alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color' alias gb='git branch' gc='git checkout' gl='git log' ga='git add' gd='git diff' gs='git status' grs='git reset' grsh='git reset HEAD' gcm='git commit -m' gct='git commit' gcb='git checkout -b' gdc='git diff --cached' gp='git pull' gsi='git submodule init' gsu='git submodule update' #PATH="$PATH:/_cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin"; alias g='~/g' dv='~/' flvmerge='~/flvmerge' taomp3='~/taomp3' m='cd ~/music/manual' alias ep='vim ~/.bashrc' rp='. ~/.bashrc' alias xcurl='curl -x' alias gbc='gb | grep -oP "(?<=^\* ).+"' alias gdl='gl --pretty=oneline | head -n 2 | grep -oP "^\w+" | xargs -L 2 git diff -R' alias google='/cygdrive/c/Users/jian/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe' alias _oi='google "$(gbc | grep -oP -m 1 "(?<=feature/|bug/)\d+")"' alias oi='if ! tasklist | grep -q chrome.exe; then eval "_oi &"; else _oi; fi' alias fcs='iconv -f gbk -t utf-8' alias npp='"/cygdrive/C/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"' alias getmail="curl -A 'Mozilla/5.0' -b /tmp/cookie -d \"loginOp=login&username=\$(whoami)&password=\$(pswd)&client=standard\" -sL | awk '/mess_list_tbody\">/,/<\/tbody>/' | grep -oP \"(?<=<td width='160'>).+|(?<=<span>).+?(?=</span>)\" | sed '\$!N;s/\n/:\t/' | sed 's/\.\{3\}//g' | sed \"s/'/'/g\"" alias genjs='php web/js/app/build_tnc-poppen.js.php; java -Xmx32m -jar $(winpath /home/jian/poppen/web/js/app/tools/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar) --charset UTF-8 $(winpath /home/jian/poppen/web/js/tnc-poppen.js) -o $(winpath /home/jian/poppen/web/js/tnc-poppen-min.js)' alias apc="ssh bart 'sudo /srv/www/poppen.lab/jian/bin/apc'" function fs() { dir="$2" if [ -z "$2" ]; then dir=. fi grep -nFr $3 "$1" "$dir" 2> /dev/null } function ff() { dir="$2" if [ -z "$2" ]; then dir=. fi find "$dir" -name "$1*" $3 } function dp() { ./symfony sync "$(whoami)_$1" --go } function upper() { echo "$*" | awk '{ print toupper($0); }' } function key() { upper "$*" | sed 's/\s\+/_/g' } function stripcr() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then temp=temp1234567890 cat "$1" | awk '{ sub(/\r(?=\n)/, ""); print; }' > "$temp" mv "$temp" "$1" fi } function o() { explorer "$(winpath $1)" } function dm() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then options='-O' else options="-o" fi curl -L "$options" "$2" "$1" } function gpr() { branch="$(gbc)" if echo "$branch" | grep -qiP 'develop|master'; then echo '!! How can you push it to develop or master directly, fuck? !!' return 1 fi git push origin "$branch" echo "Successfully push '$branch' to remote branch" } function srv() { net "$1" "$2" 2>&1 | fcs } function winkill() { taskkill /f /im "$1" 2>&1 | fcs } function winpath() { dir="$1" if [ -z "$1" ]; then dir=. fi echo "$(realpath $dir)" | sed 's#/#\\#g' | sed 's/^\\/C:\\cygwin\\/' } function cygpath_() { dir="$1" if [ -z "$1" ]; then dir=. fi echo "$dir" | sed 's#\\#/#g' | sed 's#^\([a-z]\):#/cygdrive/\1#' } function pswd() { local pswd trap 'stty echo;return 2> /dev/null' SIGINT echo -n 'Password: ' 1>&2 stty -echo read pswd echo $pswd stty echo echo 1>&2 } function hnm() { local old='/tmp/tempoldmail' local new='/tmp/tempnewmail' if ! [ -f "$old" ]; then touch "$old" fi getmail | head > "$new" if ! diff -q "$new" "$old" > /dev/null; then echo 'Has new mail, latest 10 mails(NOTALLARENEW) are: ' echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' cat "$new" echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' mv "$new" "$old" else echo 'No new mail arrived. :)' fi } function vscp() { dsthost='root@' src="$1" dst="$2" if [ "$1" = "-r" ]; then srchost="$dsthost" dsthost= src="$3" dst="$2" fi if [ -z "$src" ]; then echo 'src directory not specified' echo 'Usage: vscp localsrcdir [ remotedstdir ] # for upload' echo ' vscp -r localdstdir remotesrcdir # for download' return 1 fi if [ -z "$dst" ]; then dst=. fi scp "$srchost$src" "$dsthost$dst" } PROMPT_COMMAND='if ~/strpos "$PS1"; then export PS1="\e[1;36m$(date +%R) \e[1;32m\w\e[1;37m> \e[m"; fi;' #trap '' SIGWINCH source ~/.git-completion.bash
posted on 2012-05-28 12:59 Wind__Fantasy 阅读(554) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报