NSIS nsDialogs Plug-in
NSIS nsDialogs Plug-in
Next generation of user interface design
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Step-by-Step Tutorial
- Function Reference
- Macro Reference
- NSD_Create*
- NSD_OnBack
- NSD_OnChange
- NSD_OnClick
- NSD_OnNotify
- NSD_CreateTimer
- NSD_KillTimer
- NSD_AddStyle
- NSD_AddExStyle
- NSD_GetText
- NSD_SetText
- NSD_SetTextLimit
- NSD_GetState
- NSD_SetState
- NSD_Check
- NSD_Uncheck
- NSD_CB_AddString
- NSD_CB_SelectString
- NSD_LB_AddString
- NSD_LB_DelString
- NSD_LB_Clear
- NSD_LB_GetCount
- NSD_LB_SelectString
- NSD_LB_GetSelection
- NSD_SetFocus
- NSD_SetImage
- NSD_SetStretchedImage
- NSD_SetIcon
- NSD_SetIconFromInstaller
- NSD_ClearImage
- NSD_ClearIcon
- NSD_FreeImage
- NSD_FreeIcon
nsDialogs allows creation of custom pages in the installer. On top of the built-in pages, nsDialogs can create pages with any type of controls in any order and arrangement. It can create everything from a simple page with one label to form which reacts to user's actions. Modern UI 2, for example, uses nsDialogs to create the welcome and finish pages.
nsDialogs is a new NSIS plug-in, introduced in version 2.29 as a replacement for InstallOptions. nsDialogs doesn't use INI files, so it's way faster than InstallOptions. Integration with the script is tighter and more natural - creating controls is done using plug-in functions and notification is done by directly calling a function in the script. Unlike InstallOptions, there isn't a predefined set of available control type and by providing a lower level access to Windows API, every type of control can be created and pages can be more customizable.
The same thing that makes nsDialogs more flexible can also make it more complicated for users with no knowledge of Win32 API. This is solved by creating a library of predefined functions, defined in script, that allow creation and handling of controls. This way, novices get easy access to the flexibility, while advanced users still get access to the core functionality by modifying the library or simply avoid using it.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Basic Script
Before using nsDialogs, lets first create a basic script as our skeleton.
Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Page instfiles Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Custom Page
Next, we'll add a custom page where we can use nsDialogs. nsDialogs cannot be used in sections or any other function but a custom page's function.
Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Page custom nsDialogsPage Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Creating Page
Now that the foundations are laid, it's time to use nsDialogs. The first call must always be to nsDialogs::Create. It will create a new dialog in the page and return its HWND on the stack. The result must be popped from the stack to prevent stack corruption. If the result is error, the dialog couldn't be created.
nsDialogs::Create accepts one parameter. It has a very specific function, but to keep things simple for this tutorial, it must always be 1018.
HWND is a number that uniquely identifies the dialog and can be used with SendMessage, SetCtlColors and Win32 API.
!include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Page custom nsDialogsPage Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Showing Page
Now that the page is created, it's time to show it. This is done with nsDialogs::Show. This function will not return until the user clicks Next, Back or Cancel.
!include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Page custom nsDialogsPage Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Adding Controls
Compiling the last script and running it results in an empty page which is not very useful. So now we'll add some controls to it to. To do so, we'll use${NSD_Create*} macros from nsDialogs.nsh. Each of those macros takes 5 parameters - x, y, width, height and text. Each macro also returns one value on the stack, which is the new control's HWND. Like the dialogs HWND, it must be popped from the stack and saved.
Each of the measurements that the macros take can use one of three unit types - pixels, dialog units or percentage of the dialog's size. It can also be negative to indicate it should be measured from the end. To use dialog units, the measurement must be suffixed with the letter u. To use percentage, the measurement must be suffixed with the percentage sign - %. Any other suffix, or no suffix, means pixels.
Dialog units allow creation of dialogs that scale well when different fonts or DPI is used. Its size in pixels is determined on runtime based on the font and the DPI. For example, standard pages in the classic NSIS user interface are 266 dialog units wide and 130 dialog units high. Pages in Modern UI are 300 dialogs units wide and 140 dialog units high. In different resolutions, using different fonts or DPI settings, the dialogs will always have the same size in dialog units, but different size in pixels.
