三维坐标系下 使用opengl拾取物件的操作【新浪博客迁移】

代码来自nehe opengl:
void select()






   gluPickMatrix((GLdouble)lmouseX,(GLdouble)(viewPort[3]- lmouseY),1.0,1.0,viewPort);

   gluPerspective(45.0f,(GLfloat)(viewPort[2]-viewPort[0])/(GLfloat)(viewPort[3]- viewPort[1]),0.1f,50000.0f);




    hits =glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
      int   choose =buffer[3];                           // Make Our Selection The First Object
      int depth =buffer[1];                           // Store How Far Away It Is

      for (int loop = 1; loop <(int)hits; loop++)               // Loop Through All The Detected Hits
         // If This Object Is Closer To Us Than The One WeHave Selected
         if (buffer[loop*4+1] <GLuint(depth))
            choose =buffer[loop*4+3];                  // Select The Closer Object
            depth =buffer[loop*4+1];                  // Store How Far Away It Is
      int k = 0;

1.插入相应的矩阵变换函数 矩阵变换函数相当重要 如果错误将会影响整个操作的执行
posted @ 2012-04-26 16:12  晒米的猫  阅读(567)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报