* @description An Easy Template in JavaScript, it is designed to reduce the string concatention work,
* to make the gigantic code more readable and maintainable.
function Template(tmpl,source){
//add all template tasks to this array
this.task = [];
* @description core function,hanlde two cases: typeof dataSource is either object or array
* when the type of dataSource is array,you'd better confirm that the fields in every object is the same.
Template.format = function(template,dataSource){
//default variable flags
var start = '{', end = '}';
if(dataSource && dataSource.slice && dataSource.length){
var retStr = [], formatted, len = dataSource.length, regMap = {};
//restore the RegExp,avoid to construct them repeatedly.
for(var regKey in dataSource[0]){
regMap[regKey] = new RegExp(start + regKey + end,'g');
for(var index in dataSource){
formatted = template;
for(var key in dataSource[index]){
formatted = formatted.replace(regMap[key],String(dataSource[index][key]));
return retStr.join('');
for(var key in dataSource){
template = template.replace(new RegExp(start + key + end,'g'),String(dataSource[index][key]));
return template;
Template.prototype.add = function(tmpl,source){
//add one template task
* @description handle all tasks,and return the final string.
* when this method is invoked,you can reuse the instance.
Template.prototype.end = function(){
var retStr = [];
for(var index in this.task){
this.task.length = 0;
return retStr.join('');
* @description An Easy Template in JavaScript, it is designed to reduce the string concatention work,
* to make the gigantic code more readable and maintainable.
function Template(tmpl,source){
//add all template tasks to this array
this.task = [];
* @description core function,hanlde two cases: typeof dataSource is either object or array
* when the type of dataSource is array,you'd better confirm that the fields in every object is the same.
Template.format = function(template,dataSource){
//default variable flags
var start = '{', end = '}';
if(dataSource && dataSource.slice && dataSource.length){
var retStr = [], formatted, len = dataSource.length, regMap = {};
//restore the RegExp,avoid to construct them repeatedly.
for(var regKey in dataSource[0]){
regMap[regKey] = new RegExp(start + regKey + end,'g');
for(var index in dataSource){
formatted = template;
for(var key in dataSource[index]){
formatted = formatted.replace(regMap[key],String(dataSource[index][key]));
return retStr.join('');
for(var key in dataSource){
template = template.replace(new RegExp(start + key + end,'g'),String(dataSource[index][key]));
return template;
Template.prototype.add = function(tmpl,source){
//add one template task
* @description handle all tasks,and return the final string.
* when this method is invoked,you can reuse the instance.
Template.prototype.end = function(){
var retStr = [];
for(var index in this.task){
this.task.length = 0;
return retStr.join('');
<!doctype html>
<script src="jTemp.js"></script>
<ul id="MenuItems">
<li class="nav"><a href="{href}">{text}</a></li>
var ul = document.getElementById('MenuItems');
var dataSource = [
var tmpl = new Template(ul.innerHTML,dataSource);
ul.innerHTML = tmpl.end();
<script src="jTemp.js"></script>
<ul id="MenuItems">
<li class="nav"><a href="{href}">{text}</a></li>
var ul = document.getElementById('MenuItems');
var dataSource = [
var tmpl = new Template(ul.innerHTML,dataSource);
ul.innerHTML = tmpl.end();