
        对于数组ai,最大子数组定义为:ai的和最大的非空连续子数组,很明显,这个概念只对既有正元素,又有负元素的数组有意义,例如,对于ai[16] = {13, -3, -25, 20, -3, -16, -23, 18, 20, -7, 12, -5, -22, 15, -4, 7},最大子数组为{18, 20, -7, 12},此时的和为43,求解一个数组的最大子数组的算法依然是使用分治思想,把一个数组一分为二,最大子数组要么在左边,要么在右边,要么在中间,在中间则肯定包含中点,此时便可以从中点的左边和右边分别求出最大子数组的边界,合起来便是最大子数组,然后递归的调用此方法,便可求出原数组的最大子数组。



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int* find_max_crossing_subarray ( vector<int> &ci, unsigned low, unsigned mid, unsigned high); //函数返回数组的指针
int* find_maximum_subarray (vector<int> &ci, unsigned low,  unsigned high);

int* find_max_crossing_subarray ( vector<int> &ci, unsigned low, unsigned mid, unsigned high)  
	int *temp = new int[3];   //为防止局部变量内存被释放掉,采用动态分配内存
	int left_sum = -1000;
	int right_sum = -1000;
	int sum = 0;
	unsigned max_left = 0;
	unsigned max_right = 0;
	for (int i = mid; i >= 0 && i >= low ; --i)
	     sum =  sum + ci[i];
		 if(sum > left_sum )
		     left_sum = sum;
			 max_left = i;
	sum = 0;
	for (unsigned j = mid + 1; j <= high; ++j)
	     sum =  sum + ci[j];
		 if(sum > right_sum )
		     right_sum = sum;
			 max_right = j;
	temp[0] =  max_left;
	temp[1] =  max_right;
	temp[2] =  left_sum + right_sum;
	return temp;


int* find_maximum_subarray (vector<int> &ci, unsigned low,  unsigned high)
	int *temp_1 = new int[3];   //为防止局部变量内存被释放掉,采用动态分配内存
	if (low ==  high)
	    temp_1[0] =  low;
		temp_1[1] =  high;
		temp_1[2] =  ci[low];
		return temp_1;
		 int mid = (low + high) / 2;
		int *temp_left = new int[3];
		int *temp_right = new int[3];
		int *temp_cross = new int[3];
	    temp_left= find_maximum_subarray(ci, low,mid);
		temp_right= find_maximum_subarray(ci, mid+1,high);
		temp_cross= find_max_crossing_subarray ( ci, low,mid,high) ;
		if (temp_left[2] > temp_right[2] && temp_left[2] > temp_cross[2] )
		return temp_left;
		    if ( temp_right [2] > temp_left[2]  && temp_right[2] > temp_cross[2] )
			     return temp_right;
			    return temp_cross;


int main ()
   vector<int> ai;
    int num = 0;
    cout << "please enter the numbers that need to find the maximum subarray:" << endl;
    while (cin >> num )

	int* maximum_subarray = find_maximum_subarray(ai,0,ai.size () - 1);
	cout << maximum_subarray[0] << "\t"
		    << maximum_subarray[1] << "\t"
			<< maximum_subarray[2] << "\t"
			<< endl;
	delete[] maximum_subarray;

  return 0;











posted on 2017-04-10 21:52  wu_xin  阅读(158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
