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(function ($)
    $.fn.tooltip = function (option)
        * 提示框jq插件
        * Author by 秋叶博客 http://www.mizuiren.com/494.html
        * option参数
        * {
        * background: "#ddd",(option可选)
        * position: "top|left|bottom|right",(option可选)
        * content: "这是实例提示文字!",(needed必选)
        * event: "hover|click",(event type事件类型, 可选)
        * color: "#3c4751"(font color文字颜色)
        * borderColor: "#ddd",(color 颜色 option可选)
        * fontSize: "14px",(font size 字号 option可选)
        * width:"200px",(width 宽度 option可选)
        * height:"auto"(height 高度 option可选)
        * }
        if (!$.isPlainObject(option))
            return console.error("tooltip传参类型居然不是个纯对象!");
        var _this = this, $tipContent;
        option.borderColor = option.borderColor || "#ddd";
        option.color = option.color || "#444";
        option.fontSize = option.fontSize || "14px";
        option.width = option.width || "auto";
        option.height = option.height || "auto";
        option.background = option.background || "#fff";
        function createTip(_this)
            $tipContent && $tipContent.remove();
            var timeId = "qiuye-tooltip-" + new Date().getTime();
            $("body").append('<div id="' + timeId + '" style="display:none;"><div class="qiuye-con"></div><i></i><i></i><style>#' + timeId + '{z-index:9999;border-radius:4px;position: absolute; padding: 5px 10px; display: inline-block;width: ' + option.width + ';height: ' + option.height + '; min-width: 70px;text-align:center; word-break: break-all; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid ' + option.borderColor + ';font-size:' + option.fontSize + ';color:' + option.color + ';} #' + timeId + ' i{position:absolute;display:inline-block;}</style></div>');
            $tipContent = $("#" + timeId);
            var $angle = $("i", $tipContent), $angle1 = $angle.eq(0), $angle2 = $angle.eq(1), $angleSize = 8;
            $(".qiuye-con", $tipContent).html(option.content || _this.attr("title") || "");
            var eleVar = {
                width: _this.outerWidth(),
                height: _this.outerHeight(),
                left: _this.offset().left,
                top: _this.offset().top
            var tipVar = {
                width: $tipContent.outerWidth(),
                height: $tipContent.outerHeight()
            var position = {}, offset = $angleSize * 2;
            //Set tip container position and style(设置消息提示框的位置以及样式)
            if (!option.position)
                option.position = "top";
            switch (option.position)
                case "top":
                    position.top = eleVar.top - tipVar.height - offset + "px";
                    position.left = eleVar.left - tipVar.width / 2 + eleVar.width / 2 + "px";
                case "bottom":
                    position.top = eleVar.top + eleVar.height + offset + "px";
                    position.left = eleVar.left - tipVar.width / 2 + eleVar.width / 2 + "px";
                case "left":
                    position.top = eleVar.top + eleVar.height / 2 - tipVar.height / 2 + "px";
                    position.left = eleVar.left - tipVar.width - offset + "px";
                case "right":
                    position.top = eleVar.top + eleVar.height / 2 - tipVar.height / 2 + "px";
                    position.left = eleVar.left + eleVar.width + offset + "px";
                    position.top = eleVar.top - tipVar.height - offset + "px";
                    position.left = eleVar.left - tipVar.width / 2 + eleVar.width / 2 + "px";
            position.background = option.background;
            //Set angle position and style(设置指示三角的位置以及样式)
            var angleStyle1 = {}, angleStyle2 = {};
            if (option.position === "left")
                angleStyle1.right = "-" + ($angleSize) + "px";
                angleStyle2.right = "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px";
            } else if (option.position === "right")
                angleStyle1.left = "-" + ($angleSize) + "px";
                angleStyle2.left = "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px";
            } else if (option.position === "top")
                angleStyle1.bottom = "-" + ($angleSize) + "px";
                angleStyle2.bottom = "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px";
            } else if (option.position === "bottom")
                angleStyle1.top = "-" + ($angleSize) + "px";
                angleStyle2.top = "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px";
            if (option.position === "left" || option.position === "right")
                    "top": "50%"
                    "margin-top": "-" + $angleSize + "px",
                    "border-top": $angleSize + "px solid transparent",
                    "border-bottom": $angleSize + "px solid transparent"
                }, angleStyle1, option.position === "left" ? {
                    "border-left": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.borderColor
                } : {
                    "border-right": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.borderColor,
                    "margin-top": "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px",
                    "border-top": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid transparent",
                    "border-bottom": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid transparent"
                }, angleStyle2, option.position === "left" ? {
                    "border-left": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid " + option.background
                } : {
                    "border-right": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid " + option.background
            } else if (option.position === "top" || option.position === "bottom")
                    "left": "50%"
                    "margin-left": "-" + $angleSize + "px",
                    "border-left": $angleSize + "px solid transparent",
                    "border-right": $angleSize + "px solid transparent"
                }, angleStyle1, option.position === "top" ? {
                    "border-top": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.borderColor
                } : {
                    "border-bottom": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.borderColor
                    "margin-left": "-" + ($angleSize - 1) + "px",
                    "border-left": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid transparent",
                    "border-right": $angleSize - 1 + "px solid transparent"
                }, angleStyle2, option.position === "top" ? {
                    "border-top": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.background
                } : {
                    "border-bottom": $angleSize + "px solid " + option.background
        //Bind event
        if (option.event)
            $(window).on(option.event + ".qiuye", function (e)
                e = e || window.event;
                var index = Array.prototype.slice.call(_this).indexOf(e.target);
                if (index > -1)
                } else
                    $tipContent && $tipContent.remove();
        //    _this.hover(function ()
        //    {
        //    createTip($(_this));
        //    $tipContent.fadeIn(200);
        //    }, function ()
        //    {
        //        $tipContent && $tipContent.remove();
        //    })
            Array.prototype.slice.call(_this).forEach(function (item, index)
        return _this;

//<a id="qiuye-shang">鼠标悬浮上面显示提示</a>
//    position: "top",
//    content: '这里放文本',
//    background: "#3c4751",
//    event: "hover",
//    color: "yellow"

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