[ Android Memory] MAT查看图片资源

参考: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12709603/mat-eclipse-memory-analyzer-how-to-view-bitmaps-from-memory-dump/12709604#12709604


1: 打开mat的inspector视图,比较重要的是mBuffer,  mWidth, mHeight


In MAT for related Bitmap object right click mBuffer field and select "Copy" -> "Save Value To File", name the file with an .rgba extension.

You need to note bitmap width and height from mWidth and mHeight fields, which you can see in Bitmap object.

Having ImageMagick command line tools installed (for Ubuntu apt-get install imagemagick), you issue convert command with the following parameters.

convert -size 'width'x'height' -depth 8 filename.rgba filename.png

For example

 convert -size 680x1209 -depth 8 phone_decor.rgba phone_decor.png


posted @ 2014-10-09 12:13  demoblog  阅读(1505)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报