Tiobe 十月编程语言排行


TIOBE Index for October 2023

October Headline: C# is getting closer to Java

The gap between C# and Java never has been so small. Currently, the difference is only 1.2%, and if the trends remain this way, C# will surpass Java in about 2 month's time. Java shows the largest decline of -3.92% and C# the largest gain of +3.29% of all programming languages (annually). The two languages have always been used in similar domains and thus have been competitors for more than 2 decades now. Java's decline in popularity is mainly caused by Oracle's decision to introduce a paid license model after Java 8. Microsoft took the opposite approach with C#. In the past, C# could only be used as part of commercial tool Visual Studio. Nowadays, C# is free and open source and it's embraced by many developers. There are also other reasons for Java's decline. First of all, the Java language definition has not changed much the past few years and Kotlin, its fully compatible direct competitor, is easier to use and free of charge. -- Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.


The following search engines didn't qualify for the indicated reason:


  • Bilibili.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Discord.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Docomo.ne.jp: NO_WEBSITE
  • Duckduckgo.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Dzen.ru: NO_COUNTERS
  • Facebook.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Fandom.com: NO_RESULTS_AT_ALL
  • Globo.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Instagram.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Linkedin.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Live.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Mail.ru: NO_COUNTERS
  • Microsoftonline.com: NO_WEBSITE
  • Naver.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Netflix.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Office.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Openai.com: NO_RESULTS_AT_ALL
  • Pinterest.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Pornhub.com: PORN_SITE
  • Quora.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Realsrv.com: NO_WEBSITE
  • Reddit.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Roblox.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Samsung.com: NO_RESULTS_AT_ALL
  • Stripchat.com: PORN_SITE
  • Tiktok.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Turbopages.org: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Twitch.tv: NO_COUNTERS
  • Twitter.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Weather.com: NO_RESULTS_AT_ALL
  • Whatsapp.com: NO_SEARCH_FIELD
  • Xhamster.com: PORN_SITE
  • Xnxx.com: PORN_SITE
  • Xvideos.com: PORN_SITE
  • Youtube.com: NO_COUNTERS
  • Zoom.us: NO_SEARCH_FIELD


posted @ 2023-10-19 10:12  我在装死呢  阅读(91)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报