/*==================== newbaseModel 数据库增删改查方法 start ================================*/ public function newbaseGetOne($condition = [],$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ $query = self::find()->select($select); $query->orderBy($orderBy); if($condition){ $query->where($condition); } return $query->asArray()->one(); } //获取全部数据 public function newbaseGetAll($condition = [],$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ $query = self::find()->select($select); $query->orderBy($orderBy); if($condition){ $query->where($condition); } return $query->asArray()->all(); } //通过条件查询多条关联模型记录 public function newbaseGetAllRelation($condition = [],$tables = [],$orderBy = '',$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN',$distinct = false){ $query = self::find()->select($select); // $query->innerJoinWith($tables); // $query->with($tables); // $query->joinWith($tables, true, 'RIGHT JOIN'); $query->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType); $query->orderBy($orderBy); if($distinct == true){ $query->distinct(); } if($condition){ $query->where($condition); } return $query->asArray()->all(); } //获取分页数据 public function newbasePageData($condition = [],$page = 1,$pageSize = 10,$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ //$select 过滤字段 ['id','field1','field2'] $page = ( $page - 1 ) ; $query = self::find()->select($select); $provider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => $query, 'pagination' => [ 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'page' => $page, ], ]); $query->orderBy($orderBy); if($condition){ $query->where($condition); } //pr($query ->createCommand()->getRawSql()); return $provider; } //获取分页数据 并且 关联模型记录 //$joinType LEFT JOIN ,INNER JOIN RIGHT JOIN public function newbasePageDataRelation($condition = [],$page = 1,$pageSize = 10,$tables,$orderBy = '',$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN',$distinct = false){ //$select 字段过滤 如: ['id','field1','field2'] //$tables 关联模型表 如: ['table1','table2'] $page = ( $page - 1 ); $query = self::find()->select($select); // $query->with($tables); // $query->joinWith($tables, true, 'RIGHT JOIN'); //$query->innerJoinWith($tables); $query->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType); $query->orderBy($orderBy); if($distinct == true){ $query->distinct(); } $provider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => $query, 'pagination' => [ 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'page' => $page, ], ]); if($condition){ $query->where($condition); } //pr($query ->createCommand()->getRawSql()); return $provider; } /*==================== newbaseModel 数据库增删改查方法 end ================================*/ /*==================== baseModel 数据库增删改查方法 start ================================*/ //新增一条数据 public function baseInsertData($data){ if(!is_array($data)) {return false;;}; $db = \Yii::$app->db; $ok = $db->createCommand()->insert(self::tableName(), $data)->execute(); if($ok){ //返回自增id return $db->getLastInsertID(); }else{ return false; } } //新增一条数据,返回原数据 public function baseCreateData($data){ if(!is_array($data)) {return false;}; $db = \Yii::$app->db; $ok = $db->createCommand()->insert(self::tableName(), $data)->execute(); if($ok){ //返回自增id和新增数据 $data['id'] = $db->getLastInsertID(); return $data; }else{ return false; } } //通过条件查询一条记录 public function baseGetOne($condition = [],$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ //$condition 搜索条件 如:$condition = ['and'];$condition[] = ['=','id',1];$condition[] = ['LIKE','name','dkh']; //$select 字段过滤 如: ['id','field1','field2'] $data = self::find()->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->one(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } /* * * 通过条件查询一条关联模型记录 * $joinType LEFT JOIN ,INNER JOIN RIGHT JOIN * */ public function baseGetOneRelation($condition = [],$tables = [],$orderBy = '',$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN'){ // return self::find()->innerJoinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->one(); $data = self::find()->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->one(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //获取全部数据 public function baseGetAll($condition = [],$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ $data = self::find()->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->all(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //通过条件查询多条关联模型记录 //$joinType LEFT JOIN ,INNER JOIN RIGHT JOIN public function baseGetAllRelation($condition = [],$tables = [],$orderBy = '',$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN'){ // return self::find()->joinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->all(); //$data = self::find()->innerJoinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->all(); $data = self::find()->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->all(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //根据id删除一条数据 public function baseDeleteById($id){ $this->id = $id; //return $this->findOne($id)->delete(); $status = self::findOne($id)->delete(); if(empty($status)){ return false; }else{ return true; } } //删除指定条件的数据 public function baseDeleteAll($condition = []){ if(empty($condition) || !is_array($condition)) {return false;}; $status = self::deleteAll($condition); if(empty($status)){ return false; }else{ return true; } } //执行原生sql语句,一般用于更新,批量新增,删除数据 public function baseExecuteSql($sql){ $db = \Yii::$app->db; //在调用的地方做执行是否成功的判断 $status = $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); if(empty($status)){ return false; }else{ return true; } } //执行原生sql语句,一般用于查询数据 返回单行 public function baseQueryOneSql($sql){ $db = \Yii::$app->db; $data = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryOne(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //执行原生sql语句,一般用于查询数据 返回多行 public function baseQueryAllSql($sql){ $db = \Yii::$app->db; $data = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //通过主键查询一条记录 public function baseGetOneByid($id){ $model = self::findOne($id); if($model){ return $model->attributes; }else{ return array(); } } //更新符合条件的数据 public function baseUpdateData($data,$condition = []){ if(empty($data)) {return false;}; if(empty($condition) || !is_array($condition)) {return false;;}; $res = self::updateAll($data,$condition); if($res === false){ return false; } return true; } //获取分页数据 public function basePageData($condition = [],$page = 1,$pageSize = 10,$orderBy = 'id DESC',$select = array()){ //$select 过滤字段 ['id','field1','field2'] $page = ( $page - 1 ) * $pageSize; $data = self::find()->select($select)->where($condition)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->orderBy($orderBy)->asArray()->all(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //获取分页数据 并且 关联模型记录 //$joinType LEFT JOIN ,INNER JOIN RIGHT JOIN public function basePageDataRelation($condition = [],$page = 1,$pageSize = 10,$tables = [],$orderBy = '',$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN'){ //$select 字段过滤 如: ['id','field1','field2'] //$tables 关联模型表 如: ['table1','table2'] // return $this->find()->joinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->asArray()->all(); $page = ( $page - 1 ) * $pageSize; //$data = self::find()->innerJoinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->asArray()->all(); $data = self::find()->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->asArray()->all(); //return self::find()->joinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->asArray()->all(); // return self::find()->joinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->orderBy($orderBy)->offset($page)->limit($pageSize)->createCommand()->getRawSql(); if(empty($data)){ $data = []; } return $data; } //通过条件查询记录条数 public function baseGetCount($condition = [],$select = array()){ $data = self::find()->select($select)->where($condition)->count(); return empty($data)?'0':$data; } //通过条件查询记录总和 public function baseGetSum($condition = [],$field = '',$select = array()){ $data = self::find()->select($select)->where($condition)->sum($field); return empty($data)?'0':$data; } //通过条件查询记录条数 并且 关联模型 //$joinType LEFT JOIN ,INNER JOIN RIGHT JOIN public function baseGetCountRelation($condition = [],$tables = [],$select = array(),$joinType = 'INNER JOIN'){ //return self::find()->innerJoinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->count(); return self::find()->joinWith($tables,true,$joinType)->select($select)->where($condition)->count(); // return self::find()->joinWith($tables)->select($select)->where($condition)->count(); } /*==================== baseModel 数据库增删改查方法 end ================================*/
1 2 3 4 5 6 | //选择分组 $condition = [ 'and' ]; $condition [] = [ '=' , 'member.shop_id' , $params [ 'shop_id' ]]; $condition [] = [ 'IN' , 'member.member_group_id' , $params [ 'member_tag' ][ 'groups' ]]; //索引数组 $wshMemberModel = new WshMember(); $memberList = $wshMemberModel ->baseGetAllRelation( $condition ,[ 'wxUserInfos' ], 'member.id DESC' ,[ 'member.id' ]); |
