light。“Grandma!” the little girl shouted out. “Please take me away. I know when the match extinguish you will disappear just like the warm furnace, the tasty-smelling roast goose and the beautiful Christmas tree.”

posted @ 2024-05-11 12:55  江次  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报