1 <template>     
 2 <el-tree
 3         :data="datas"
 4         node-key="code"
 5         :highlight-current="bmhighlight"
 6         @node-click="handleNodeClickbm"
 7         :props="defaultProps"
 8         ref="tree"
 9       >
10         <span class="custom-tree-node" slot-scope="{ node, data }">
11           <span style="font-size:0.45rem;display:flex;">
12             {{ node.label }}
13             <span class="csse" style=""> ( {{ data.resourcecount }} ) </span>
14           </span>
15         </span>
16       </el-tree>
17 </template>
18 <script>
19 import { arrayToTree } from "../../share/treeanalys";
20 export default{
21 data{return{
22    defaultProps: {
23         children: "children",
24         label: "name"
25       },
26 datas:[]
27 }
28 }
29 methods:{
30   getTreeData() {
31       let query = {
32         user_id: 1,
33         type: 3,
34         k_words:this.filterText
35       };
36       getTreeList(query)
37         .then(res => {
38           // 成功之后的操作
39           console.log(res, "total");
40           this.datas = res.data;
41           arrayToTree(this.datas);
42           const treeObj = arrayToTree(this.datas, "guid", "pguid");
43           this.datas = treeObj.rooter.children;
44           console.log(this.datas, "this.datas");
45           // this.datass =
46           // this.data[0].children = res.data;
47           // this.data[0].children.map((item,index)=>{
48           //   item.label = item.alias
49           // })
50         })
51         .catch(res => {
52           // 失败时候的操作
53         });
54     },
55 }
56 }
57 </script>
View Code
        <span class="custom-tree-node" slot-scope="{ node, data }">
          <span style="font-size:0.45rem;display:flex;">
            {{ node.label }}
            <span class="csse" style=""> ( {{ data.resourcecount }} ) </span>
import { arrayToTree } from "../../share/treeanalys";
export default{
   defaultProps: {
        children: "children",
        label: "name"
  getTreeData() {
      let query = {
        user_id: 1,
        type: 3,
        .then(res => {
          // 成功之后的操作
          console.log(res, "total");
          this.datas = res.data;
          const treeObj = arrayToTree(this.datas, "guid", "pguid");
          this.datas = treeObj.rooter.children;
          console.log(this.datas, "this.datas");
          // this.datass =
          // this.data[0].children = res.data;
          // this.data[0].children.map((item,index)=>{
          //   item.label = item.alias
          // })
        .catch(res => {
          // 失败时候的操作







 * deepClone
 * ToDo : 循环引用以及函数拷贝
 * @param {any} obj
 * @returns any
 function deepClone(obj) {
    if (obj == null) {
      return obj
    if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
      return obj
    if (obj instanceof RegExp) {
      return new RegExp(obj)
    if (obj instanceof Date) {
      return new Date(obj)
    if (obj instanceof Array) {
      return obj.map(item => {
        return deepClone(item)
    let newObj = {}
    for (let key in obj) {
      newObj[key] = deepClone(obj[key])
    return newObj
  export { deepClone }
import {deepClone} from './deepclone'

 * 数组转换成树
 * @param {Array} arr array
 * @param {string} idField the id field
 * @param {string} pidField the parent's id field
 * @param {Funcction} rooterFunc the Function to judge array item is rooter node or is not
 * @param {string} childrenName the name of node's children when createing tree,default 'children'
 * @returns {Object{mapObj,rooter}} { mapObj, rooter }
export function arrayToTree(arr, idField, pidField, rooterFunc, childrenName = 'children') {
    // 克隆数组,否则当数组项为对象时,会修改原数组
    let arrCloned = deepClone(arr)
    // 先生成一个映射对象
    const mapObj = arrCloned.reduce((total, current) => {
      total[current[idField]] = current
      return total
    }, {})
    let rooter = null
    // 保存没有父节点的节点,如果没有传rooterFunc,自己创建一个根节点,把数组放进去返回根节点
    const noParentNodes = []
    // 循环挂载节点,返回根节点
    arrCloned.forEach(element => {
      if (rooterFunc && !rooter && rooterFunc(element)) {
        rooter = element
      const parentNode = mapObj[element[pidField]]
      if (parentNode) {
        if (!parentNode[childrenName]) {
          parentNode[childrenName] = []
      } else {
    // 当根节点是空的时候,创建一个根节点,把没有父节点的节点放进去
    if (rooter === null) {
      rooter = {
        [childrenName]: noParentNodes.map(noParentNodeId => {
          return mapObj[noParentNodeId]
    return { mapObj, rooter }


posted on 2022-03-24 14:07  风中追风wty  阅读(773)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报