1 2 | $wshWxUsersModel = new WshWxUsers(); $userList = $wshWxUsersModel ->baseGetAll([ 'shop_id' => $params [ 'shop_id' ], 'user_id' => $uid ], 'id DESC' ,[ 'user_id' , 'open_id' ]); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | $insertData = [ 'material_id' =>isset( $params [ 'material_id' ])? $params [ 'material_id' ]:0, 'shop_id' => $params [ 'shop_id' ], 'shop_sub_id' => $_SESSION [ '_staff' ][ 'shop_sub_id' ], 'send_time' => $now , 'send_type' => $params [ 'send_type' ], 'text_content' => $params [ 'text_content' ], 'sort_content' => $params [ 'sort_content' ], ]; $insertId = $wshWxMessageSendMutilModel ->baseInsertData( $insertData ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | $dkhWxMessageMemberMutilModel = new DkhWxMessageMemberMutil(); $successValues = '' ; $successSql = '' ; //组装sql语句 foreach ( $successList as $item ){ $successValues .= "('{$insertId}','{$item['user_id']}','1','{$now}','{$now}')," ; } if (! empty ( $successValues )) { $successSql = "INSERT INTO `dkh_wx_message_member_mutil` (`send_id`,`user_id`,`send_result`,`created`,`modified`) VALUES " . substr ( $successValues , 0, -1) . ';' ; //插入发送成功数据 $dkhWxMessageMemberMutilModel ->baseExecuteSql( $successSql ); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | //消费减余额 $balance = $balanceData [ 'balance' ] - $data [ 'balance' ]; $map = [ 'and' ]; $map [] = [ '=' , 'member_id' , $orderData [ 'member_id' ]]; $map [] = [ '>=' , 'balance' , $data [ 'balance' ]]; $balanceOk = $dkhMemberExtendModel ->baseUpdateData([ 'balance' => $balance ], $map ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | //首充 ,可参加充值赠送活动 $condition = [ 'and' ]; $condition [] = [ '=' , 'dkh_recharge_activity.shop_id' , $data [ 'shop_id' ]]; $condition [] = [ '=' , 'dkh_recharge_activity.is_del' , 0]; $condition [] = [ '=' , 'dkh_recharge_activity.status' , 1]; $condition [] = [ '<=' , 'dkh_recharge_activity.start_time' , $now ]; $condition [] = [ '>=' , 'dkh_recharge_activity.end_time' , $now ]; $dkhRechargeActivity = new DkhRechargeActivity(); $rechargeActivityData = $dkhRechargeActivity ->baseGetOneRelation( $condition , [ 'dkhRechargeActivityRelation' ], 'dkh_recharge_activity.id DESC' ); |
熟悉Yii2的查询条件后,用Active Record查询数据非常方便。 以下我们介绍where()方法当中,条件的拼装方式。 #某个值为null,会用IS NULL来生成语句: ['type' => 1, 'status' => 2] // 生成:(type = 1) AND (status = 2) ['id' => [1, 2, 3], 'status' => 2] // 生成:(id IN (1, 2, 3)) AND (status = 2) ['status' => null] // 生成:status IS NULL ['NOT', ['type' => null]] // 生成:type IS NOT NULL #对比 ['>', 'id', 1] // 生成:id > 1 ['<', 'id', 100] // 生成:id < 100 ['=', 'id', 10] // 生成:id = 10 ['>=', 'id', 1] // 生成:id >= 1 ['<=', 'id', 100] // 生成:id <= 100 ['!=', 'id', 10] // 生成:id != 10 ['and', 'id' => 1, 'id' => 2] // 生成:id=1 AND id=2 ['and', 'id=1', 'id=2'] // 生成:id=1 AND id=2 ['and', 'type=1', ['or', 'id=1', 'id=2']] // 生成:type=1 AND (id=1 OR id=2) ['or', ['type' => [7, 8, 9]], ['id' => [1, 2, 3]]] // 生成:(type IN (7, 8, 9) OR (id IN (1, 2, 3))) ['not', ['attribute' => null]] // 生成:NOT (attribute IS NULL) ['between', 'id', 1, 10] // 生成:id BETWEEN 1 AND 10 ['not between', 'id', 1, 10] // 生成:id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 10 ['in', 'id', [1, 2, 3]] // 生成:id IN (1, 2, 3) ['id' => [4, 8, 15]] // 生成:id IN (4, 8, 15) ['not in', 'id', [1, 2, 3]] // 生成:id NOT IN (1, 2, 3) ['in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]] // 生成:(`id`, `name`) IN ((1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')) #用子查询作为IN条件的值,如下: ['in', 'user_id', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])] ['like', 'name', 'tester'] // 生成:name LIKE '%tester%' ['like', 'name', ['test', 'sample']] // 生成:name LIKE '%test%' AND name LIKE '%sample%' ['like', 'name', '%tester', false] // 生成:name LIKE '%tester' // 这是自定义查询方式,要传入值为false的运算数3,并且自行添加% ['or like', 'name', ['test', 'sample']] // 生成:name LIKE '%test%' OR name LIKE '%sample%' ['not like', 'name', 'tester'] // 生成:name NOT LIKE '%tester%' ['or not like', 'name', ['test', 'sample']] // 生成:name NOT LIKE '%test%' OR name NOT LIKE '%sample%' ['exists', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])] // 生成:EXISTS (SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "active"=1)
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