!include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Var Label Var Text Page custom nsDialogsPage Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 12u "Hello, welcome to nsDialogs!" Pop $Label ${NSD_CreateText} 0 13u 100% -13u "Type something here..." Pop $Text nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Available control types that can be created with ${NSD_Create*} are:
- HLine
- VLine
- Label
- Icon
- Bitmap
- BrowseButton
- Link
- Button
- GroupBox
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- Text
- Password
- Number
- FileRequest
- DirRequest
- ComboBox
- DropList
- ListBox
- ProgressBar
Control State
Now that we have some controls that the user can interact with, it's time to see what the user actually does with them. For that, we'll first add a leave callbackfunction to our page. In that function, we'll query the state of the text control we've created and display it to the user. To do so, we'll use the ${NSD_GetText}macro. Use the ${NSD_GetState} macro for RadioButton and CheckBox controls.
Note that not all controls support ${NSD_GetText} and some require special handling with specific messages defined in WinMessages.nsh. For example, the ListBox control requires usage of LB_GETCURSEL and LB_GETTEXT. With time, the library of macros in nsDialogs.nsh will fill with more and more macros that'll handle more cases like this.
!include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Var Label Var Text Page custom nsDialogsPage nsDialogsPageLeave Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 12u "Hello, welcome to nsDialogs!" Pop $Label ${NSD_CreateText} 0 13u 100% -13u "Type something here..." Pop $Text nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPageLeave ${NSD_GetText} $Text $0 MessageBox MB_OK "You typed:$\n$\n$0" FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Real-time Notification
One of the more exciting new features of nsDialogs is callback function notification of changes to the dialog. nsDialogs can call a function defined in a script in response to a user action such as changing of a text field or click of a button. To make nsDialogs notify us of events, we'll use ${NSD_OnClick} and ${NSD_OnChange}. Not every control supports both of the events. For example, there is nothing to notify about label changes, only clicks.
When the callback function is called, the control's HWND will be waiting on the stack and must be popped to prevent stack corruption. In this simple example, this is not so useful. But in case of a bigger script where several controls are associated with the same callback function, the HWND can shed some light on which control originated the event.
The new example will respond to the user type hello in the text box.
!include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Var Label Var Text Page custom nsDialogsPage nsDialogsPageLeave Page instfiles Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 12u "Hello, welcome to nsDialogs!" Pop $Label ${NSD_CreateText} 0 13u 100% -13u "Type something here..." Pop $Text ${NSD_OnChange} $Text nsDialogsPageTextChange nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPageLeave ${NSD_GetText} $Text $0 MessageBox MB_OK "You typed:$\n$\n$0" FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPageTextChange Pop $1 # $1 == $ Text ${NSD_GetText} $Text $0 ${If} $0 == "hello" MessageBox MB_OK "right back at ya!" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
So far we have a page that has some basic input controls. But what happens when the user goes to the next page and comes back? With the current code, the user's input will not be remembered. To remember, we'll use the already present leave callback function to store the user's choice in variables and pass these values when creating the controls the next time. For a better example, we'll also add a checkbox to the page and use ${NSD_GetState} and ${NSD_SetState} to get and set its state.
For clarity, we'll remove some of the notifications from the previous step.
!include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Var Label Var Text Var Text_State Var Checkbox Var Checkbox_State Page custom nsDialogsPage nsDialogsPageLeave Page license Page instfiles Function .onInit StrCpy $Text_State "Type something here..." FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 12u "Hello, welcome to nsDialogs!" Pop $Label ${NSD_CreateText} 0 13u 100% 12u $Text_State Pop $Text ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 30u 100% 10u "&Something" Pop $Checkbox ${If} $Checkbox_State == ${BST_CHECKED} ${NSD_Check} $Checkbox ${EndIf} # alternative for the above ${If}: #${NSD_SetState} $Checkbox_State nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPageLeave ${NSD_GetText} $Text $Text_State ${NSD_GetState} $Checkbox $Checkbox_State FunctionEnd Section DetailPrint "hello world" SectionEnd
Function Reference
nsDialogs::Create rect
Creates a new dialog. rect specific the identifier of the control whose location will be mimiced. This should usually be 1018, which is control mimiced for creation of built-in pages. The Modern UI also has control 1040 for the welcome and the finish page.
Returns the new dialog's HWND on the stack or error.
nsDialogs::CreateControl class style extended_style x y width height text
Create a new control in the current dialog. A dialog must exist for this to work, so nsDialogs::Create must be called prior to this function.
