蓝桥杯 地宫寻宝 X 国王有一个地宫宝库。是 n x m 个格子的矩阵。每个格子放一件宝贝。每个宝贝贴着价值标签。 地宫的入口在左上角,出口在右下角。 小明被带到地宫的入口,国王要求他只能向右或向下行走。 走过某个格子时,如果那个格子中的宝贝价值比小明手中任意宝贝价值都大,小明就可以拿起它(当然,也 阅读全文
D - Balanced Number HDU - 3709 A balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pivot is placed at some digit. More specifically, 阅读全文
What time is it anyway? 524288K The \text{Frobozz Magic Clock Company}Frobozz Magic Clock Company makes 12-hour analog clocks that are always circular 阅读全文
Marbles Gym - 101908B Using marbles as a currency didn't go so well in Cubicônia. In an attempt to make it up to his friends after stealing their marb 阅读全文
CS Course HDU - 6186 Little A has come to college and majored in Computer and Science. Today he has learned bit-operations in Algorithm Lessons, and h 阅读全文
Ilya Muromets Gym - 100513F Силачом слыву недаром — семерых одним ударом! From the Russian cartoon on the German fairy tale. Силачом слыву недаром — с 阅读全文