





The device is running!
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sysname R1
[R1]user-interface con    
[R1]user-interface console ?
  INTEGER<0-0>  The first user terminal interface to be configured
[R1]user-interface console 0
  authentication-mode  Configure the authentication mode for a user terminal    
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode ?
  aaa       AAA authentication
  password  Authentication through the password of a user terminal interface
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode pa    
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode password 
Please configure the login password (maximum length 16):huawei123

  Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on

Login authentication



The device is running!
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sysname R1
[R1]user-interface co    
[R1]user-interface console 0
user-interface interface view commands:
  acl                  ACL-based connection
  arp-ping             ARP-ping
  authentication-mode  Configure the authentication mode for a user terminal    
  auto-execute         Do something automatically
  backup               Backup  information
  clear                Clear
  databits             Set the databits of a user terminal interface
  dialer               Dialer
  display              Display information
  flow-control         Set the flow control mode of the user terminal
  history-command      Record history commands
  idle-timeout         Set the timeout period for a terminal user
  mtrace               Trace route to multicast source
  parity               Set the parity mode of user terminal
  ping                 <Group> ping command group
  protocol             Set the user interface protocol
  quit                 Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
  redirect             Enable TTY or AUX user interface redirection function
  reset                <Group> reset command group
  return               Enter the privileged mode
  screen-length        Set the number of lines displayed on a screen
  set                  Set the parameters for a user terminal interface
  shell                Enable terminal user service
  speed                Set the TX/RX rate of a user terminal
  stopbits             Set the stop bit of the user terminal
  test-aaa             Accounts test
  tracert              <Group> tracert command group
  undo                 Negate a command or set its defaults
  user                 Set the parameters of a login user
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode ?
  aaa       AAA authentication
  password  Authentication through the password of a user terminal interface
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 pa    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 password ci    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 password cipher huawei123
Info: Add a new user.
[R1-aaa]local-user use    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 p    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 pr    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 privilege le    
[R1-aaa]local-user user0 privilege level 0


posted @ 2018-10-22 11:01  友情天  阅读(378)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报