Returns the new dialog's HWND on the stack or error.
Displays the page. Call this once finished with nsDialogs::Create, nsDialogs::CreateControl and the rest.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog mode initial_selection filter
Displays a file selection dialog to the user. If mode is set to save, displays a file save dialog. If mode is set to open, displays a file open dialog. filter is a list of available file filters separated by pipes. If an empty string is passed, the default is used - All Files|*.*.
initial_selection can be used to provide the user with a default file to look for and/or a default folder to look in. If initial_selection is empty no default filename will be provided for the user and the dialog will start in the current working directory. If initial_selection specifies just a filename, for example "test.exe", the dialog will be set up to look for a file called test.exe in the current working directory. If initial_selection specifies just a directory, for example "C:\Program Files", the dialog starts in the provided directory with no file name provided. If initial_selection specifies a directory and a filename, for example "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe", the dialog will be set up to look for a file called calc.exe in the directory C:\Windows\System32.
Returns the selected file on the stack or an empty string if the user canceled the operation.
nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog title initial_selection
Displays a directory selection dialog to the user.
Returns the selected directory on the stack or "error" in case the user canceled the operation or an error occured.
nsDialogs::SetRTL rtl_setting
Sets right-to-left mode on or off. If rtl_setting is 0, it's set to off. If rtl_setting is 1, it's set to on. This function must be called before any calls to nsDialogs::CreateControl.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::GetUserData control_HWND
Returns user data associated with the control on the stack. Use nsDialogs::SetUserData to set this data.
nsDialogs::SetUserData control_HWND data
Associates data with the control. Use nsDialogs::GetUserData to get this data.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::OnBack function_address
Sets the callback function for the Back button. This function will be called when the user clicks the back button. Call Abort in this function to prevent the user from going back to the last page.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::OnChange control_HWND function_address
Sets a change notification callback function for the given control. Whenever the control changes, the function will be called and the control's HWND will be waiting on its stack.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::OnClick control_HWND function_address
Sets a click notification callback function for the given control. Whenever the control is clicked, the function will be called and the control's HWND will be waiting on its stack.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::OnNotify control_HWND function_address
Sets a notification callback function for the given control. Whenever the control receives the WM_NOTIFY message, the function will be called and the control's HWND, notification code and a pointer to the MNHDR structure will be waiting on its stack.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::CreateTimer function_address timer_interval
Sets a timer that'd call the callback function for the given control every in a constant interval. Interval times are specified in milliseconds.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
nsDialogs::KillTimer function_address
Kills a previously set timer.
Use GetFunctionAddress to get the address of the desired callback function.
Returns nothing.
Macro Reference
nsDialogs.nsh contains a lot of macros that can make nsDialogs usage a lot easier. Below is a description of each of those macros including purpose, syntax, input and output.
${NSD_Create*} x y width height text
Create a new control in the current dialog. A dialog must exist for this to work, so nsDialogs::Create must be called prior to this function.
Available variants:
- ${NSD_CreateHLine}
- ${NSD_CreateVLine}
- ${NSD_CreateLabel}
- ${NSD_CreateIcon}
- ${NSD_CreateBitmap}
- ${NSD_CreateBrowseButton}
- ${NSD_CreateLink}
- ${NSD_CreateButton}
- ${NSD_CreateGroupBox}
- ${NSD_CreateCheckBox}
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton}
- ${NSD_CreateText}
- ${NSD_CreatePassword}
- ${NSD_CreateNumber}
- ${NSD_CreateFileRequest}
- ${NSD_CreateDirRequest}
- ${NSD_CreateComboBox}
- ${NSD_CreateDropList}
- ${NSD_CreateListBox}
- ${NSD_CreateProgressBar}
Returns the new dialog's HWND on the stack or error.
${NSD_OnBack} function_address
See OnBack for more details.
${NSD_OnChange} control_HWND function_address
See OnChange for more details.
See Real-time Notification for usage example.
${NSD_OnClick} control_HWND function_address
See OnClick for more details.
${NSD_OnNotify} control_HWND function_address
See OnNotify for more details.
${NSD_CreateTimer} function_address timer_interval
See CreateTimer for more details.
${NSD_KillTimer} function_address
See KillTimer for more details.
${NSD_AddStyle} control_HWND style
Adds one or more window style to a control. Multiple styles should be separated with pipes `|'.
See MSDN for style description.
