mongodb 以管理员登录并创建 database
在一个有了用户名的数据库集中,即使在 admin 数据库中创建了用户,登录上去后还是不能访问其他数据库的,但是用 登录是可以的呀,虽然可以在相应数据库中再建立用户,但别的程序都不用是怎么回事?
原来是要在用户名后加上 "(admin)" 标识.
//ok//MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://root:111@;slaveOk=true"); // connect to localhost
MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://root(admin):111@;slaveOk=true"); // connect to localhost
是在以下找到的,用的 baidu 关键字 "MongoDatabase GetDatabase Invalid credentials for database"
关键字来源于 C# 的错误提示:
An unhandled exception of type 'MongoDB.Driver.MongoAuthenticationException' occurred in MongoDB.Driver.dll
Additional information: Invalid credentials for database 'demoBaseaaa'.
本来想查找 mongodb.exe 中是怎么实现的 use,结果发现它调用 js.. 找了半天也没找到 C# 如何实现这样的先 use admin 再 use 普通 database 的,看来 API 和它的 shell tool 实现还是有差异.
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The database will be created automatically when you insert the first When running in authentication mode you must provide the credentials to use var credentials = new MongoCredentials("username", "password"); The only thing different about running with a replica set is that your |
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the reply. I have ran into some issues with the suggested I want to create a new database and then a new collection in that Here is what I am doing in code to achieve the above: // Connect to server // Create my new database // Create my new collection Observations: I am running in authenticated mode but the database has not been Questions: 1. Given that I am running in authenticated mode what is the proper Invalid credentials for database 'SomeTestDatabase'. Thanks. Best Regards, On Jan 18, 8:11 am, Robert Stam <> wrote: |
If you want the default credentials supplied in the URL to be
authenticated against the admin database you put "(admin)" after the username in the URL, like this: var url = "mongodb:// When you authenticate against the admin database you gain access to On Jan 27, 7:22 am, ALH <> wrote: |
Hi Robert,
This totally worked though I could not find this connection string on On Jan 27, 7:07 am, Robert Stam <> wrote: |
Connection strings
The easiest way to connect to a MongoDB server is to use a connection string. The standard connection string format is:
The username and password should only be present if you are using authentication on the MongoDB server. These credentials will be the default credentials for all databases. To authenticate against the admin database append "(admin)" to the username. If you are using different credentials with different databases pass the appropriate credentials to the GetDatabase method.