DVE 如何查看代码覆盖率和功能覆盖率

#sv and DUT paths
RTL = ./router.v
SVTB = ./router_top.sv ./router_if.sv ./router_tb_pkg.sv ./router_tb.sv 
SEED = 1

#code coverage command
CM = -cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl
CM_NAME = -cm_name simv
CM_DIR = -cm_dir ./covdir.vdb

	 vcs  -l vcs.log -sverilog -full64  -debug_access+all \
   $(SVTB) $(RTL) \
	 -top router_top \
	 ${CM} \
	 ${CM_NAME} \

	./simv ${CM}  -gui -l run.log

	dve -full64 -covdir *.vdb &

	@echo ===========================================================================
	@echo  " 								        "
	@echo  " USAGE: make target <SEED=xxx>                                          "
	@echo  " 								        "
	@echo  " ------------------------- Test TARGETS --------------------------------"
	@echo  " test       => Compiles TB and GOOD DUT files, runs the simulation.     "
	@echo  " bad        => Compiles TB and BAD DUT files, runs the simulation.      "
	@echo  " compile    => Compiles the TB and DUT.                                 "
	@echo  " rung       => Runs the simulation.                                     "
	@echo  " template   => Builds ntb templates                                     "
	@echo  " dve        => Runs dve in post-processing mode                         "
	@echo  " debug      => Runs simulation interactively with dve                   "
	@echo  " clean      => Removes all intermediate simv and log files.             "
	@echo  "                                                                        "
	@echo  " -------------------- ADMINISTRATIVE TARGETS ---------------------------"
	@echo  " help       => Displays this message.                                   "
	@echo  " copy       => Copies lab files from previous working  directory        "
	@echo  " mycopy     => Copies lab files from previous solution  directory       "
	@echo  " solution   => Copies all files from current solutions directory        "
	@echo  " nuke       => Erases all changes. Put all files back to original state "
	@echo  "				     			                "
	@echo ===========================================================================

 1、对于代码覆盖率 要在编译时添加命令

CM = -cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl  # 表示要收集代码覆盖率的类型
CM_NAME = -cm_name simv    # 表示生成的覆盖率文件名
CM_DIR = -cm_dir ./covdir.vdb # 表示覆盖率要存储到哪个文件夹下面
./simv ${CM}  -gui -l run.log 即:
./simv -cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl -gui -l run.log   # 注意参数-cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl的顺序 必须紧跟在./simv 后面
然后使用make cov 打开 查看代码覆盖率和功能覆盖率:



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