${NSD_AddExStyle} control_HWND style
Adds one or more extended window style to a control. Multiple styles should be separated with pipes `|'.
See MSDN for style description.
${NSD_GetText} control_HWND output_variable
Retrieves the text of a control and stores it into output_variable. Especially useful for textual controls.
See Control State for usage example.
${NSD_SetText} control_HWND text
Sets the text of a control.
${NSD_SetTextLimit} control_HWND limit
Sets input size limit for a text control.
${NSD_GetState} control_HWND output_variable
Retrieves the state of a check box or a radio button control. Possible outputs are ${BST_CHECKED} and ${BST_UNCHECKED}.
See Memory for usage example.
${NSD_SetState} control_HWND state
Sets the state of a check box or a radio button control. Possible values for state are ${BST_CHECKED} and ${BST_UNCHECKED}.
See Memory for usage example.
${NSD_Check} control_HWND
Checks a check box or a radio button control. Same as calling ${NSD_SetState} with ${BST_CHECKED}.
${NSD_Uncheck} control_HWND
Unchecks a check box or a radio button control. Same as calling ${NSD_SetState} with ${BST_UNCHECKED}.
See Memory for usage example.
${NSD_CB_AddString} combo_HWND string
Adds a string to a combo box.
${NSD_CB_SelectString} combo_HWND string
Selects a string in a combo box.
${NSD_LB_AddString} listbox_HWND string
Adds a string to a list box.
${NSD_LB_DelString} listbox_HWND string
Deletes a string from a list box.
${NSD_LB_Clear} listbox_HWND
Deletes all strings from a list box.
${NSD_LB_GetCount} listbox_HWND output_variable
Retrieves the number of strings from a list box.
${NSD_LB_SelectString} listbox_HWND string
Selects a string in a list box.
${NSD_LB_GetSelection} listbox_HWND output_variable
Retrieves the selected stringed from a list box. Returns an empty string if no string is selected.
${NSD_SetFocus} control_HWND
Sets focus to a control.
${NSD_SetImage} control_HWND image_path output_variable
Loads a bitmap from image_path and displays it on control_HWND created by ${NSD_CreateBitmap}. The image handle is stored in output_variable and should be freed using${NSD_FreeImage} once no longer necessary.
The image must be extracted to the user's computer prior to calling this macro. A good place to extract images is $PLUGINSDIR.
!include nsDialogs.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile nsDialogs.exe XPStyle on Page custom nsDialogsImage Page instfiles Var Dialog Var Image Var ImageHandle Function .onInit InitPluginsDir File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\image.bmp "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Header\nsis-r.bmp" FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsImage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateBitmap} 0 0 100% 100% "" Pop $Image ${NSD_SetImage} $Image $PLUGINSDIR\image.bmp $ImageHandle nsDialogs::Show ${NSD_FreeImage} $ImageHandle FunctionEnd Section SectionEnd
${NSD_SetStretchedImage} control_HWND image_path output_variable
Loads and displays a bitmap just like ${NSD_SetImage}, but stretched the image to fit the control.
${NSD_SetIcon} control_HWND image_path output_variable
Same as ${NSD_SetImage}, but used for loading and setting an icon in a control created by ${NSD_CreateIcon}. The image handle is stored in output_variable and should be freed using ${NSD_FreeIcon} once no longer necessary.
${NSD_SetIconFromInstaller} control_HWND output_variable
Loads the icon used in the isntaller and displays it on control_HWND created by ${NSD_CreateIcon}. The image handle is stored in output_variable and should be freed using ${NSD_FreeIcon} once no longer necessary.
${NSD_ClearImage} control_HWND
Clears an image from a control.
${NSD_ClearIcon} control_HWND
Clears an icon from a control.
${NSD_FreeImage} image_handle
Frees an image handle previously loaded with ${NSD_SetImage} or ${NSD_SetStretchedImage}.
${NSD_FreeIcon} icon_handle
Frees an icon handle previously loaded with ${NSD_SetIcon} or ${NSD_SetIconFromInstaller}.
- Q: Can nsDialogs handle InstallOptions INI files?
A: nsDialogs.nsh contains a function called CreateDialogFromINI that can create nsDialogs' dialog from an INI file. It can handle every type of control InstallOptions supports, but doesn't handle the flags or notification yet. Examples\nsDialogs\InstallOptions.nsi shows a usage example of this function.
In the future there'll also be a function that creates the script itself.
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